08/11/97 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell
Minutes from August 11, 1997 Meeting
The meeting began at 1:20 p.m. Present were: Clarence Krepps,
Kathy Kuhlin, and Mayor Doug Rauthe (staff), Gib Bissell, Reed
Lamb, Tom Reynolds, Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson. Also present
were Gary Gates from the FAA in Helena, Terry Richmond from
Morrison-Maierle in Kalispell, Tim Orthmeyer from Morrison-Maierle
in Helena, Bill Hewson from Diamond Air and Doc Dahlquist from
Concept 360 (leasing from Bill Hewson).
Copies of the Agenda and the proposed Master Plan Agreement were
distributed. Discussion was held regarding a replacement for Walt
Nolte. All candidates were known by at least one board member.
All members, by secret ballot, wrote down their choices in order of
preference. The results were:
Kathy will prepare
Tom Weaver
Gerry Burden
Dennis Carver
James Roth
a memo to Mayor Rauthe of the board's
Tim Orthmeyer presented a summary of the proposed Master Plan
Agreement. Phase I will include the towers, airspace analysis,
forecasts of airport including collection of data, i.e. number of
aircraft, F.B.O.s, etc., and land acquisition issues.
Tim said they will include what costs will be associated with
developing the airport to the size of a B-2 and do an environmental
After Phase I, a public informational meeting (not a hearing) will
be held. The findings then go to the FAA to decide if a
continuation is possible, at which time the full Master Plan would
be completed (Phase II).
A discussion regarding a B-I rating was held, and Gary Gates
informs everyone that the FAA won't pay for the evaluation of a B-1
airport. Clarence requested that a letter be given to the City
with respect to a B-1 airport outlining the additional costs for a
B-1 evaluation. After Phase I, we will make a local recommendation
to the FAA as to our desire to proceed.
Airport Advisory Board Meeting
August 11, 1997
Page 2
Contract changes were discussed. Clarence asked the FAA to clarify
what involvement the City staff will have in helping to evaluate
the land acquisition and appraisals (item (4) on page 8 of 18).
Where the public meeting is discussed, we need to know the method
of notification to the public (item (2) on page 8 of 18 under C).
Tim will get the redrafted contract to us by the end of the week.
Gib suggested that Morrison-Maierle keep the Montana Aeronautics
Division informed. Clarence requested estimated costs for Phase I
and Phase II to include the B-1 analysis and an alternate cost.
Tom Reynolds questioned the previous statement made by the F.A.A.
at the State Aviation Conference in Missoula regarding listing our
airport in the NPIAS (National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems).
Gary said that the NPIAS listing would depend on the outcome of the
Master Plan.
The meeting set by the F.A.A. for September 19th was briefly
discussed. A meeting has been set for Monday, August 18, 1997 at
4:00 p.m. to discuss the agenda for the September meeting.
Kathy Kuhlin
Recording Secretary