03/06/96 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell The meeting began at 4:05 p.m. Present were: Kathy Kuhlin (staff), Gib Bissell, Tom Reynolds, Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson. Gib informed us of the meeting with the F.A.A. in Helena. Gib Bissell, Walt Nolte, Tom Reynolds, and Art Thompson were present from our Board. Larry Gallagher was also present on behalf of the city. Also present were Lowell Johnson, Fred Isaiah, Dave Gabbert, Ray Costello, Mike Ferguson, and someone from Mike Ferguson's board. Larry did an excellent presentation at the meeting. The F.A.A. requires an Airport Layout Plan (ALP) be done within the F.A.A. guidelines. It is real likely that our airport will be listed with NIPIAS. The F.A.A. will also do a site selection survey early next week. Gib feels this will be in our favor. Monte Eliason stated he gives his support of our AIP (Airport Improvement Program) as long as it doesn't affect the Glacier International Airport's funding. Dave Gabbert has a problem with the radio towers. ILS (Instrument Landing System) and GPS (global positioning system) Could have an approach system. F.A.A. wants the plan to be relatively inexpensive and suggests we obtain information from Dave Greer, Jay Billmayer, etc. Terry Richmond from Morrison-Maerle gave a bid of $10,000. Gib is waiting for a bid from Phil Perenni from Pietsch, Inc. The State will look at our grant application to fun.d.,50% or perhaps more of the cost of the ALP. Art questioned what the deadline on the sale of Haven Field is and' thip,-deadline regarding the State Lands plan. Gi,Psucfaested that we design a Business Plan that would specify how what kind of restaurants, FBO's, and rental car business, would allow. The Airport Authority could change these when they,,want to. Also, we need the airport rules and,regulations spelled out in a city ordinance. Gib will contact MqiXte''to get.a copy of the Glacier Airport rules and regulations. Tom;-.meptioned a weather station he saw in Helena for about $10,000 thA-.-j;--gave temperature, winds, speed and direction. Airport Advisory Board Meeting January 24, 1996 Page 2 Gib said the State could get runway lights, NDB (non -directional beacon lights), unicorns, etc. at reduced rates and install them for no charge. They can also get reduced rates on paint. Dave Gabbert also communicated his opinion that we should be better than B-1, but the others at the meeting said just bring it up to F.A.A. standards. The board asked Kathy to invite Al Thelen to our next meeting and convey their sense of urgency for the airport and athletic complex time lines. The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, March 20, 1996 at 4:00 p.m. Kathy Kuhlin Recording Secretary N