Kadrmas Lee & Jackson SOQStatement of Qualifications
Airport Planning
Kalispell City Airport
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
April 1997
Lee &
April 15, 1997
Mr. Clarence Krepps
City Manager
City of Kalispell
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, Montana 59903
Re: Airport Planning Study
Dear Mr. Krepps:
Roger O. Lee, P.E. - L.S. (Retired)
Enclosed are five copies of our Statement of Qualifications for the Airport Planning Study for the
Kalispell City Airport. We appreciate this opportunity to present our qualifications in airport
planning to you and are confident of our ability to satisfy your requirements on this project.
As you will see in our proposal, Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson has taken the time to understand, first-
hand, your particular planning issues and learn about those circumstances that make Kalispell
unique. We differentiate ourselves by tailoring our work to your individual needs. I assure you that
we will carry this tailored planning approach throughout your project.
If you have any questions on our proposal, please feel free to contact Rick Ennen or myself at (701)
255-0076. We would be happy to discuss the proposal further with you, over the telephone or in your
office. I also encourage you to contact any of our references listed in the proposal.
Thank you for this opportunity to submit our Statement of Qualifications.
Niles Hushka, PE
Vice President
P.O. BOX 1157 ® BISMARCK, ND 58502-1157 • (701) 255-0076 a FAX (701) 255-0943
A Professional Corporation
Table' of �Contents
Summary................................................................................................................................................................ 1-4
Descriptions of Firms
Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson ....................................................................................................
Associated Consultants in Transportation
.......................................................................... 6
Proposed Project
ProjectUnderstanding .....................................................................................................
ProjectOrganization ... ....... I ........................................................................................... 9-10
ProjectApproach .......................................................................................................... 11-16
PublicParticipation .................................................................................................................................. 17-18
Recent Experience, Fs Industry Reputation
References.......................................................... ........................................................ 19-20
Experience Profiles ................... ................................................................................... 21-28
Personnel Qualifications fi Experience
Resumes............................................................................................. .......................... 36-38
DBEGoal ..................... I ....... I ................................................................................................................................... 39
I Z Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson is pleased to present its Statement of Quali-
'Nadrmasfications to the Kalispell City Airport Authority. KL&J leads the
Leu--- & industry in the preparation of airport planning and engineering stud-
ies for general aviation and commercial service airports in Montana
and the Dakotas. We achieved this status through:
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors Client Commitment
® Staff with unrivaled industry experience
State-of-the-art technology
We selected Associated Consultants in Transportation, an airport
consulting firm based in Prescott, Arizona, to complement our
strengths. ACT is working with us on other airport planning studies
and has considerable experience in airport projects throughout the
Southwest. ACT is a certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise.
KL&J/ACT have identified several planning issues relevant to the
Kalispell City Airport. These issues are listed below and described
further under Project Approach.
• Inclusion in the NPIAS program
• FAA Airport Design Criteria
• Runway Length Extension
• Airspace Obstructions (AM Towers)
• Land Use Compatibility
• Aircraft Noise
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
KL&J/ACT will prepare a comprehensive planning study that fo-
cuses on these and other issues. Each of our airport projects is unique,
and we will strive to tailor our approach to those characteristics that
make Kalispell unique.
Part of our tailored approach is our ability to offer geographic infor-
mation systems (GIS) technology to Kalispell. GIS is unparalleled
for mapping airport development and modeling surrounding land uses,
aircraft noise and other environmental concerns for the public's com-
........... i
Lee &
Consulting Engin
and Surveyors
• Master Plans
• Airport Layout Plans
• Strategic Airport Plans
• General Business
• Economic and Self -Sufficiency
• Marketing and Public Relations
• Geographical Information Systems
• Applications in Pavement, Properties, Environmental
and Project Management
• Asset Management
• Minimum Standards
• Competitive Tenant Selection Processes
• Contract Negotiations
• Lease Management
• Concessions Development
• Idle Land Use Development
• Land Acquisition and Relocation
• Environmental Assessments
• FAR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Plans
• Site Acquisition Assessments
• Grant Applications
• DBE Plans
n . -
• FAA Compliance
• Master Plans
• Environmental Assessments
• Aircraft Noise Contour Models
• Land Use Compatability Plans
• TERPs and Obstruction Models
• Storm Water Models
nent Deterioration Models
ties & Equipment Inventory
• Revenue/Cost
General Services
Electrical Engineering
+ Airport Lighting & Controls
Geographic Information
+ Airport Infrastructure
Land Development &
+ Airport Compatible Uses
Municipal Services
+ Airport Sites
+,Airport Communication
Transportation Engineering
+'Airport Planning, Design, &
Urban Planning
+ Airport Terminal Areas
Water Development &
Corporate Officers
Gene Jackson, President
Dickinson, ND
Niles Hushka, Vice President
Bismarck, ND
Barry Schuchard,Secretary/Treasurer
Valley City, ND
Description of KL61
Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson was founded as a civil engineering
firm in the 1930s. Today we are a locally owned firm offering
civil and electrical engineering, planning services, and
advanced technologies such as Global Positioning System
(GPS) surveys and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Our clients range from federal and state entities, to local
governmental groups, and private companies. We understand
that project development goes beyond engineering. Our multi-
disciplinary team monitors industry technology and regulatory
changes and strives to combine creative thinking, sound
judgment, and flexible common sense to make sure your
project meets your expectations.
Our commitment to quality includes our belief that hands on,
face-to-face service is essential in meeting the needs of our
clients. When you choose Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson for your
project, you're not only choosing an industry leader, but a team
offering a personal, tailored approach to your project.
Design and construction engineering is distributed among the
offices according to locations and specialty fields.
