03/20/96 Airport MinutesThe meeting began at 4:00 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker and Kathy Kuhlin (staff), Gib Bissell, Reed Lamb, Walt Nolte, Tom Reynolds, Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson. Also present was Dennis Carver from Carver Engineering. Discussion was held regarding the airport being on the agenda for Monday night's Council Work Session. Mike spoke with Peccia and Associates and said the Airport Layout Plan will also be on the agenda. Gib said Mike Ferguson will be coming tomorrow to push the grant. Part 77 of Plan 1 is regarding airplane services. The other part is regarding the architectural layout for taxiway and wing clearance. G.P.S. (global positioning system) published instrument approach - concern about towers. Towers are outside of 5,000 feet. If grant money becomes available, perhaps the radio people would move the towers. Business plan could include: how many airplanes in ten years, speed limits, making a city ordinance, and a fee system. Get copy of by-laws and rules and regulations from Glacier International. Have ordinance cover it as a Business Plan that can be changed whenever necessary by the authority. Tie -down fees could go with the business plan, and the authority could regulate the fees. Gas tax is more permanent. Need to prepare a draft for a business plan and the ordinance. Kathy to get a copy of Chapter 67-11-102 Montana Code Annotated (MCA) regarding the authority board and clarify this with the Mayor. Would the Airport Manager be a full-time or part-time position? Business Plan should cover the administration regarding manager. Gib will discuss this with Mike Ferguson. Kathy will inquire about managers and business plans from other airports. Gib will give Kathy names and addresses to contact. Gib mentioned that the State will often give lights, etc. for free if you commit to maintaining it. A letter was sent to the county asking for surplus supplies. Gib asks Kathy to send a copy of Resolution #4210 to the F.A.A. and the Montana Aeronautics Board, and to highlight section 5. Include a cover letter, saying "Please consider this an addition to the Neighborhood Plan, and it indicates a commitment from our Council. Send to Dave Gabbert and Mike Ferguson in Helena, not to Seattle. Gib and Mike will sign the letter. Discussion regarding a letter to the Elks explaining that their request is still on the table was held. The decision was made to hold off on this until after the Airport Layout Plan is finished. Airport Advisory Board Meeting Page i Gib asked if the tax increment district would include the airport and athletic fields together. Mike gave the tennis courts as an example of a tax increment district that was established but the ultimate location was elsewhere. Annexation of proposed ballfields property was discussed. Al Thelen, Interim City Manager, and Larry Gallagher arrived. Authority for redevelopment plan will take 90-120 days. Need to get authority for staff to draft and negotiate agreements regarding the Ballfield Complex with the School District, Flathead County, Kalispell Youth Softball Association, Kalispell Peewee Association, Kalispell Babe Ruth Baseball Association, and the Kalispell Youth Soccer Association. Agreements will relate to the development use, maintenance, and operations of complex. We need to get authority from the Council for these things to move at the same tim�ith Clyde Rooney fr the epartment of Natur Reso es the State Lan�taxbincrement also be present on Monday. he U an Renewal Plan also neede approved by the Council, M 15 is the date set to dis ss with the Council. Resolution of Intent, Declaration of Necessity, Notes of Public Hearing. Some concerns may be the issue that Federal money can pay for the airport, and that tax increment fundin s money from schools and the county. The schools will benefit if t is completed. Tax increment cannot be put into place until afte the public hearing. The next regular meeting will be Wedn sday, April 10, 1996 at :0 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 5:15 Kathy Kuhlin Recording Secretary E