09/11/96 Airport Minutes9333���
Minutes from September 11, 1996 Meeting
The meeting began at 4:05 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker, Larry
Gallagher, Kathy Kuhlin, Diana Roche (staff), and Narda Wilson from
F.R.D.O.; Gib Bissell, Reed Lamb, Jim Lynch, Tom Reynolds, Keith
Robinson, and Art Thompson.
Gib reviewed the Helena F.A.A. meeting with Gabbert, Larry, etc.
and updated Narda and Diana. Peccia is developing an Airport
Layout Plan. F.A.A. in Helena said there is no funding for a B-1
airport. Many B-1 airports are not listed in NIPIAS. Pressure
Dave Gabbert at F.A.A. to come to Kalispell to look at our airport.
Art said the rebuilding of the runway is dependant upon Federal
money. Narda explained that the Urban Renewal Plan written by
Larry established a Tax Increment District and was approved by the
Council. All the analysis was based upon a B-1 airport. Baker
said the standards for a B-2 will have a large impact on the area.
Peccia was to supply a list of comparison of B-1 and B-2 as to what
needs to be removed and what property needs to be obtained. Diana
will be the main contact person with Peccia. She had written on
September 4th requesting the final papers from Peccia. The papers
were due August 30. Narda suggested we get all the information
from Peccia before we make any final decisions. After receiving
the documentation, we could get together and review the documents
and discuss the neighborhood impact. Narda suggested we have a
public meeting with notifications and agendas to inform the
neighborhood and pilots. Art suggested we pursue B-2, as B-2 has
a longer, safer runway. Narda expressed that perhaps the direction
should not be to sell the B-2 to the City but to sell the B-1 to
the F.A.A. and use our legislators.
Gib mentioned that if we plan on applying for State grants, we need
to apply by January, 1997. These grants are awarded by the Montana
Aeronautics Board. Larry recommended we apply for everything (all
funding). The fencing is our first priority. We need to make our
goal clear for the Council. We also need to decide the terms of
the Airport Authority Board. The Authority is scheduled to take
over the airport in January. The sale of property, airport
members, and budgets were discussed. The operation budget will go
to the Authority.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
Kathy Kuhlin
Recording Secretary