Regional KLFr] Service Area
Lee &
Comulting Engineers
and Surveyors
Description of ACT
Airport ServIc¢s Associated Consultants in Transportation (ACT) was founded in
1987 by Sondra Eisberg, Principal. ACT is a consortium of
A professionals offering services in the transportation arena, with
ADA Compliance emphasis in airports and aviation.
Airport Leases
Appraisal Reviews All of ACT's associates are uniquely qualified for a wide variety
Acquisition Programs of airport administrative and planning projects. Each associate has
Airport Marketing a working knowledge of Federal Aviation administration and
USDOT rules and regulations. ACT's goal is satisfied clients and
C repeat business.
Concessions Planning As a Women -owned business, ACT as well as many of the
Comparable Rents Program associates are certified as Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. All
Compatible Land Use work completed by ACT receives 100% DBE credit.
Contracts Review
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
'Props a vroject
Project Undei rstanding
project Organization
=- sR
Project approach
ly 3
Project Understanding
Kalispell, county seat of Flathead County, is located in the center of
Flathead Valley. Since its establishment in the late 1800s, Kalispell
has prospered and grown by attracting people and businesses to its
rich natural heritage.
Today, greater Kalispell is home to more than 27,000 residents and
is a major trade center for northwest Montana. Kalispell residents
enjoy the city's regional medical center, skilled nursing facilities,
doctors and emergency helicopter.
According to the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce, the major indus-
tries are timber and wood products, aluminum refining, agriculture
and tourism. Per capita income in the county has risen strongly at an
average annual rate of 7.5 percent since 1989. This profile of Kalispell
suggests a vibrant community ready for the 21st century.
The city is served by the Kalispell City Airport, a general aviation
airport located on its south side. Until recently, the Kalispell City
Airport was operated and funded entirely by Kalispell and was not
eligible for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funding. FAA
airport improvement funds for the area went entirely to Glacier Park
International Airport, the air carrier airport serving the area.
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
That situation has now changed, and the FAA is willing to consider
bringing the Kalispell City Airport into the National Plan of Inte-
grated Airport Systems (NPIAS). Inclusion in NPIAS qualifies the
Kalispell City Airport for FAA funding for capital improvements,
but also requires the Airport to meet the sponsor's assurances in the
grant agreement. These stipulations govern many aspects of the op-
eration, maintenance and design of the Airport's runways and taxi-
ways. The FAA also requires the community to protect the Airport
from objects that obstruct airspace and land uses that are not com-
patible with aviation activity.
In order to formulate a long-term development plan, help satisfy fu-
ture capital funding needs, and facilitate the Airport's compliance
with FAA requirements, the Kalispell City Airport Authority has
elected to pursure the anticipated planning study for the Kalispell
City Airport.
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
end Surveyor
Project Organization
A successful airport planning project, such as envisioned by the Kalispell
City Airport Authority, demands the effective involvement of the public
and key agencies in the planning process. Without this involvement, the
planning study is destined to fail for lack of support for its implementa-
On the following page is our proposed organization chart for the Kalispell
City Airport Authority's anticipated planning study. This chart identifies
key participants and their relationships to the project.
KL&J is experienced in obtaining effective public participation in its plan-
ning studies, and has developed and implemented numerous public par-
ticipation programs for airport and urban transportation planning studies.
Additional details on this important process are contained under a sepa-
rate heading titled Public Participation.
A primary participant in this project is the Federal Aviation Administra-
tion (FAA). Kl&J has developed a strong working relationship with the
FAA on several airport planning projects in Montana. We believe that the
Kalispell City Airport Authority will benefit from our proven ability to
work effectively with the FAA and other agencies.
Lee &
Comuldng Engineers
and Surveyors
Kalispell 'Planning Study
Organizational Chart
urNa{ urrent yr
"'4v� F VFh�p"
City Airport
'rmcip l in Char +
Niles Hushka, PE
I s i _Jfb t STl UIYLii�bl
Rick Ennen, AAE
Bob Shannon, PE
),- Rick Ennen, AAE
> Mark Marvel, PE
),-Dean Anagnost, PE
Kent Orvik, RLS
> CAD Drafters
Lee &
C.mdting Engineers
and Surveyors
Project f;pproach
Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson and Associated Consultants in Transporta-
tion understand that the Kalispell City Airport Authority desires to
resolve several issues in this planning study. KL&J/ACT offers a
comprehensive blend of airport planning, engineering and adminis-
tration skills uniquely suited to the Airport Authority's requirements
for this project.
The following is a brief discussion on several of the potential plan-
ning issues relevant to the Kalispell City Airport. KL&J/ACT is pre-
pared to provide detailed analyses and recommendations for these
issues. Our purpose is to provide the Airport Authority and commu-
nity meaningful guidance and direct assistance in the complete reso-
lution of each issue.
FOR Airport Design Inclusion of the Kalispell City Airport in NPIAS will require that its
Criteria facilities meet the minimum design requirements specified in FAA
advisory circulars and regulations. KL&J/ACT has prepared master
plans for several airports in Montana and North Dakota for the pur-
pose of including them in NPIAS. Our review of the Airport's facili-
ties suggests that some facilities may not meet current FAA design
criteria (e.g., taxiway width).
Important FAA airport design documents in this planning study are:
♦ AC 150/5300-13 Change 5, Airport Design, which specifies de-
sign criteria for runways, taxiways and critical areas, and
Lee &
consulting Engffi e
and Su y..
Object FreI
Runway Protection Zone ` /
FAR Part 77, Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace, which es-
tablishes standards for identifying towers and other objects that
may obstruct the passage of aircraft through the airspace sur-
rounding the Airport.
The selection of the appropriate design criteria for the Kalispell City
Airport is based chiefly on:
The wingspan and approach speed of the largest aircraft that
frequently uses the Airport, and
The flight visibility minimum specified for approaches to the
The FAA's implementation of the global positioning system (GPS)
for aircraft navigation may make it possible for the Airport to achieve
an instrument approach with a visibility minimum less than the cur-
rent visual approach minimum of three miles.
