10/15/97 Airport Minutes20
The meeting began at 4: 10 p.m. Present were: Clarence Krepps and Kathy Kuhlin (staff),
Gib Bissell, Jim Lynch, Tom Reynolds, Keith Robinson, Art Thompson, and Tom Weaver.
Also present Bill Hewsonfrom Diamond '
Copies of the FAA letter dated October 8, 1997 regarding the NPIAS rating were distributed.
Gib will contact Mike Ferguson regarding the statement that "Kalispell is listed under the
State Airport System Plan", but it is not listed. Clarence mentioned the correspondence from
the FAA regarding the Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Plan (DBE). Both Orthmeyer
and Gates said we are required to do this. Art suggested that Clarence talk to Lowell
Johnson in Seattle regarding this plan.
Art asked about the clarifications of the dollar amount of the engineer's independent review
contract. Clarence informed the board that he has two proposals, one from Neil Consultants
for $850, and one from Stelling Engineering for $1,500. Also, Morrison-Maierle sent a clean
copy of the contract and a copy for the independent review. Clarence will meet with Mike
Baker to get started on the DBE.
Tom Weaver asked how Morrison-Maierle was selected for doing the Master Plan feasibility
study. Conflict of interest was addressed with Morrison-Maierle during the interview
process, and they reassured us there would not be any problem.
Gib discussed the FAA Fly -In scheduled for July 17, 18, and 19, 1998. Clarence suggested
there be a meeting with Mike Baker, our Fire and Police Departments, and with the County
Emergency Services Department to inform them of the FAA Fly -In. Gib will also need to
contact Rosauer's regarding parking on their property (previously the ballfield). The FAA
will try to get a speaker of interest to all, perhaps one of the astronauts from the MIR. Other
suggested items of interest were the Hoover Silver Bullet Jet, and Remote Control Airplanes.
Discussion was held regarding coming up with a procedure to enable parking charges. It was
suggested there be a "donation jar" for our airport improvements with a display board of
what the improvements will be.
Gib asked if there wasn't something we could be working on while waiting for the
completion of the Master Plan. He suggested we contact the Montana Pilot's Association
to get some signs made to mark the entrance to the airport. Art asked if the City could pave
the approach to the airport. Clarence will check into this.
Airport Advisor), Board Meeting
October 15, 1997
Page 2
Art asked about the status of the airport manager's position. Discussion was held, and
Clarence suggested the board prepare a list of things an airport manager would do and bring
it to our next meeting. Clarence will then approach the Council at the next Authority
Meeting, which he has scheduled for November 17'. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00
Kathy Kuhlin