04/25/97 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell
Minutes from April 25, 1997 Meeting
The meeting began at 10:00 a.m. Present were: Mike Baker, Jim
Hansz, and Clarence Krepps (staff), Gib Bissell, Reed Lamb, Jim
Lynch, Walt Nolte, Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson. Also present
were Bill Hewson from Diamond Air and Doc Dahlquist from Concept
360 (leasing from Bill Hewson).
Request for Qualifications for the Airport Master Plan were
submitted on April 16, 1997. The following four firms submitted
1. Carter Burgess, Missoula, Montana
2. Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, Bismarck, North Dakota
3. Morrison-Maierle, Inc., Helena, Montana
4. Robert Peccia & Associates, Helena, Montana
Discussion was held regarding each members grading selection for
each firm's qualifications and their impressions of each firm. The
final scoring placed Morrison-Maierle as the best choice for this
project, with Robert Peccia and Associates as the second choice.
Gib discussed with the FAA selection procedures and items that
needed to be emphasized concerning the Kalispell City Airport. Gib
had checked the references supplied on the firms and reported the
The board unanimously agreed to have the two finalists come for an
oral presentation. The structure of the interview and it's focus
was established. Clarence will send letters to the two project
managers of Morrison Maierle and Robert Peccia and Associates.
The interviews were scheduled for Thursday, May 8 at 1:30 p.m. and
3:00 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
The next joint meeting with the Kalispell City Airport Authority
Board is scheduled for after the Monday, May 19t' Council Meeting
which begins at 7:00 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be set at a later date.
Kathy Kuhlin (per Gib Bissell)
Recording Secretary