KL&J/ACT will forecast and identify the aircraft fleet mix and ap-
proach visibility minimum for the Airport Authority's consideration
in the selection of the appropriate FAA airport design criteria.
KL&J/ACT is prepared to model and inventory the Airport's facili-
ties and descriptive data using ARCINFO and ARCVIEW, a geo-
graphic information system (GIS). GIS would give the Airport Au-
thority the ability to comprehensively manage its facilities data and
facilitate the future planning of the Airport.
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
Runway Extension The current length of the Kalispell City Airport's runway is 3,600
feet. This length is minimally acceptable for small single -engine air-
craft, and unusable for many twin -engine aircraft during periods of
very warm temperatures. The moderately high elevation of the Air-
port, 2,935 feet, significantly increases the length of runway needed
over lower elevations.
FAA design criteria suggest a runway length of at least 4,300 feet for
the Airport. A longer ultimate length may be justified if the fleet mix
forecast for the Airport shows aircraft larger than presently antici-
This extension requires the acquisition of land and may require the
relocation of residences. This action normally requires an environ-
mental assessment (EA) before the FAA may participate in their fund-
ing. The preparation of EAs is governed by FAA Order 5050.4A,
Airport Environmental Handbook. KL&J/ACT will fulfill the require-
ments of this document in the preparation of the EA.
Order 5050.4A requires public participation in the planning process.
KL&J/ACT will ensure that the public has full opportunity to par-
ticipate in this project. KL&J/ACT is experienced in the formulation
and implementation of effective public participation programs for
airport and urban transportation planning studies, including EAs.
Additional details on this important process are contained under a
separate heading titled Public Participation.
KL&J/ACT is prepared to use ARCMO and ARCVIEW geographic
information systems (GIS) to develop the EA for this project. GIS
has the ability to clearly and concisely model and map airport devel-
opment, land uses, potential environmental impacts, land acquisi-
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
tion programs and other environmental data for the purpose of facili-
tating the public's understanding of the project. No other system or
technology parallels GIS' power for that purpose.
KL&J/ACT's ability to bring GIS into the project would greatly ben-
efit Kalispell's planning effort and significantly enhance its success-
ful outcome.
The FAA airport design criteria selected by the Airport Authority is
presented on the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) that KL&J/ACT will
prepare. The ALP is an official document that the FAA uses to re-
view the Airport's design criteria and proposed capital improvements.
The ALP we prepare will include our topographic survey of the ex-
isting runway, taxiways, buildings and other airport facilities. It also
includes the locations and elevations of towers, buildings, poles, ter-
rain and other objects near the Airport that may project into sur-
rounding airspace. The FAA encourages airports to protect airspace
for the safe flight of aircraft.
KL&J/ACT will assess impacts and prescribe detailed courses of
action to be taken to resolve each obstruction. We will include im-
pacts to both visual flight rules (VFR) and instrument flight rules
(IFR) operations in our assessment. We will apply FAA's Terminal
Instrument Procedures (TERPS) criteria to reveal the potential for
an IFR approach and evaluate existing obstructions.
Our in-house electrical/telecommunications engineers are experi-
enced in Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations
governing telecommunications systems, and will define the proce-
Lee &
Consulting Engince
and Sury you
dures and approvals necessary for the relocation or removal of the
AM towers located southeast of the Airport. This group will also
prepare conceptual costs estimates for the possible courses of action
on the towers.
Land Use The Airport Layout Plan (ALP) we prepare will also show existing
Compatibility land uses surrounding the Airport. The relationships of these land
uses to airspace surfaces, runway safety and object free areas, run-
way protection zones, and aircraft noise impacted areas are also shown
on the ALP.
The FAA strongly encourages the protection of air-
ports from non compatible land uses. KL&J/ACT will
identify any non compatible land uses that may ulti-
mately harm the Kalispell City Airport. We will also
explain the reasons why such uses are not compat-
ible with airport operations, and outline a detailed
course of action to resolve any problems.
The growing residential development north and south
of the Airport is of particular concern. Residences
are directly affected by the aircraft noise and other
outcomes of aircraft operations, and could take legal action against
the Airport. The outcomes of such actions have resulted in serious
financial burdens or closures for some airports.
KL&J/ACT is prepared to model land uses and parcels surrounding
the Airport and relate them to levels of aircraft noise. We would use
ARCINFO and ARCVIEW geographic information systems (GIS)
for this purpose. GIS would give Kalispell the ability to inventory
Lee &
Consulting Engi—
and Surveyors
and analyze land parcels by ownership, use, aircraft noise and other
factors for the purpose of enhancing its planning of community de-
Aircraft Noise The compatibility of land uses surrounding the Kalispell City Air-
port is directly affected by the emissions of aircraft noise. The FAA
has established guidelines for determining the levels of noise that
are acceptable for residential, commercial, industrial and other land
uses that may surround the Airport.
KL&J/ACT will use Integrated Noise Model (WM) V5.1 to evalu-
ate aircraft noise for the Airport. INM V5.1 is the latest version of
FAA's approved aircraft noise modeling computer program.
INM V5.1 uses the forecast of aircraft op-
erations and fleet mix to determine the lev-
els of noise emanating from aircraft arriv-
ing and departing the Airport. The model
graphically presents noise levels in the
form of noise contours surrounding the
Airport. These contours suggest to the Air-
port Authority the areas where residential,
commercial, industrial and other land uses
may be appropriate.
