11/24/97 Bissell/Thank You For Your InterestINRPWORTM�- �
Telephone (406) 758-7700
FAX (406) 758-7758
Post Office Box 1997
Kalispell, Montana
Zip 59903-1997
Senator Conrad Bums
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510-2602
Thank you for your interest in the Kalispell City Airport and Athletic Complex Projea
Stephanie Ryan attended our last Airport Advisory Board meeting and was most helpful. She
indicated that you would appreciate an update on the airport project. This is currently the
busiest general aviation airport in Montana. Kalispell City Airport is served by two FBO's:
Diamond Air and Red Eagle Aviation; plus two aircraft paint shops: Stevens Aero Works and
Aero Craftsman. In 1993 and 1994 the FAA conducted their annual Family Flight Safety Fly -In
at the Kalispell City Airport attracting up to 450 aircraft each year. The 1998 FAA Fly -In will
also be at Kalispell City Airport. Kalispell City Airport is also used frequently by the Forest
Service, National Guard, and numerous State and Federal dignitaries.
Kalispell City Airport Forecasts
Total Annual Operations
Annual Itinerant Operations
Annual Instrument
Annual Itinerant Operations
by Critical Aircraft,
"'Includes 1,000 Military Operations
**Includes: I Glider, I Helicopter, 3 Ultra -Lights, 3 Multi -Engine, and 56 Siu4e Engine
Growth rates of r/o per year for the first ten years. then I% for the nad ten years.
Douglas Rauthe
Clarence W Krepps
City Manager
City Council
Gary W. Nystul
Ward I
Cliff Collins
Ward I
Norbert F. Donahue
Ward 11
Date Haarr
Ward It
rim Atkinson
Ward III
John Graves
Ward III
Parnela B. Kennedy
Ward IV
M. Duane Larson
Ward IV
November 24, 1997
Page Two
In 1991 the City of Kalispell sought funding from the FAA Airport Improvement Program (ALP) for
Kalispell City Airport. We were told "no" due to Kalispell City Airport's proximity to Glacier Park
International Airport. After discussions with the FAA during State Aviation conferences in 1996, we
were told that we would be considered for AIP funding and National Plan of Integrated Airport
Systems (NPIAS) listing after completion of an Airport Layout Plan. This was accomplished by
Robert Peocia and Associates with $5,000 of State money and $5,000 of City money. On December
2, 1996, several FAA officials met in Kalispell and stated that an Airport Master Plan would be
needed for fiftre consideration of AIP eligibility. No mention was made of NPIAS listing. We are
now embarking on a $131,100 Master Plan conducted by Morrison-Maierle, funded with Wla by the
FAA, 5% by the State, and 5% by the City. This should require 1-11/2years to complete. On
September 19, 1997, the FAA met with us in Kalispell. At that time, we asked again about NPIAS
listing. Kalispell City Airport is now fisted on the NPIAS on a temporary basis pending the results
of the Master Plan. Funding for the Master Plan has not yet been allocated.
Kalispell developed an Airport Neighborhood Plan in 1993, formed an Airport Advisory Board in
1995, formed an Airport Authority Board in 1996, and formed a Tax Increment District
encompassing the airport in 1996. Plans to relocate the baseball and soccer fields to a State Lands
field north of town are underway. A forty year lease with the Montana Department of State Lands
was signed in 1997. Portions of the baseball fields on the City Airport have already been sold to help
finance these two projects.
As you can see, the City of Kalispell is seriously pursuing the long term future of the Kalispell City
Airport plus the baseball and soccer fields. We feel that given Kalispell City Airport's use by
numerous general aviation pilots, its reliever status for Glacier International, its use by the FAA and
Federal Agencies, Kalispell City Airport is a prime candidate for the FAA's AIP program. We are
confident that the Master Plan will demonstrate the feasibility of using AIP money for our project.
Your support for the project is greatly appreciated. If you would like to see any further
documentation, i.e. copies of plans that have been developed thus far, please let us know and we
would be happy to furnish your office with any details you may need. Thank you again for your time
and interest in these two worthwhile projects.