09/18/96 Airport MinutesNMTA��, Minutes from September 18, 1996 Meeting The meeting began at 4:00 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker, Larry Gallagher, Kathy Kuhlin, and Diana Roche, (staff); Narda Wilson from F.R.D.O.; Gib Bissell, Tom Reynolds, Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson, Airport Advisory Board Members; Mike Strand from Strand Aviation; and Phil Porrini from Peccia and Associates. This meeting was audio taped for future reference. Phil Porrini reviewed his Airport Layout Plan (ALP) and his report for all present. This report can be our submission to the F.A.A. for consideration into NIPIAS. Our airport is ineligible for trust fund money until we are part of NIPIAS. Phil explained that the ALP is the first step, and then we would need a Master Plan, which the F.A.A. may be willing to fund. For the most part, the F.A.A. does not fund B-1 airports, but will fund B-2 visual. The comparison of B-1, B-2 visual, and B-2 Non -Precision Instrument (NPI) are discussed. Phil will check on page 3 as to the acreage status in each stage for accuracy. Fencing is not often funded by the F.A.A. - more likely to go with woven or barbed wire rather than chain -linked fence. We may consider soft flashing lights for the radio towers instead of strobes. Art asked Phil if we use the ALP and ask the F.A.A. for the NIPIAS status, is it possible to be considered even with the staff and Peccia report discrepancies, and Phil confirms that we can. Phil suggested that if we are seeking federal money, perhaps for a Master Plan, we need to go for a B-2 visual rating. Everyone agreed that the next move is getting the NIPIAS classification. Narda asked Phil to provide a map that combines the lot lines map and the ALP map. The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. The next scheduled meeting (tentative) will be with the City Council at the October 28 Work Session on Monday night at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Kathy Kuhlin Recording Secretary