KL&J/ACT is prepared to develop and
model aircraft noise, land uses and other
relevant items using GIS as described
Lee &
Comutdng Eng—
and Surveyors
Public Participation
KL&J/ACT is highly successful in obtaining effec-
tive public participation in its planning studies. We
have extensive experience in developing and imple-
menting public participation programs for a wide
variety of airport and urban transportation planning
Within the past two years, KL&J/ACT completed
three successful public participation programs in
Montana for airport planning studies, including environmental as-
sessments. We anticipate the completion of six more airport programs
in North and South Dakota in the next 12 months.
The FAA has established several regulations and guidelines that the
Airport must fulfill for this planning study. The majority of the re-
quirements are contained in the following documents.
♦ Order 5050.4A, Airport Environmental Handbook
♦ FAR Part 152 Airport Aid Program
♦ AC 15015050-4, Citizen Participation in Airport Planning
Perhaps the most important aspect of a successful program is the
public's early involvement in the planning process. KL&J/ACT sug-
gests launching the planning process with a public information meet-
ing. The purpose of this meeting is to inform the public of the plan-
ning study, planning issues, process and opportunities for future
meetings. A major benefit of public participation are the opportuni-
ties it presents to promote the Airport to the community.
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and S—yon
Additional meetings should be scheduled at intervals dependant upon
the complexity of the planning issues and potential for environmen-
tal impacts. Clear, concise information at frequent intervals is the
best method of keeping the public informed and preventing the pro-
liferation of inaccurate information.
FAA regulations require that a public hearing be offered for all
projects involving airport location, a new runway, or major runway
extension. In the event the Airport elects to pursue the runway exten-
sion, a public hearing meeting FAA requirements will probably be
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
KW) References
The best proof of our high quality work and our ability to meet sched-
ules and budgets is our satisfied clients and sound financial struc-
ture. Please contact any of those listed below for a recommendation,
or call us for a contact person on other projects.
Mr. Brian Ryks, AAE........................................... (601) 626-7020
Aberdeen Regional Airport
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Mr. Larry Dore ..................................................... (406) 482-2415
Sidney -Richland Airport
Sidney, MT 59270
Mr. Roger Meggers............................................... (406) 778-3508
Baker/Fallon County Airport
Baker, MT 59313
Mr. Dallas O'Connor............................................(406) 768-3800
Poplar Airport
Poplar, MT 59255
Mr. Mike Ryan ...................................................... (701) 857-4724
Minot International Airport
Minot, ND 58701-1457
Mr. Dean Iverson..................................................(701) 774-8594
Dickinson Municipal Airport
Dickinson, ND 58601
Mr. Gary Gates ..................................................... (406) 449-5230
Federal Aviation Administration
Helena, MT 59601
Mr. Jim Greil......................................................... (406) 444-2506
Montana Department of Transportation
Helena MT 59604
Financial Mr. Tom Johnson (605) 342-3130
References Design Professionals Insurance Company
Western Dakota Insurers
Rapid City, SD 57701
Mr. Jon Hendrickson ............................................ (701) 227-0881
Vice President/Trust Officer
Norwest Bank
Dickinson, ND 58601
Lee &
19 _Jackson
Consulting Engineer
and Surveyor
ACT References
Professional Peter Soderquist, General Manager ................... (916) 587-4119
References Truckee Tahoe Airport Authority
1996, 1997 FAA DBE Plan
Prime, Sole Source; Contract Under Development
Noel Ameele, AICP............................................... (408) 277-5384
San Jose International, City of San Jose
Recycling & Solid Waste Integrated Mgmt Plan
Prime Consultant; Ongoing
Stanley R. Hoffman .............................................. (310) 820-2680
Stanley R. Hoffman & Associates
Rialto Municipal
Airport Area Land Use Plans
Subconsultant; 1995 and Ongoing
Peter Soderquist, Airport Director ..................... (916) 587-4119
Brown & Montgomery Airport, San Diego
Prepare Airport Privatization Documents
Prime; 1995
Mary Catherine Tennant ..................................... (209) 738-3201
Truckee Tahoe Airport Authority
General Manager
Annual DBE Plan for Board Action & FAA Submittal
Prime; 1995
Melissa Lindell ...................................................... (702) 329-2540
Fallon Municipal Airport
Pyramid Engineering
Independent Cost Estimates for Master Plan
Subconsultant; 1995
Melissa Lindell ...................................................... (702) 329-2540
Sierra Dearwater, California
Pyramid Engineering
Airport Planning & Economic Feasibility
Under a Community Development Block Grant
Subconsultant; 1994
Alan Kotin with Sedway .......
Tim Casey, City Manager .....
Laguna Niguel, Team Leader
El Toro MCAS
South County Cities
Reuse Plan Feasibility
Subconsultant; 1994
.............................. (310) 820-0900
.............................. (714) 362-4300
.............................. (714) 362-4300
Ka as
Lee &
J ca kson
Consulting Engineers
and SuncYnrs
Differential Global Positioning
System =
♦ System Description
*Aberdeen Installation }
► Pros
► Cons
Project Summary
Experience Profile
Aberdeen Regional Airport
Master Plan Update
Total Fees:
Contact Person:
4197 - 3198
Mr. Brian Ryks
(605) 626-7020
The Aberdeen Regional Airport's master plan was completed in 1979. The forecasts, facilities
requirements and concepts proposed by that plan did not materialize. In early 1997, Kadrmas, Lee
& Jackson was selected by the Airport Commission to update the master plan. The notice to proceed
for this project is anticipated in April 1997.
KL&J was selected to prepare the Aberdeen master plan from a qualified group of nine airport
consulting firms, including several with nation-wide marketing areas. Major reasons given for
KL&J's selection were the multi -disciplinary planning and engineering services we offer, and the
ability to deliver high-technology solutions to Aberdeen's planning issues.
