07/07/97 Airport Minutes0 A, JOINT MEETING OF THE KALI S PELL AIRPORT AUTHORITY AND AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD WAS MELD AT 10:00 P.M. MONDAY, JULY 71 1997, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL IN KALISPELL, M.ONTANA.. MAYOR DOUG RAUTHE PRESIDED, COUNCIL MEMBERS CLIFF COLLINS, NORBERT DONAHUE, DALE HAA.RR , PAM KENNEDY , DUA.NE LAR S ON , GARY NY S TUL , CITY ATTORNEY GLEN NEIER AND CITY MANAGER CLARENCE KREPPS WERE PRESENT. ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS GIB B I S SELL AND KEI'TH ROBINSON WERE ALSO PRESENT. Mayor Rau. the called the meeting to order. Bissell reported Nolte i s relocating which creates a vacancy on the Airport Advisory Board as of August 1, 1997. Advertising will begin for the replacement. Mike Baker reported on the area south of the airport where the junk is located. There was discussion and Krepps noted if everyone was in agreement, the process will be started, legally if necessary to have the responsible parties remove the junk that has been dispensed, since the FAA has also requested the removal. There was consensus to start the process. s ■ Negotiations are continuing. The FAA has directed the Phase I, will be a two phase Master Plan., which will be a Feasibility Level Report comparing the cost of upgrading the current airport to Ultimate B - 2 Utility Airport Standards with construction of a B - 2 Utility Airport at a generic site in the vicinity of Kalispell. Bissell said the Advisory Board was in agreement with the proposed contract but had added that they should put in some completion time lines also. He also said that FAA wants the runway extended prior to addressing the radio towers. There was discussion. The by-laws were reviewed'. There was consensus of Article v, the chair and vice chair elected bi - annually from the membership. And to delete from the second paragraph, "shall sign documents and warrants in the name and on behalf of the Authority", as the city manager is responsible for that'. . L L0 Kennedy suggested in Article VI, the regular meeting be held the first Monday of each month, after the adjournment of the regular meeting. on page 3, special meetings may be called by the chair, or a majority of the Authority. The next paragraph, the 2nd sentence to read "Each member shall have one vote" and to delete the remainder. Kennedy moved to adopt the by-laws of the Kalispell City Authority as discussed. There was more discussion and agreed to add to Article I a definition of airport and Article vIII , should require any proposed amendment, all members should receive 48 hour written not ice . Donahue also wanted to add under Article Iv, the Authority cannot use eminent domain except by the permission of the City Council. There was more discussion. Kennedy added Article I a definition of airport and Article vIII, should require any proposed amendment, all members should receive 48 hour written notice with the agreement of Larson, second of the motion. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 10 ; 4 2 p.m. Douglas D . R,au the , Mayor ATTEST: Debbie Gifford, CMC Acting Clerk of Council