06/27/96 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell Minutes from June 27, 1996 Meeting The meeting began at 4:00 p.m. Present were: Kathy Kuhlin, Make Baker, Glen Neier, and Al Thelen (staff); and Gib Bissell, Reed Lamb, Tom Reynolds, Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson. Also present were: Bill Heuson from Diamond Air, Winston Major and Dave Sturgis from Aero-Craftsman, Inc., and Doc Dahlquist from Concept 360 (he leases from Bill Heuson). Peccia will give the Airport Layout Plan to Mike Ferguson to give to Dave Gabbert for federal money and to show the evidence for a B- 2 visual rating. We may need to ask for a full-time airport manager. Council was looking at the budget to see if it will be self supporting. They are not ready to form the authority because of the bylaws, the legal end. We need to obtain the bylaws from Glacier International Airport. The Advisory Board has no problem with waiting until January 1, 1997 to establish the Authority Board, but feels the Council needs to trust them more. Glen explained that an airport authority is its own body, but an airport commission is ultimately under the authority of the City Council. Under a commission, only residents of the City can serve. Glen stated that presently the City doesn't know what property or what kind of title they're going to give to the authority. They could deed the property to the authority. They should have an agreement with the authority as to various and sundry things that are going to arise, an agreement for their improvements, and establish who will do the maintenance. If the airport (the title part) returns back to the City, the airport board will need to submit an annual report. The City shall handle the bidding and awarding of projects so that the airport has legal representation. The authority will have to hire an engineer to designate what improvements need to be bid. Glen suggested perhaps fencing, lighting systems, and maybe extending the runway. The property will need to be surveyed. Both the Federal and State airport officials say that when it comes to grants, an authority is more likely to get the funds. We need to start leasing land for development of hangars to create income. The airport manager will obtain long term improvements and developments. The board will submit a letter of consensus to extend the date to January 1, 1997. The resolution needs to say "on real property or resides in the City limits", establish staggered terms, and implement the airport layout plan upon approval. Airport Advisory Board Meeting June 27, 1996 Page 2 The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, July 10, 1996 at 4:00 p.m. Kathy Kuhlin Recording Secretary 0