Examples of the high-technology so-
lutions KL&J will provide include
global positioning system (GPS)
surveys, planning the equipment sit-
ing and FAA instrument flight rules
(IFR) approach criteria (TERPS) for
a new differential GPS based IFR
approach, and the implementation of
a continuous airport planning and
management system with AR-
CE, FO and ARCVIEW geographic
information systems (GIS). KL&J is
a leader in the development and im-
plementation of GIS for airports and
many other industries.
Airline General Aviation
n ,
�a. 5p0° a r.aoo
� Eripmmia'ih � Baetl Niadl
Ope,rnau � Opedms
Ka as
Consulting Engineers
and Sun epors
Experience Profile
Cando, Edgeley, Valley City,
& Washburn Airports
Multiple Airport Master Plans &
Environmental Assessments
ND Aeronautics Commission
Total Fees:
Funding Source:
Contact Person:
Project Summary
7196 - 7197
Mr. Mark Holzer
(701) 328-9650
In 1991, Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson was unanimously selected by airport authorities in Cando,
Edgeley, Valley City, and Washburn to prepare multiple airport master plans under the contractual
direction of the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission. This approach provided increased efficiency
in the preparation of these master plans.
The airports included in this project were selected by the State on the basis of their unique layout,
airspace, facilities, and other planning -related problems that had developed. These airports are also
critical contributors to their local economies and had been identified for potential federal funding.
In addition to the basic master plan tasks of forecasting and requirements analyses, specific direction
was given to KL&J to prepare site selection studies, environmental assessments/reviews, and aerial
application require-
ments, and to evalu-
ate and plan for the
implementation of
new standard instru-
ment approach pro-
cedures based on
Global Positioning
System (GPS) tech-
PCI Legend
PCI Map 710 -66
ry Good
RM 26.40
OW 11.25
Very Poor
Runway 12/30
Cando Pavement Condition Index
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
- - --- - --- - ---
Terminal' uildin
Project Summary
Experience Profile
Sidney -Richland Airport
Master Plan
Sidney, Montana
Total Fees: $61,708
Funding Source:
Contact Person.
2/96 - 12/96
Mr. Larry Dore
(406) 482-2415
The Sidney -Richland Airport is a growing commercial service airport, receiving scheduled passen-
ger service from Big Sky Airlines. A healthy agricultural economy and increasing diversity in the
mix of local businesses have driven the demand for airport services.
In spite of this growth in activity, no record existed of a prior master plan for the airport. This absence
had allowed several problems related to compatible land use, obstructions, and airport design to
develop over the years. Also, the
passenger service operated by Big
Sky Airlines is subsidized by the
Essential Air Service program and
is subject to annual congressional
Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson was se-
lected to prepare a master plan for
the Sidney -Richland Airport. A
major goal of this effort was to
identify effective and cost efficient
solutions to these problems and to
formulate a long-term develop-
ment plan for both aeronautical and
non -aeronautical uses of the termi-
nal area and undeveloped land.
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
Experience Profile
Baker Municipal Airport
Master Plan
Baker, Montana
Total Project Cost: $ 50,794.10
Term: 5/95 - 4/96
Funding Source FAA/Local
Contact Person Mr. Roger Meggers
(406) 778-3508
Project Summary
The Baker Airport was constructed in 1988. The original design for its 5,000 foot runway proved
inadequate, resulting in lateral and vertical movements of more than 6 inches for some portions of the
runway. In 1990, Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson was called upon to correct this problem, and recommended
subcutting and importing up to 5 feet of sandy fill with an underdrain system. This design was completed
in 1992 and has proven to be very serviceable.
In 1995, KL&J was selected to prepare a master plan for the airport. The primary purpose of this
effort was to plan facility requirements and resolve land use conflicts within the terminal area as they
related to the runway protection zones (RPZ).
KL&J identified a full range of facility requirements necessary to safely serve aircraft up to a
Gulfstream III that uses the airport. A primary objective was to identify and reinforce those portions
of the airport that needed to support the aircraft which can weigh up to 68,700 pounds. Planners also
found that the RPZs in place at the time were larger than required for the proposed stand-alone GPS
approach. By pin-
pointing the appro-
ners were able to
keep the terminal
area in its original
location, avoiding
an otherwise costly
relocation of many \
hangars and other _
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
Experience Prof lie
Minot International Airport
Environmental Assessment
Minot, North Dakota
Total Fees: $107, 776.49
Term: 2196 - 4197
Funding Source: FAA/Local
Contact Person: Mr. Mike Ryan
(701) 857-4724
Project Summary
Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson was selected to prepare an Environmental Assessment for the extension
of Minot International Airport's crosswind Runway 8-26. The purpose of this extension was to make
Runway 8-26 useable by the turbo -jet powered aircraft used by Northwest Airlines. The primary
runway now used by these aircraft is routinely closed during its anticipated reconstruction.
ter plan.
A comprehensive range of
potential environmental im-
pacts were analyzed in this
effort. These impacts in-
cluded the assessment of
aircraft noise on the com-
munity using FAA's Inte-
grated Noise Model v5.0,
the latest technology avail-
able for this purpose.
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
Poplar Municipal Airport
Master Plan, Site Selection Study
& Environmental Assessment
Roosevelt County, Montana
Total Fees: $ 67,587
Term: 1194 - 2195
Funding Source: FAA, County, City
& Fort Peck Tribes
Contact Person: Mr. Dallas O'Connor
(406) 768-3800
Project Summary
The Poplar Airport is located along the northeastern edge of the City of Poplar. During the past five
years, a large amount of residential development has occurred around the edges of the airport, creating
substantial areas of noncompatible land uses within the approaches and adjacent to the runway.
In 1994, Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson was contracted to complete an Airport Master Plan and Site Selection. The
City of Poplar and Fort Peck tribes wanted the airport relocated away from heavy residential growth areas.
