Lease/Youth Soccer AssociationTHIS -:GRE-, !E"T, made and Wintered Inc th_s _ day of Aori ' 1990, y and between t!-e Greater <;alise1 ouch Occer ssoc' anon, , hereinaf ter .:SSOCi:.TION, and the City of : al_spell, a TUIliclpai corporation, lereinafter C1TY 11 T _ �: L ...+ - _ r- j . The r-IT`I, l r -no _t. onsZ er -V� Jf _ne ^�Yeemert e :SSOCIATION, hereinafter set fort^, hereby _eases tothe .. COCIAT101, sand the ASSOCIATION hereb,,, leases from the CITY, certar.. real property owned by the CITY, and more particularly described as=oi_ows: 1 ) Beg; Park, "lorrh of Begg Park ive 2) Soccer complex located on Cir_, .._rport property _. TERM OF EASE The term of this EASE shall commence on the lst day of - 1990 and sna11 ,ontinue for _1 term ot- twenty (20) ,rears uniess terminated sooner as .ereinafter provided. The twenty (20) year term of this LEASE shall be divided into four ( +) equal five ( 5 ) vear segments . At the end of each f.1-ve ( 5 ) -rear per4 od of th s LEASE e? ther party may upon ':irztter. nOtrCe riven to the other ninety (90) days prior :c the anniversary Cate of the fifth year, the tenth year and the fifteenth year, specify that there are matters contained in thus EASE .,nich require discussion and possible re -negotiation. Upon the notice specified above, the ASSOCIATION and the CITY shall meet and discuss the concerns specified in the -once and attempt to resolve differences through negotiations for a oeriod of sixty (60) days after the notice. in the event the ASSOCIATION and the CITY cannot agree in the discussion and re -negotiation of the LEASE, the CITY at _ts option, exercised at least thirty (30) days prior to any .five (5) year anniversary date of this LEASE, as specified above, may terminate this LEASE. In the event the CITY, at any time during the term of this LEASE, desire to develop or use the property herein leased for other than soccer fields, the CITY may, -,Don ninety (90) days notice to the .ASSOCIATION terminate this LEASE. In the event the CITY terminates this LEASE for any reason prior to the expiration of the term the CITY shall offer and make available to the ASSOCIATION '_and suitable for development of soccer fields. II. CONThe CITY agrees --hat it shall accept, and the ASSOCIATION agrees to tender to the CI Y, the sum of one dollar (31.00) per year, as consideration for the granting of this LEASE. -I- The -'SSOCT,-',T'ON shay durinJ tie development phase for the soccer 1 .. =fieids , upon the property herein leased, provide the irrigation equip- ment, seed and fertilizer and .dater line extensions necessary to develop the soccer fields. :'.dditionaily during the term of this LEASE, the ASSOCIATION snail_ provide irrigation equipment, seed and fertilizer and :dater line extensions necessary to perpetuate the =fields. The CITY shall, during _he levelopment phase, level _he :ieids and provide the manpower and equipment to seed and fertilize the Melds . After the fntial develcpment phase, the ASSOCIATION shall provide the fertilizer necessary to fertilize the soccer area ;with one appli- cation in the Fall and one _n t-�e Spring at a maximum annual cost of $500.00. The CITY shall during t"ne _arm of this LEASE ::low and perform general maintenance on theJ_eased premises. =II. DEVELOPMENTAL COST RECOUP?1ET1T: It is anticipated that the posts associated :with the creation of six. soccer Melds on the above - described property will amount _o S15,000.00 with the ASSOCIATION providing approximately two t`:irds (2/3) of that amount for the purchase of irrigation equipment, seed, fertilizer and water line extensions. Said cost attributable to the ASSOCIATION shall be amortized over the term of this LEASE at a rate of S500.00 per rear. In the event the City determines that it should terminate this LEASE, the City shall pay to the ASSOCIATION the unamortized portion of the development cost attributable to ASSOCIATION participation. In the event this LEASE terminates upon expiration of the term, the ASSOCIATION shall be entitled to no development cost recoupment. IV. FENCE: Prior to utilizing the fields located adjacent to Kalispell City Airport the ASSOCIATION shall cause to be erected a fence at 'Least four (4) feet in height, parallel to the airport runway as specified by the Director of Parks and Recreation for the CITY. V. MULTI -PURPOSE FIELD: ASSOCIATION agrees that it should have the use of the Begg Park multi -purpose field which is part of this LEASE only during the fall soccer season. In the event the multi -purpose field is not being utilized for baseball during the baseball season the Citv Parks and Recreation Director may schedule soccer on the multi -purpose field. VI. RESTROOMS: The restrooms located in the Begg Park concession stand may be utilized by the ASSOCIATION for organized soccer events with the ASSOCIATION being responsible for cleaning the restrooms after every event. VII. CONCESSIONS: Any use of the concession stand at Begg Park shall De only upon written authorization from the Kalispell Legion Baseball Association and the Director of Parks and Recreation_. VIII. t;AME OF FIELD: The ASSOCIATION is hereby given the right to name the soccer playing area described in this _SASE and :nay erect at its expense a sign designating said field to specifications .. the Director of Parks and Recreation. IX. 'ERSONAL -P?OPERTY: T17.e parties a-aree _nat oersonal oroDert furnished or constructed �v the ASSOCIATION upon t-e soccer area shall remain property of the _SSOCIATION and :-:ay �e removed upon termination of the LEASE. :�. INSURANCE: The ASSOCIATION1 shall ainta-,. in full force and affect during the term of this LEASE ¢eneral iiabi14t,7 insurance ro protect against liability for damage claims trough the use of or arising out or injuries occurring -n and around the leased premises during the times ASSOCIATION activities, are scheduled, in a minimum amount of S1,000,000 aggregate. The insurance policy shall provide coverage for contingent iiabili,.y of the CITY on any claim or loss, and shall name the CITY as an additional insured. cconv of the policy shall be provided by the .-.SSOCIA_TION to the CITY. lI. SCHEDULES: The ASSOCIATIONagrees that it .gill provide to the CITY a schedule of games and oractices orior to the beginning of each soccer season. ATTEST. Amy H. Robertson Cite Clerk -Treasurer ATTEST: CITY OF KALISPELL By Ro ,er .J. ookins, -savor GREATER KALISPELL YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION 3v -3-