09/19/97 Airport MinutesMinutes from September 19, 1997 Special Meeting
The meeting began at 8:00 a.m. Present were: Mike Baker, Larry Gallagher, Diana Harrison, and
Clarence Krepps, Councilman Gary Nystul, Mayor Doug Rauthe, Narda Wilson (City staff); Gib
Bissell, Jim Lynch, Tom Reynolds, Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson (Advisory Board); present
from the Federal Aviation Administration were: Jim Cooney (Helena Flight Standards), Gary Gates
(Community Planner, Helena), Gary Busker (Airports Division, Seattle), Nancy Trudell (Airports
Division, Seattle), R E. Wurscher (Billings Airways), Chuck Davis (Air Traffic, Seattle); also present
were: Bill Tn= (pilot); fin Glantz (pilot); Dave Downey (President, Flathead Glider Club); Eugene
Lee (President, Flathead, Montana Pilots Association); Rick Hull (Daily Inter Lake Reporter);
Lorraine Yde (Vice President Flathead MPA); Jack Archibald (Secretary, Flathead MPA); Jim Roth
(pilot); Mike and Marilyn Strand (Strand Aviation); Bill Hewson (Diamond Air); and Dave Hoerner
(Red Eagle Aviation).
Jim Lynch and Gib Bissell provided a tour of the City airport for the FAA officials. Gib introduced
everyone present. Gary Busker began the meeting by asking for questions. A question was raised
concerning rumors that the City will close the airport, and has anyone done an economic study of the
benefits of the airport and the cost of closing it. Mayor Rauthe addressed the issue of closing the
airport, stating that the City has no plans to close the airport. He asked where this concern came
from, and he cited that Dave Greer's neighborhood plan addressed the economic impacts, and the fact
that the City's efforts to sell Haven and Daley Fields indicates their desire to improve the airport, not
close it. The Mayor asked Gary Nystul how the Council felt about the airport. Gary responded that,
"No, the Council had no plans to close the airport, and that they are looking at B-1 versus B-2
status." Art Thompson asked about the status of the NPIAS listing. Gary Gates responded that the
NPIAS listing was dependent upon Phase I of the Master Plan. Mayor Rauthe asked about the
allowable options concerning the KGEZ Radio Towers, specifically, can they be lowered. Gary Gates
responded that the towers can't penetrate the Runway Protection Zone. Lorraine Yde suggested
other issues be considered besides the towers, such as airport zoning and surrounding neighborhoods.
Diana Harrison stated that airport zoning is not in place yet, but new building permits are geared
toward B-2 standards. Gib Bissell mentioned that we are looking at B-1 versus B-2 versus non -
precision options and their costs. Gary Gates said that the Master Plan will look at the costs of the
B-2 and non -precision, and the City will have to pay for the B-1. Mayor Rauthe asked again what
the status of NPIAS listing would be based upon the previous meeting at the Aero Inn with the FAA.
Art Thompson asked about a temporary NPIAS listing. Gene Lee (former outfitter) stated that the
benefit of the Kalispell City Airport is its convenience to town, and the fact that you can park by
hotels and gas stations. He feels that the airport should remain a small to medium size airport and
not encourage jets to utilize the City airport. Various people commented on airport maintenance and
available budget. Discussion concerning the Glacier International Airport Board's attitude toward
the Kalispell City Airport was held. Art Thompson stated that the FCA Board and Airport Manager
Airport Advisory Board Meeting
September 19, 1997
Page 2
are in favor of Kalispell City Airport. Dave Downey asked why the City is selling land. Gib
responded that no one wanted to sell the land; that Larry Gallagher's office had looked into options
of leasing; but the sale of Haven and Daley Fields were the only options to finance both the airport
and the balifields. Jim Cooney mentioned that the FAA has had fly -ins at the City Airport twice in
the past, and will be having another fly -in this coming July 17, 18, and 19. He stated that this was
probably the best airport they ever had for convenience and community support. Lorraine Yde
wanted to know if we could come up with a path of events listing the flow diagram of proposed
development. Mayor Rauthe wanted to know the date of completion of Phase I for the Master Plan.
Gary Gates responded that the Master Plan should be started by late October. Mayor Rauthe stated
that an independent airport authority should be in place after completion of the Master Plan. Jim
Lynch asked who is going to lay out the path of events. Gib said that the Advisory Board could come
up with a path of events with assistance from Gary Gates and Tim Orthmeyer (from Morrison-
erle). Mayor Rauthe thanked the FAA for coming to Kalispell and for their help so far. Gene Lee
asked if the FAA is enthusiastic about the Kalispell City Airport. Gary Busker stated that the FAA
will participate if the criteria can be met.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:15 a.m.
The next regular meeting has been changed to Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at :00 p.m.
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
per Gib Bissell, Chairman