The Fort Peck tribes wanted the airport land for future growth of the college and other tribal facilities. The
Master Plan recommends reconstruction of the airport approximately 2.0 miles northeast of the existing site.
The site presents excellent approaches and
allows for future expansion to the north-
west. An environmental assessment was
completed, and construction is scheduled
for 1997.
KL&J was selected to design this $1.8
million project that includes new run-
ways, taxiways, lighting systems, ap-
proach lighting, building relocations, and
land acquisition. At the completion of this
project in 1997, the City of Poplar will
have a safe and operable airport that will
serve it well into the future.
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
' l
----- -- ----------- ---
Project Summary
In 1994, Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson was selected to
prepare a master plan for the Dickinson Municipal
Airport. Dickinson lies within an area of renewed
oil field exploration and resource recover, and it
demands an airport that is capable of serving its
social and economic interests.
Key planning issues in this effort centered on facil-
ity and operational requirements needed for the
growing passenger market served by its regional
airline. Important considerations included a passen-
ger terminal building concept, runway extension
and FAR Part 139 Airport Certification review.
KL&J proposed a terminal building concept that
adequately addresses the convenience and comfort
needs of the public and operations demands of the
airline tenant. Facility requirements included an
extension of the primary runway and taxiway to
6,400 feet. KL&J's FAR Part 139 review outlines
several procedural and equipment improvements
that would be required to certify the airport.
Experience Profile
Dickinson Municipal Airport
Master Plan Update
Dickinson, North Dakota
Total Project Cost:
Funding Source
Contact Person
$ 51,932.12
1194 - 1195
Mr. Dean Iverson
(701) 225-1062
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Lee &
Consulting Engineer
and Su eyon
Experience Prof lie
Sloulin Field
International Airport
Master Plan Update
Williston, North Dakota
Total Fees:
Funding Source:
Contact Person:
Project Summary
6/92 - 5/93
Mr. Richard Marburger
(701) 774-8594
Sloulin Field's last Master Plan was completed in 1980. With a number of the plan's recommendations
having been implemented, a reassessment of the airport's long-term development was required.
Sloulin Field's airport selection
committee chose KL&J as the pri-
mary consultant to prepare a Master
Plan update consisting of. inventory
of the airport facilities; forecast
commercial service demands; gen-
eral aviation demands and air cargo
demands; preparation of documents
on the facility requirements; prepa-
ration of computerized Airport Lay-
out Plans; and a discussion of the
administration and financial plan for
the airport. Public information
workshops were conducted through-
out this process.
Past experience has shown that a
region's primary airport has a major
impact on the speed and depth of an
economic recovery.
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Lee &
Consulting EnginCerS
and Surveyors
To determine the capability of a firm, you need to consider its expe-
rience, staff, and innovation.
Since 1985, KL&J has completed over $100 million in transporta-
tion planning and design projects, including over 45 airport projects.
We encourage you to contact each of the references listed on the
following page and on the experience profiles. We are confident they
will attest to our professional airport capabilities.
KL&J is proud of the exceptional depth and variety of airport plan-
ning and design experience displayed by its professional engineers,
surveyors and administrative personnel. We are confident that no
other firm can fully match the airport capabilities of our professional
KL&J is on the "cutting edge" of innovative airport planning and
design. In virtually every project, we manage to step beyond the usual
ways of doing things, and identify new and effective opportunities
and methods for airports.
Fairport Geographic An example of our innovation is our Airport Geographic Informa-
Information System tion System (GIS). GIS gives airports the ability to increase their
(GIS) management skill and efficiency by creating an automated link be-
tween data files and facilities. This link allows airport personnel to
do such things as monitor pavement conditions from a computer and
perform pavement maintenance simulations. We are confident that
no other firm is more aggressive in achieving innovative airport plan-
ning and design.
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
IHr-nON r1,wjd
Principal in Charge; Director of Airport Services; Vice President
Hushka is responsible for your project satisfaction during all phases of this venture. He will coordinate
all required personnel company wide; will meet with you at strategic progress points; and will lead
all project reviews.
Hushka developed Airport Layout Plans for Langdon, Minot, Devils Lake, and the Mercer County
Regional Airport and was Project Manager for the North Dakota Statewide Pavement Analysis Project.
He has produced five Master Plans and eight Environmental Assessments.
$12.5 million in General Aviation and Commercial Service Airports, including Oakes,
Ellendale, Langdon, Cavalier, Kenmare, Cooperstown, Ellendale, Langdon, Cavalier, Kenmare,
Cooperstown, Crosby, Rugby, Ashley, Grafton, Mercer County Regional, Pembina, Hettinger,
Harvey, Dickinson, Devils Lake, and Valley City, North Dakota; and Baker, Scobey, and Malta,
$7.8 million in Air Carrier Airports, including Minot and Bismarck, North Dakota.
Registered Professional Engineer — North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana
. .
Bachelor of Science — Civil Engineering — North Dakota State University
Undergraduate Coursework — Business Administration — sBismarck State College & University of
North Dakota Aeronautics Conference
Montana Aeronautics Conference
Total Quality Management Seminars
Telecommunications National Conference
Airport Design Conferences
ASCE The Business of Consulting Engineering
National Aviation System Planning Symposium
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
hiti 7 � It �TiT1r � i �
FOff-Taff MA
Project Manager; Project Planner
Ennen will provide day-to-day management of this project and overall airport planning.
® Ennen has performed numerous planning projects for airports ranging from general aviation to
large hub. Projects in the past year include Aberdeen Regional, Minot International, Sidney -
Richland, and Dickinson Municipal.
® Ennen has extensive experience in the administration of airports, including Houston Interconti-
nental, Lambert -St. Louis International, and Reno/Tahoe International. His most recent position
was Senior Administrator in charge of commercial and landside development, including land
acquisition under the Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program.
