05/19/97 Airport MinutesN A JOINT MEETING OF THE KALI S PELL AIRPORT AUTHORITY AND AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD WAS HELD AT 8:40 P.M. MONDAY, MAY 19, 1997, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL IN KALISPELL, MONTANA. MAYOR DOUG RA.UTHE PRESIDED. COUNCIL MEMBERS CLIFF COLLINS, NORBERT DONAHUE , LAUREN GRANMO , DALE HAARR , PAM KENNEDY , DUANE LAR SON , ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY RICHARD HICKEL AND CITY MANAGER CLA.RENCE KRE PP S WERE PRESENT. ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS ART THOM P S ON AND KE I TH ROBINSON WERE ALSO PRESENT. COUNCIL MEMBER GARY NYSTUL WAS ABSENT. Mayor Rauthe called the meeting to order. Kennedy moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded. The motion carried upon vote. Krepps reviewed the process used by the Advisory Board in selecting the engineering f i ran they recommended. Both f i rms that did presentations felt that the Master Plan would be completed within a 18 month. to 24 month time frame. Art Thompson, on behalf of the Airport Advisory Board, added some additional information on the engineering presentations with regard to the radio station towers. Krepps added that if the Authority Board approves moving ahead with Morrison Maierle, we will notify the engineering firm. and F.A.A. The engineering firm will then have to put together their proposal in terms of scope of services and costs as submi tted to us and F . A . A . F . A . A . will review that, they will have a third -party engineer look at that, and if they're not within the right wind of opportunity, they'll make there come back and revisit their scope of services and their costs. So all that cost has to be approved by F.A.A. (since they are paying 9 Ors of the project) . it Will probably be about three months in the schedule before we get a final contract. Thompson feels that by keeping 'in touch with the process (with the F.A.A. regional and Seattle office) we can expedite this as best as possible. The Advisory Board feels this is the best way to go and that we need the F.A.A. Keith Robinson agreed with this statement. Kennedy moved that the Airport Authority authorize the City of Kalispell to enter into a Master Plan Engineering Agreement with Morrison Ma.ierle for the City Airport. The motion was seconded. Donahue asked if the Authority is going to enter into this contract or is the City of Kalispell going to enter into that contract? Krepps suggests this be brought to the Council as an agenda item, as the Council and the Authority are one in the same. RI Donahue feels that they are not one in the same and that the Authority on it's own (it's a body politic) should enter into the contract. Discussion. was held. Donahue raised the issue of bylaws for the Airport Authority again. Krepps clarified that the bylaws need to be addressed by the City Attorney who is on vacation at this time. Kennedy said she believed there was a motion on the floor. Donahue again viewed his concerns,, and felt the matter should be postponed unti 1 the return of the City Attorney . Donahue suggested the City could levy up to 2 mills to f i nanc e the needs of the Authority. Mayor Rauthe stated that the City cannot levy on top of the County 1 evy . Donahue said he has not seen a written opinion regarding this. Cranmo suggests that we go ahead and vote on this and deal with the City/Authority 'issue when our City Attorney returns. Larson called for the question. The motion carried unanimously. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 55 p.m. Douglas D. Rau the , Mayor ATTEST: Kathleen S. Kuhlin Acting Clerk of Council