Bid Summary/North End SurfacingBID summary Kalispell City Airport - North End Surfacing Improvements Robert Peccia & Associates 825 CusterAvenue *Helena *Montana ' (406) 447-5000 too Cooperative Way, Suite 200 ' Kalispell *Montana ' (406) 752-5025 Item Unit Engineer's Estimate Unit Price Total Price Schellin er Const JTL Group Unit Price Total Price Unit Price Total Price No. Quantity Unit Description (Figures) (Figures) (Figures) (Figures) (Figures) (Figures) BASE BID - taxiways & apron i .. 107 _ 1 ILS obi .._..._.i Mobilization (Special Provisions) $49,711.05 , $49,711.05 $58.000.00 .-._ $58,000.00 $71,000.00 $71,000.00 .. -_ 1(Shall not exceed$%) ... __. .. .. ... __.__ 702._ 14 010 `CY Unclassified Expvation jP 152) _ _. $4 00_ $56 040 00 $5.50 _ $77 055.00. $6.00 $84 O60 00 703 1251,,SY - ._1Remoye Exlstmg_Agphaft Pavement 1D1)^_ $4.� 00 _ _ $3.00 __ $3753.00 __$300 _ $375300 _ta772_'LF 18"_RCP, Class 111 _(D-7011 ______, ._.._.._. w _. _......._ __?,000 S45.00_1 .-_S88fi00A0 $37,710.00 __$4000, $4600 $311548.00. $5000 $41,900.00, 105 106 838. LF 7JEA 12",RCP Class IIl(D-701) _ !48'_ Storm Crain inlets(D-751)_ $1,500.00.; $10.500.00 $180000 _ $12,600.00 $1,400.00 $9,800.00 Manhole Adjustments ., ._ ___.......,__ ..._._ , _ �..__. $t 000.00_i _ _.__ $3,000 00 _ __. $800.00 __.... $2,400.00 $1,500 00_. $4,500_00 108 5 EA Valve Box Adjustments ____ _. $1 000 00 1 $5,000 00 _,. $700 00. $3 500.00, $B00 00 , $4 000.00. 109 33,418 SY (Subsurface Separation Fabric (P 670) $1 50 i $50127 00 $0.95 $31 747.10_ $7 55 $51 797 90 110_„ a 11,139 rCy_. Subgrade Maten_al_(P 154) $1950 j $21721050 $26.00 _, $28961400 $3000 $3341700D, 111_ 1 3,713CY Crushed _Aggregate Base Course (P 208)__._r,. ._ $2200, m $8168600 $32_00 $11881600 $4000. $14852000_ 453m2_iTON ..._..._ $5.00_; $14,690.00 $300.00 _____ $13,560.00 ._$375 0000 ........ _$16 950_00 113, 5,348, (TON 3m Bituminous Surface Course $25001 $133,70000 $33.00 $176484.00 $2700 $144396.00 _ 114__ 374 ,___ j&tuminous Material, Asphalt PG58 28 (P 401) ., $275.00. $102,850 00 ------- $130.00 $48,620.00 $215 00 $80 410.00 „__115_ _iTON 2EEA $750,00 St_50000 $120000 $240000 $60000 $720000 1 6 - 36 SEA Tledown Removals _., , $50.OQ I $7,800 . , _ 117 99 '1 [A Tiedown Anchors (D 755) _ __ $5D0 00 _I $5.00,f $49,500 00 $62500 $500 00 $250 $49 500 00 $31250 $675 00 $340 $66 825.00 $42500 116 119_ 125 ILF 125LF (Trenching for PVCDucts(L 108) 4 PVC Soh 80 DUCt (L 110) .,_ $1000 $125000 $1050 $131250 $1400 _$175000 720__ 16 EA ;Pavement Not Markers (L-110)----------- „_._u -, ,, ,, , -,_ $100_00 f $7,60000 , ,,.., ,,$14000, .... , $2,24000 $18000 _"Itou ) _ 121 35 iEA L-853, 24"High Retrorefled-ive Blue TW Markers $100.00 $3,500.00 $140.00 $4,900.00 $180.D0 $6,300.00 122 3 706 jSF (Taxiway Painting Full Rate w/ Reflective Media F $1 00 $3,105.00 $2 00 $B 212.00 $2 75 $8 541.50 620) 123 176,}GAL, (Coal Tar Pitch_ Emulsion Peal ,C(P cat625)„_, ., ,,,„_ $2500 $440000 ,,, $20 OD _._ $3520.00 $2000 124_ _. 