04/06/05 Hangar Fill EstimateGoose Bay Equipment KALISPELL AIRPORT HANGER FILL ESTIMATE --- April 6, 2005 1 Strip approximately 1760 CY of topsoil from borrow area 2 Strip approximately 980 CY of topsoil from fill site 3 Haul approximately 3800 CY from borrow area to fill area 4 Compact, water and grade fill site 5 Replace approximately 1760 CY topsoil on borrow area 6 Total CY moved is about 8300 CY 7 Total Graded includes fill site and borrow area Cost to move material is typically about $1.10 per CY for this distance Cost to place, compact, water and grade is about $1.50 per CY Estimated cost does not include dust management after completion, nor revegetation PROJECT NO.: LOCATION: REPORT DATE: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Equip. Equipment Hours Hourly Extended Hours Hourly Extended No. Type operated Rate Amount Employee Name Worked Rate Amount 615 Scraper 72.00 $ 85.00 $ 6,120.00 Operator 80.00 $ 35.00 $ 2,800.00 Roller 32.00 $ 46.00 $ 1,472.00 Operator 40.00 $ 32.00 $ 1,280.00 Water Truck 32.00 $ 33.00 $ 1,056.00 Truck Driver 40.00 $ 32.00 $ 1,280.00 Pick-up 24.00 $ 10.00 $ 240.00 Superintendent 80.00 $ 40.00 $ 3,200.00 Grader 16.00 $ 55.00 $ 880.00 Operator 24.00 $ 35.00 $ 840.00 $ 9,768.00 $ 9,400.00 MATERIALS USED AND COSTS Extended Description Units Unit Cost Amount Soils Laboratory Proctors 2.00 $100.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Equipment Cost $ 9,768.00 Labor Cost $ 9,400.00 Material Cost $ 200.00 $ 19,368.00