Ennen is an active pilot with a commercial certificate and instrument rating.
Accredited Airport Executive, American Association of Airport Executives, March 17, 1995,
Sacramento, California.
Bachelor of Business Administration, Airport Administration, University of North Dakota
AAAE Airport Planning, Design and Construction Symposium, April 1996
Conducting Environment Property Assessments, University of Wisconsin, September 1996
MBA Graduate Studies, University of Missouri, 1991-1992
American Association of Airport Executives
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
Project Planner
Shannon will be responsible for preparing the master plan and coordinating all participants and public
participation. He will be the primary contact on this project.
As a project Engineer with KL&J, Shannon is responsible for development of all transportation
projects in the Bismarck office.
♦ Project Planner: Aberdeen Regional Airport Masmter Plan Update. Responsible for planning,
conceptual design, and cost estimation.
♦ Project Manager: Minot Traffic Signal Optimization. Responsible for overall project concept
coordination and design. Assisted by HDR Engineering and General Traffic Controls.
♦ Project Manager: Grafton city-wide traffic safety study. Principal investigator for development
of traffic control device policies and analysis of existing traffic control system.
♦ Project Manager: Jamestown 12th Avenue SE reconstruction. Responsible for overall concepts,
design, and construction engineering of new urban truck route reconstruction, railroad relocation,
and municipal items.
♦ Project Manager: Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park Bike Trail. Responsible for overall concepts,
environmental clearances, SHPO coordination, design, and construction engineering for
$750,000 bike trail.
♦ Project Manager: Morton County Highway 10 rehabilitation, Glen Ullin to Hebron. Responsible
for overall concepts, design, and construction engineering of urban and rural reconstruction,
asphalt paving, guardrail, and municipal items.
♦ Project Engineer: Oliver County BNI road to Nelson Lake. Responsible for overall design and
construction engineering of grading project.
o Urban Planning Engineer at NDDOT: Coordinated project concept development, public input
processes, construction impacts mitigation for numerous projects including:
♦ Interstate 94 in Bismarck, including Ward Road Interchange and others.
♦ Century Avenue State Street to Tyler Parkway as two separate projects.
♦ Minot US-52 (Valley Street) reconstruction.
Registered Professional Engineer — North Dakota
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyor
Bachelor of Science — Civil Engineering — North Dakota State University
A.A.S. Civil Engineering Technology — North Dakota State School of Science
Institute of Traffic Engineers — 1996 National Conference
Traffic Engineering — NDSU Graduate Studies
Rural & Non -Metropolitan Transportation Planning - NDSU Graduate Studies
Project Development & Environmental Documentation
Geometric Design
Access Management & Traffic Analysis of Highways
Intersection Controller Training Course
Traffic Control for Construction and Maintenance Operations
Traffic & Transportation Engineering Seminar - Northwestern University
Highway Pavements — Michigan State University
Highway Capacity and Quality of Service
Pavement Design — Principles & Practices
Region 8 Concrete Conference
Region 8 County Road Advisors Conference
NDDOT Construction & Urban Conferences
Numerous Management and Interpersonal Skills Seminar
NDDOT Bituminous Technology I & III
American Society of Highway Engineers — Vice President of Central Dacotah Section
Institute of Traffic Engineers — Associate Member
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
I WV M4 I WV L4 I tyL-4 M :4 �
Airport Design Engineer
Marvel will be responsible for overall conceptual design and construction cost estimates.
Marvel is the only engineer in North Dakota who has successfully completed the FAA Quality Control
Examination, which indicates that he is familiar with FAA approved construction specifications.
® General Aviation and Commercial Service Airports, including Oakes, Ellendale, Langdon,
Cavalier, Kenmare, Cooperstown, Crosby, Rugby, Ashley, Grafton, Mercer County Regional,
Pembina, Hettinger, Harvey, Dickinson, Devils Lake, and Valley City, North Dakota; and Baker,
Scobey, and Malta, Montana.
® Air Carrier Airports, including Minot and Bismarck, North Dakota.
• Prepared Environmental Assessment Reports for Kenmare, Cavalier, Pembina, Langdon, Gar-
rison, Grafton, and Gwinner Airports.
® Project Engineer for North Dakota Statewide Pavement Evaluation.
• Supervised construction of civilian contractors at the Minot Air Force Base while with the US
Air Force.
® Earthwork experience as contractor's engineer and consulting engineer.
• Hydrology experience including continuing education in the field.
Registered Professional Engineer — North Dakota
Bachelor of Science — Civil Engineering — North Dakota State University
National Society of Professional Engineers
North Dakota and National Association of County Engineers Convention
ND Asphalt Paving Conference
Upper Midwest Aviation Symposium
NDDOT Construction Seminar
Helena ADO Seminar — Helena, Montana, 12/94
FAA Great Lakes Region Airport Engineering Conferences; FAA Quality Control Examination
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
Electrical Design Engineer
Anagnost will plan the relocation or removal of the AM radio towers south of the airport.
• Twelve years of communications systems engineering experience.
® Airport lighting and control experience at Tioga, Parshall, Langdon, and Garrison.
® Airport control vaults, control systems, and lighting systems for Devils Lake and Minot.
® Communication Design and Management for U.S. West Communications and various inde-
pendent telecommunications providers.
® General electrical design and implementation, including standby power and stored energy
systems for various companies.
® Responsibility in the areas of testing, design, planning, and management of projects for various
telephone companies and cable TV companies.
