11/07/04 Leistiko/Advisory Council Meeting 11/10/04s
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From: Leistiko Consulting [leistiko@digisys.net] �.
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 7:15 PM�
To: James Patrick
Subject: Airport Advisory Council meeting Nov 10, 2004
Here are some notes for the Airport Advisory Council meeting on Wednesday. I will be in Helena for a meeting all
I have asked them to make some motions that they forgot to do last meeting. And we can have it on the record
that they voted on these issues. Whether we want a vote from this group before we move on with anything will be
your call. I feel that discussions and verbal input to you or me is sufficient. Your call. Remember, they meet only
once a month and sometimes we need to move forward sooner than that. Maybe you can tell them that large
significant projects might be run by them first.
1. Motion to adopt the new airport layout plan submitted by me at the last meeting. This is the modification that
was needed to include the T & L Investment's three buildings. We hope to have a signed lease on these three
pieces of property by the end of this week. They have hired a local attorney to handle it for them. Charlie and I
have held meetings with them already. Everything looks good.
2. Motion to proceed with the Monk land purchase. This is the 10.65 acres on the south end of the airport. It is a
major purchase that will range in the $900,000 bracket. We have not discussed price yet. We have ordered the
appraisal for the property, the cost being handled through Community Development. I have had face to face
meetings with the Monk's.
3. Motion to provide repairs to the old hangar left on the Torgenson property. This building is not useable to us
as is. The main bi-fold door was considered unsafe by city engineers and should not be used or operated. So if
we want to use it for anything, we need to remove it and install a permanent wall in its place. The Quote from
Newmark Construction is to remove and dispose of the old door, install a 2" X 6" wall in its place. The wall will be
wood exterior and sheet rock interior, insulated with a 10' by 10' roll up vehicle door and a 3' man door. It will be
painted brown inside and outside. The cost of the project is $7,500 and will be paid by Airport TIF funds. We will
not have to pay TIF back for the project as P. Heath had claimed. The building will be a useable hangar/shop that
will be a functional building that will have to be moved or replaced when the airports new runway comes through
this area. 95% of the removal and/or replacement will be paid for by the FAA.
4. Motion to proceed with the purchase agreement with Dave Hoerner and Red Eagle Aviation. This is a project
we are waiting for the attorneys to finalize the documents. This project has no cash layout involved up front. We
will purchase the land and improvements from Dave Hoerner. He will keep his business and lease back from the
City the land and improvements. The City will credit the purchase price for the lease payments until the airport
project goes forward. When we submit a grant for the purchase of the property and improvements and it is paid,
Dave will get his money. We will not be able to count as income, his lease payments, because we will not be
receiving any money. When the agreement is signed, I will measure the buildings, etc. and do a lease agreement
for Dave to sign.
5. Dennis Carver's lease and developmental agreement are done and in Carver's hands. He is hesitating
because he was promised utilities by someone, some time ago. I am working on it and need no assistance at this
6. The Airport Layout Plan will not be updated until we have a firm decision on the financing of the ramp and
taxiway area. The cost of doing a revised ALP is around $6,000 each time. I don't want to spend the money until
I have to.
7. The money for the utilities and the engineering/drawings is coming out of the Airport TIF. The engineering
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and drawings for the ramp and taxiways will come out of TIF funds also, however, the ramp and taxiway are
reimbursable down the road when we have the tower situation mitigated.
8. Fred has been working with Public Works on the snow removal plan for this year. City Staff is reluctant to
have anyone (volunteers) out there plowing snow because of the liability involved. Last year the airport paid
public works $600 for snow removal (verified). Fred has worked out a deal with the public works department that
regardless of the work involved, the snow plowing bill will not exceed $1,000 for the year, and they will do all the
plowing. It is better for the professional to do the job anyway. The airport will be second priority after emergency
roads, and will be done every time the snowfall exceeds 1 inch.
9. Fred is working on a reply to the $17,500 grant issued to the City last year from the State Aeronautics. The
grant can only be used towards half of our portion of a federally approved project. We do not have any yet, so
Fred is asking for an extension of one year or revert it to some other project if he can. We will be submitting for
another grant this year that is not restricted to federal projects. We will be asking for funds to complete the
fencing Fred has been working on.
10. The Resolution passed on November 1 st has three things in it. The utilities for the NW corner, an internal
16' road from the NW gate to the future ramp, and a 16' carded gate for the NW entrance. The utilities is out for
bid, the other two projects will wait until Spring.
11. We will be asking City Council to extend the Airport TIF for 10 years by borrowing $_Million dollars to do
projects at the airport. The bond will be paid off with airport TIF funds. Included in this will be the NW ramp and
taxiway project. We hope to go forward on that in the Spring. Going out for bid over the winter.
12. All income and expenses are in line, Fred will be transferring some funds between accounts later on to make
sure we use all the funds allocated to him in the airport budget.
13. Fred is working on a list of signage inside the airport. Speed signs, parking signs, restriction signs,
prohibited traffic signs, etc. Any suggestions from the Council would be appreciated.
14. Fred and Jim will be on KOFI radio Monday morning November 15th at 9:00 to 10:00, listen in and call in
with some soft ball questions for us. Or just some nice comments would help.
This is all I can think of for now, you can call me on my cell phone if you have any questions. 250-3065 1 will be
in meetings in Helena from 1:00 to 5:00 on Wednesday, so will not be available for answers.
11 /8/2004