Alcohol/Event Policy1. You don't mix aviation and alcohol just like you don't mix alcohol and driving.
2. You may have a mechanic working on your car with a six pack sitting close by.
But the same is not true with aircraft mechanics.
3. The rule in aviation is 24 hours between the bottle and the throttle. For some folks it
should be 48 hours.
4. There will be expensive equipment located on the airport and we have a responsibility
to protect that equipment to the best of our ability.
5. Hangars may be owned by the occupant, but 10 feet away there are taxiways and other
hangars and equipment owned by others.
b. During day and night hours, their can and will be movement on the taxiways and ramps
of our new airport.
7. There is limited parking for each structure on the airport. Each hangar will have from
two to four parking spots designated for their use. There will not be any parking on or
near the taxiways that will prohibit movement of aircraft. Aircraft will have the right
8. On most airports, GA included, there is a public parking area off the airport proper
where people can park their vehicles and come onto the airport to do business. We
have not yet constructed that area, but it is planned with the next Phase.
9. Non -aviation personnel, and some aviation personnel, are not respectful of others
property. This includes the City property. We intend to restrict vehicle traffic from
the taxiways and runways at the airport. The temptation to run your vehicle down a
taxiway or runway at high speeds is directly related to your alcohol consumption.
Motorcycles are a big violator of this rule.
10. We plan to have new grass seeded along the new taxiways and ramp areas during this
first Phase of our reconstruction. Vehicles will be restricted to predetermined parking
spots upon the opening of the new Phase I.
11. New signage will control speeds and traffic movement on the airport effective with
the new area of operations being finished August 1'.
12. I am not opposed to the consumption of alcohol on the City Airport. I believe it must be
strictly controlled by permit only, With violators being prosecuted to the fullest extent.
13. The most dangerous situation is the group invitations to the hangar for a few beers after
work. I have already picked up piles of beer cans left by construction workers.
14. I need enforcement authority immediately, we are already getting drinking parties started.
Manager may issue a Notice To Airman (NOTAM) to close any portion of the Airport; or
to terminate or restrict any activity thereon.
g. At the request of any owner or operator of an aircraft, the Airport Manager
may have any person removed from an aircraft who creates a nuisance, is a threat to
personal property or to an aircraft.
100.3 Special Events, Displays and Demonstrations:
a. Any person or organization wishing to hold a special event on the airport
property must first apply for and be issued a permit by the City of Kalispell.
b. Display vehicles and pedestrians will not be allowed on the airport property
unless a permit has been issued by the City of Kalispell.
C. The permit application must include the following:
1. Sponsor's name and address.
2. Person in charge of the activities.
3. Map or drawing that shows the display area and parking area.
4. Hours of operation and security provided.
5. Who is responsible for clean-up after the event.
6. Specify whether event is free of charge or admission will be charged.
7. Specify whether food or beverage vendors will be participating.
d. "Warning" - The consumption of alcoholic beverages on city property is
forbidden by city ordinance unless a permit has been issued for a special event.
e. The permit must be applied for at least 90 days prior to the scheduled
event. The City will respond with the necessary requirements that must be met to hold the
100.4 Federal Aviation Regulations:
a. All activities at the Kalispell City Airport will be conducted in accordance
with applicable FAR's. These Rules and Regulations are not intended to replace Federal
Regulations or common sense.