07/13/05 Hansz/Intersection of 18th Street & Airport RoadCity of Kalispell Public Works Department
Post Office Box 1997, Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 - Telephone (406)758-7720, Fax (406)758-7831
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13 July 2005
To: James H. Patrick, City Manager
CC: Charles Harball, City Attorney
From: James C. Hansz, P.E., Director of Public Works / City
Subject: Intersection of 18th Street and Airport Road
I understand there may be some discussion of selling the vacant parcel of land on 18th Street near
the City shop. If so, please keep in mind that this area has a particularly difficult intersection
offset which presents a genuine hazard to drivers traveling in any direction. We have looked at
potential solutions and believe the arrangement shown on the attached sketch makes most sense.
If there is a decision to sell or otherwise use this property, I would recommend reserving a road
ROW so that a re -alignment of 18th Street, Airport and First Avenue West can be constructed.
To: Jim Hansz, Public Works Director/City Engineer
From: Frank Castles, Assistant City Engineer Y V
CC: �V
Date: July 13, 2005
Re: Intersection of 18th Street and Airport Road
Attached is a conceptual sketch of a roadway layout for the referenced intersection.
The current intersection does not meet the current centerline offset requirement of
125 feet for local roads. This is a very awkward intersection for turns off 18th Street
onto Airport Road. The City owns the property between `Old Georges' and 18th
Street from First Avenue West to Airport Road. The placement of the realignment
would create two lots for development.
It is recommended that any transfer of ownership of this property reserved an
adequate right-of-way for the realignment of 18th Street west of Airport Road.