09/10/97 Airport Minutes� r- Minutes from September 10, 1997 Meeting The meeting began at 4:15 p.m. Present were: Kathy Kuhlin (staff), Gib Bissell, Tom Reynolds, Keith Robinson, and Tom Weaver. Also present were Mike Strand from Strand Aviation, and Scott Hanson from the AFL-CIO Hotel/Motel Union. Gib introduced everyone to Tom Weaver. The board reviewed the 19" meeting's tentative agenda and direction were discussed. It was suggested that Larry, Clarence, and Diana be at the meeting as well as Narda from FRDO. Ask Diana and/or Narda to bring all aerials of the airport. We will begin with a tour of the airport. There will be a quick Montana Pilot's Association meeting at Rocco's on September 18', and then everyone will go to the open house at the Outlaw Inn for the FAA Aviation Safety Seminar. Gib will encourage the MPA members at their meeting on the 18"` to attend the meeting at the armory. The board felt that the following should be invited to attend the meeting on the 19': FBO's, parties interested in hangar leases, the City Council, and Montana Pilot's Association. Gib updated Tom Weaver on what the board has been working on, and information regarding the Master Plan and the FAA. Kathy will follow-up on the letters to Congressman Baucus and Congressman Burns. The FAA has scheduled their annual Family Fly -In Safety Conference for July 17, 18, and 19, 1998 at our City Airport. Gib said we will need some volunteers to help with activities, i.e. parking airplanes, running people around, etc. The F.A.A. meeting will be Friday, September 19, 1997 at 8:00 a.m. in the National Guard Armory, 1900 Highway 93 South, Kalispell. The next joint meeting of the Airport Advisory and Authority Boards is tentatively scheduled for Monday, October 6 after the 7 p.m. City Council Meeting. The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, October 8, 1997 at :00 p.m. Kathy Kuhlin Recording Secretary