02/19/97 Airport MinutesMinutes from February 19, 1997 Meeting
The meeting began at 4:15 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker and Kathy
Kuhlin (staff), Gib Bissell, Jim Lynch, Tom Reynolds, and Keith
Robinson. Also present were Jerry Burden from the Civil Air Patrol
and Bill Heuson from Diamond Air.
The Aviation Conference is the weekend of the 27, 28, & 29. Gib
suggested that some of the Advisory Board members along with one or
two employees of the City should attend the conference and then
attend a meeting to be set up with David Gabbert from the Helena
Federal Aviation Administration office and Mr. Valentine from the
Small Airports Division of the FAA in Washington, D.C. Gib will
let us know when this meeting is scheduled. Jim suggested we ask
the FAA to either support us or we will go forward without them.
Gib mentioned we could go ahead and get the master plan as long as
it is paid for and won't take too much time to get. Will the FAA
require us to acquire the surrounding land?
Gib suggested we ask the FAA what will be committed to, how much
federal funding will they provide, and exactly where do they stand
regarding the radio towers. He also suggested we consider
extending the runway to the north to avoid having to move the
towers. We also need to ask them when and how to get NPIAS status.
Glen Neier, City Attorney, will have a new hangar lease within a
week to submit to the board. The lease will be for 20 years with
renewal every 3 (or 5) years to negotiate the price based on the
consumer price index (CPI). A commercial lease is also being
developed. The Layout Plan will dictate where the lease land is.
Recommendation from FAA to Council, take lease, property where to
start with hangars. 1512 cents based on accumulated comparison
rates to begin with, then go with the CPI. Recommendation from
this board will be made to the Council at the March 10 Work Session
to hire a part-time airport manager. We also need to check the
current leases to see if they need to be renegotiated. (1) Go to
conference; (2) decide if we are going to stick with the Feds or
not; and (3) begin with leases.
The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, March 12, 1997 at 4:00
Kathy Kuhlin
Recording Secretary