Preliminary Report to City CouncilAirport Advisory
It is the contention of this committee that the city airport is not only a valuable community
resource, but also a viable economic asset bringing annually an estimated $1.1 million in business
revenue to the Flathead Valley. This committee has been charged with making recommendations to
enhance the airport's value to the community. Although it is felt that a number of improvements are
needed to be made to the airport to better serve this community in the future, the committee needs
more information to better prepare a comprehensive airport management and operation plan.
Iequired Improvement Recommendations
1. The city should pursue the purchase of additional land to allow for a runway extension of
1100 feet. This would yield a runway 4700 feet in length providing safe service for aircraft up to
business turboprop size. Additionally, a longer runway would provide an approach path that would
reduce the noise to surrounding areas.
2. The lack of security at the airport has been a continual problem and has resulted in not only
the theft of property, but a loss of revenue to Glacier where adequate security exists. Thus, adequate
fencing must be installed and airport access must be limited.
3. To improve safety, consequently limiting the cities liability, adequate lighting, pilot ap-
proach guidance, and improved taxiways and ramps for taxi and tie down must be provided.
4. A full time Airport Manager, who is also a pilot, should be hired to oversee the maintenance
and management of the airport and insure the implementation of the above items.
As a minimum, the city should continue to pursue FAA money and apply for any state moneys
that are available.
To better allow this committee to analyze all options the following information is requested.
1. The future plans concerning the disposition of the ball fields.
2. The appraised value of the city land.
3. Guidance as to whether or not the airport must be self-sustaining or can be treated as a city
asset, such as the golf course, and partially subsidized.
4. Alternative to a tax increment district for funding.
5. The value of any left over money from the last tax increment district that might be used for
airport imporvement.
To fund the needed improvements public support will be required. The benefits the airport
brings to the community must be made known. The city council must be a proponent for this effort
and convey to the voters the economic benefits derived from the airport.