06/23/97 Master Plan Memo1
Incorporated 1892
Telephone (406) 758-7700
FAX (406) 758-7758
Post Office Box 1997
Kalispell, Montana
Zip 59903-1997
To: Mayor & City Council (Airport Authority Board)
From: Kalispell City Airport Advisory Board
Date: June 23, 1997
Re.r City Airport Master Plan and Progress on the Airport/
Ballfield Projects
We, as members of your Airport Advisory Board, would like to
state our opinions in regard to the pending FAA Airport Master
Plan and progress on the City Airport project.
First a little history. In 1994 you, the Council, commissioned
Dave Greer to do the City Airport Neighborhood Plan, which you
adopted in September of 1994. This plan unquestionably
demonstrated the economic value of the City Airport as well as
the feasibility of the future of the airport. In January of
1996, Larry Gallagher developed the "Kalispell City
Airport/Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan Analysis". We have
been meeting as your Airport Advisory Board since August of
1995. During this time we have developed bylaws, rules and
regulations, hangar leases, a job description for an airport
manager and a marketing and operations plan for the airport. In
parallel with our efforts, the youth sports supporters have been
spending many hours developing the ballfield complex. Although
at times these projects seem to have "stalled out", we are
encouraged that the TIF district has been formed, Haven Field
has been sold, and Daley Field is being offered for sale.
From the beginning, our goal as the Airport Advisory Board has
been to develop the City Airport to FAA standards and assure its
long-term success. We feel that State and Federal participation
are essential, not only for funding but also for expertise. We
began contacting the FAA both in Helena and Seattle early on.
After many years of being told "no", we are now cautiously
optimistic 1that the FAA will see the importance of this project
(Kalispell City is the busiest General Aviation Airport in
ontana). The Montana State Aeronautics Division has whole -
Douglas Rauthe
Clarence W. Krepps
City Manager
City Council
Gary W. Nystul
Ward I
Cliff Collins
Ward I
Norbert F. Donahue
Ward 11
Dale Haarr
Ward II
Jim Atkinson
Ward III
Lauren Granmo
Ward III
Pamela B. Kennedy
Ward IV
M. Duane Larson
Ward IV
Mayor and City Council
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June 23, 1997
heartedly supported this airport for many years. In 1996 the FAA
requested an Airport Layout Plan as the first step in their
decision process which Peccia completed in September of 1996. We
have heard on several occasions that the FAA's criteria for
participation in funding our airport are:---- _---- -
1. that the City Airport can be expanded to a B-2
airport with a non -precision approach (to
accommodate future GPS) some time in the future;
2. that the KGEZ radio towers be addressed;
3. that the surrounding land be addressed either
through acquisition or zoning (which the FAA can't
do) so the airport will not in the future become
surrounded by houses.
These and many other issues will be studied by Morrison and Maierle
in formulating their master plan. Just what "addressed" means by
the FAA also is yet to be defined.
There are many possible outcomes from the master plan. The KGEZ
towers could be sold, moved, lowered or remain. The FAA could
decide that the current site of the airport is not the best
location in the valley. Or, and this is our hope, the FAA could
finally decide to finance the fencing, paving, lighting, etc. of
our airport and the City money would be spent on acquiring
surrounding land and the radio towers. In any event, in about a
year we will have the benefit of a $100,000 master plan funded 90%
by the FAA, 5% by the State and 5% by the City. If the FAA should
decide not to participate for whatever reason, this does not in any
way mean that the airport has to close. It simply means that this
project does not meet their participation criteria. If this
happens, we will improve the airport to FAA standards using City
TIF money and possibly some State money, rather than City, State
and Federal money. While the master plan is under way, your
Airport Advisory Board is committed to working closely with
Morrison and Maierle, the FAA, Montana Aeronautics, and the City
staff to assure timely completion of the master plan.
In the meantime, there is much left to be accomplished at the
airport and the danger is when we say, "Let's wait until the master
plan is completed". Many people have been waiting for a long time
to invest in the City Airport. If only six T-hangars had been
built last year (at least ten are ready to be built immediately),
the City would have realized a yearly lease revenue of $1,680
(assuming $.155/square foot x 1,800 square feet). Businesses such
as Strand Aviation, Diamond Air, Aero Craftsman and others have
Mayor and City Council
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June 23, 1997
been more than patiently waiting for a long time to invest in their
businesses and the airport. They deserve to be able to expand
their operations. Let's work with Morrison and Maierle and the FAA
from day one and give these businesses the go-ahead as soon as
In conclusion, many hurdles have been overcome. Please don't delay
needlessly at this point. Let's all give these projects the time
and attention that they deserve and let's see them through to a
successful completion.