® Worked extensively with the Rural Electrification Administration sponsored telephone compa-
nies, as well as with the regional Bell holding companies and larger independent telephone
Registered Professional Engineer — North Dakota, South Dakota, and pending Montana
Bachelor of Science — Electrical and Electronic Engineers
ACE Engineering Seminar
ACEC National Conference
SSC V 140 Transtate Administration
SSV 142 Line Conversion
Communications Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Propagation Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
IEEE Communications System Engineering Committee — Past National Committee Member
National Council of Examiners for Engineering
Association of Communication Engineers (ACE)
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyor
Project Surveyor
Orvik will be responsible for surveying the airport site.
® Performed legal, preliminary, and construction surveying for Billings, Stark, Dunn, Slope,
Adams, Morton, Oliver, Sioux, Golden Valley, and Ransom counties.
• Lead preliminary, legal and construction surveys on 24 airports since 1988, and preliminary and
legal surveys on 31 airports since 1990.
• Managed preliminary and construction surveys for several bridge and box culverts in Billings,
Slope, Golden Valley, Stark, Dunn, and Morton counties.
• Performed preliminary legal surveys for Baker, Malta, Poplar, and Sidney, Montana.
r yi ► ` ► .;
Registered Land Surveyor — North Dakota and South Dakota
Associate Degree in Applied Science Civil Engineering Technology
North Dakota Society of Professional Land Surveyor Convention
Retracement Seminar
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
.:: • . f
Principal/Owner - Associated Consultants in Transportation (ACT). ACT is a consortium of
professionals providing services to public and private sector airports and aviation. Our goals are
accurate information and research, cost effective products with reasonable overhead rates, and timely
® Prescott Airpark. Develop and negotiate through -the -fence agreement and CC&Rs for an
airport industrial park.
® Carson City Airport. Grant application, administration and land acquisition, and relocation
® San Jose International Airport. Comprehensive Recycling and Waste Management project,
with P.F. Ryan & Associates.
• Stanley R. Hoffman & Associates. Rialto Airport Land Use Plan, Rialto, California.
• Pyramid Engineers & Land Surveyors. Development, financing, and marketing plan for
Sierraville-Dearwater Airport, Sierra County, California. A CDBG project.
• Kotin Reagan Mouchley, now Sedway Kotin Mouchley. Feasibility analysis for conversion
of El Toro Marine Corps Air Station to civilian air carrier airport.
• The Earth Technology Corporation. Aviation Market Demand Analysis and Planning for
Environmental Impact Study leading to the realignment of March Air Force Base, Riverside,
• City of San Diego. Competitivization of Brown and Montgomery Airports; assumptions, RFP,
and final recommendations to City Manager and Council.
® Airport Authority of Washoe County. Prepared and implemented reorganization of Property
Management Division, including land acquisition, marketing, and economic development
® Confidential Client in the Private Sector. Prepared Scope of Work including project
financing, researching Free Trade Zone, and US Customs facilities for a new all cargo airport
in Utah.
• Private Client. Analyzed compatible land use issues and zoning methodology to properties
surrounding Davis Monthan AFB in Tucson, AZ. Analyzed proposed municipal Airport Envi-
rons Zones Codes and their economic impact.
® Tudor Engineering Company. Supervised management reorganization and Strategic Market-
ing Plan.
Manager of Property Administration, Airport Authority of Washoe County. Reno Cannon
International and Reno Stead Airports.
Aviation Services Program Administrator — Arizona Department of Transportation Aeronautics
Lee &
Consulting Engineers
and Surveyors
Regional Marketing Director, TAMS Consultants, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer, Isbell Tire and Auto Service, Inc.
Arizona State Transportation Board (Chairman, 1985)
EZ Transmix, Inc., Co-owner and Office Manager
Prescott Chamber of Commerce, Executive Board (President, 1981)
American Association of Airport Executives, Southwest Chapter, AAAE
Women's Transportation Seminar - Phoenix, Tucson, At Large
Air Carrier Access Committee/Sky Harbor International Airport
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Bachelor of Science, Aviation Administration
Pilot, SEL
University of Arizona
Mesa Leadership, Training and Development
Mesa Citizen's Bonding Committee
Arizona Association of Industrial Developers
Regional Transportation Commission (COG), Citizens Advisory Board (Reno)
Featured speaker at numerous National Airport Conferences on Air Cargo, Concessions and
Economic Development.
National Airports Conference, 1994, speaker on Minimum Standards for Airport Businesses.
1997 Transportation Research Board Panel, "A Critical Review of Federal Interest in Funding
Airport Improvements."
"Access, A Guide to the Design of Landside and Terminal Improvements for Handicapped
Accessibility" Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Arizona, 1985.
"Let the tenant beware. The potential impact of privatization on airport -based and
non -airline business." — Airport business, May 1996.
"Triage for Airports, It's time to prioritize." — Airport Business, July 1996.
Lee &
Consulting Engin
and Surveyors
DBE Participation
KL&J has teamed with ACT for the Kalispell City Airport Authority's
planning study. ACT is certified as a disadvantaged business
enterprise (DBE) in South Dakota, Nevada, California, Arizona and
is pending certification in Montana. ACT's address is P.O. Box 2452,
Prescott, Arizona, 86303, 520/445-0407.
ACT has extensive airport and aviation industry experience, serving
a wide variety of airport clients. We believe that ACT will be an
effective member of the planning team, and we encourage you to
review ACT's credentials described in the resume section of this
statement. KL&J has already teamed with ACT for a master plan
update for the Aberdeen Regional Airport, Aberdeen, South Dakota.
We anticipate that ACT will perform a variety of planning tasks,
depending upon the actual scope of services developed for this project.
Examples of the tasks ACT could perform include:
ACT Tasks ♦ Financial Planning
♦ Marketing and Public Relations
♦ Land Use Compatibility Planning
ACT was selected for this work on the basis of its ability to benefit
the project. ACT's level of involvement will exceed the 10% DBE
goal established by the Kalispell City Airport Authority.
Lee &
Consulting Engineer
and Surveyor