05/08/96 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD Minutes from May 8, 1996 Meeting The meeting began at 4:10 p.m. Present were: Kathy Kuhlin and Mike Baker (staff), Gib Bissell, Walt Nolte, Tom Reynolds, and Keith Robinson. Also present were Winston Major from Major Aero- Craftsman, Bill Heuson from Diamond Air, Mike Strand from Strand Aviation, and Linda Stevens from Stevens Aero Works. We need to get the airport up to B-2 standards per Gib. Porrini showed him an overlay - non -precision approach from north toward 18th Street. The taxiway needs to be taken out on east side and only have a taxiway on the west side. We could hangars where the soccer lights are and still leave an easement the sewer lines. The towers created a blight neiahborhood for probably be available in the Fall. The taxiway on the would mean purchasing more property or trading. F.A.A. few gates as possible. Phil the the put for oney will west side likes as Gabbert will be up in early June. Phil will set aside an area for hangars as soon as possible so we can get busy leasing land for people that want to build hangars. The City can control what is built there. We need to work on establishing the airport manger's description, rules and regulations, and a business plan. Gib asked if the board could split up the three jobs and take the information from other airports home to review and begin a draft to have some basics done by July 1. Tom will review the airport manager information, Keith- the construction standards information, Walt - the airport regulations information, and Gib will review the lease agreement information. A draft is due by our next meeting. Do construction standards for airport extend to surrounding private land? The zoning and building restrictions identified in the Airport Neighborhood Plan will be adhered to. Exceptions may apply to Strand because he is over a certain distance. Hangar leases measured at'150% of your squar6 feet around the hangar. The plan needs to be of service to our users and be self-supporting. Gib suggested a restaurant or a rental car company where the airport can receive a portion of the proceeds would be a good business to encourage into the airport area. We will need to have the Airport Neighborhood Plan amended to include the Airport Layout Plan when it is completed. AirportAdvisory Board .. `.. 9 Page All board members who are interested in being selected for the Airport Authority Board need to submit a letter of interest to Mayor Rauthe before July 1. The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, June 12, 1996 at 4:011, Kathy Kuhlin Recording Secretary Fa