11/13/96 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell
Minutes from November 13, 1996 Meeting
The meeting began at 4:00 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker and Kathy
Kuhlin (staff), Gib Bissell, Jim Lynch, Walt Nolte, Tom Reynolds,
Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson. Reed Lamb was unable to attend.
Also present were Bill Heuson from Diamond Air and Winston Major
from Aero-Craftsman, Inc.
Gib and Mike met with Dave Gabbert approximately two weeks ago.
They toured the airport and reviewed the Airport Layout Plan. They
discussed fence lines and access areas. Dave Gabbert is still
concerned about the radio towers. He believes it would look good
for obtaining federal money if this problem were resolved. Art
suggests we "open the door" with the radio station (KGEZ). Gib
will contact Fred Lark from a radio station in Lewistown to obtain
information as to options and costs in dealing with the towers.
Jim suggested someone contact Mike at M & M Communications and
Winston Major said he would contact Nick Poncelet from Rocky
Mountain Avionics for the same information. Perhaps someone could
check with B-98 to find out what it cost them to deal with their
Lowell Johnson will be here on December 2 to meet with the board
and view the airport. He will tour the airport at 1:30 p.m., and
then meet with the board and the City at the Aero Inn at 2:00 p.m.
The board asked that Clarence Krepps and Mayor Rauthe also be
present. Gib asked the board to suggest what information they want
to receive from Lowell. Suggested were the NIPIAS issue and
potential FAA money. Dave Gabbert wants a copy of our by-laws that
spell out clearly who owns the airport.
Gib will contact KGEZ to see what they are willing to agree to.
Art wants city representation when we go to talk with them. We
need to find out who owns the property. Will Urban renewal money
fund the cost of dealing with the towers? Gabbert suggested the
board should acquire as much land adjacent to the airport. Gib
will contact Dave Gabbert before Johnson comes here to find out if
there is any information he would like us to have available for
Johnson when he gets here.
The Work Session with the Council on November 25 will allow the
board to'question the Council las to what will happen in January
with the transition of the airport authority. The board would also
like to discuss the match for the State grant money, money for a
part-time manager and City assistance as to plowing, etc. Art
Airport Advisory Board Meeting
November 13, 1996
Page Two
needs to see some strong commitment from the City after the first
of the year or he will no longer commit his time to the airport.
The board would also like Narda to be present to discuss the B-1
and B-2 comparison. I
Bids for Haven Field will be submitted by November 19th. The money
from the sale of Haven Field will go to the ballfields. Leases for
the s• can then •-• Mike suggested the board meet with
Larry Gallagher to discuss lease charges and appraisals. The board
is still waiting for Glen to approve the leases. Glen also has the
airport manager description, but it is noted that the description
was written for a full-time .•- and not part-time. He also has
the by-laws.
Mike mentioned that a company has approached the City concerning
their search for 11 acres with a long term lease for a light
industrial warehouse. The board confirms to Mike that we should
consider every offer.
A special meeting will be held on Monday, November 25, 1996 at 7:00
p.m. in the Council Chambers to give the airport board an
opportunity to discuss the future of the board with the City
Kathy Kuhlin
Recording Secretary