65,LF bYt Chain Link Fence Relocate(F162j_, $1500, $97500 $18.00 $1t7000 $36,00 $234000 125 23,610 i0Y _ _, iTopsciling, Stripping, StockpOmg and placing_(T 905) a_ __ $5.00 i ._ $118,050 00 $4 00 $94,440 00 $7 00 $165270 00 126 50AC Seeding Fertilizing & Mulching - Special Provisions] _.._.. _. ..w $150000 ,.._ .. ...,._„_.. $7,500.00 _. ,. $1,200.00 ...... . ... $6,000.00 .. ... ...... $1,950.00 _....... $975000 ... ,._._. _.._,._. __.____-. TOTAL ____... __€(T907,T908, BASE BID - CONSTRUCTION COSTS: $1,049,634.55 $1,124,78410 $1,339,536 ao ADDITIVE ALTERNATE 1 - access road '.. AA 1_ 108 LF ii2", RCP CIass_V (D 701) $54,00 $5,83200 $11000 $1188000 $12000 $12960,00_ AA-2 1.1EA ._, Manhole Adjustments $1,989.65 j $1,98965 $1,100.00 $1,100.00_ $1,50000 $1,500.00 AA-3, lSY Subsurface Separation Fabric_(P-670) _ -._$2.DO I ,$445000 $095 $211375 $155 -$344875 . AA-4_ _2,225 7422 CY _ Su_bgrade MatedLi $18_DOj $73,35600 ,._ $2600 .,_ $1929200 _ ,$3000 $22260_00 AA-5i ..... 247_CY _ Crushed Aggregate Base Course (P-208) $22 00 1 $5,434.00 $32.00 $7,904,00_ $40.00 $9,88000 AA-6 2.8 ;TON Bituminous Prime Coat jP 602-5.1) _ llsmoO i $910.00 $300 00 _., $840 00 $375 00 _$1,050.00,_ AA-7 328 .TON ,3„Bituminous Surface Course(P 401) $25 00_ $8 200 00 -_ „ $33 00 -,- $10 824 00. , _ $27 00 $6 85600 AA-8 28 iTON Bttgmmous Material Asphalt PG58-28 (P_407) ,_ $27500 €_ $6325,00, ,.$13000 .,, $299000 $21500 .,_ �.$494500., AA-9. 65 LF �610hain Link Fence New (F-162) - _ $25.00 ? $1,625 00 _ $29.00 $1,885.00 $40 00 $2 60000. , AA-10 - 1 lEA 16ft Chain Link Fence - Automatic Cantilever Slide Gate $16,000.00 7 $16,000.00 $16,000.00 $16.000.00 $21,500.00 $21,500.00 .16 ft Ooenitio (F-1.64).. ,_... . . .. ........ ....-_ . ..-. _._ .. '" $64,121,65 $74,828.75 $88,999.75 Between June 15t1i and August 1, 2005 a construction contract will be underway for a new aircraft apron (33 tiedown spaces) and six hangar access taxiways to service 11 individual hangars + 20 t-hangar units at the Kalispell City Airport. Aircraft access to the runway from the West Side Hangars during this time will be - temporary .-,rovisions will be made for a tecome paved at the completion of the project. You may want to move your aircraft prior to these activities, to assure aircraft passage when it is needed. e request your patience and if you have further questions please contact: Phil Porrini, with Robert Peccia & Associates 447-5000 Ryan Mitchell with RPA, 752-5025 Brandon Theis with RPA, 752-525 r Fred Leistiko, 250-3065