06/21/96 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell
Minutes •, June 21, 1996 •
The meeting began at 4:10 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker, Larry
Gallagher, Kathy Kuhlin, and Al Thelen (staff); and Gib Bissell,
Reed Lamb, Tom Reynolds, Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson. Also
present were Mike Strand from Strand Aviation, and Dennis Carver
from Carver Engineering.
Annexation of ballfield property and the land lease were discussed.
Mike Baker will contact Jeannie Fairbanks on Monday to see what
they would require on our preliminary schematics. Perhaps Bruce
Lutz could enhance the completed conceptual drawing to meet their
requirements in a timely manner. If not, Mr. Theusin in Billings
could also do the conceptual drawing. Larry said the appraisal
will be done August 15, and he hoped the property would remain
zoned AG-80. The board agreed that the Council needs to vote for
the tax increment district to establish the district.
Airport revenue and expenses were reviewed. Speculation of
approximately 15 hangars being built in the next two years once the
"go ahead" is given. ?
Have lease say "CPI adjusted annually on leases". Also insert,
"This does not include any assumptions of federal funding."
A Letter of Intent from Winston Major and Letter of Intent from
Budget Rent -a -Car needs to be supplied to the Council. The airport
will be on the July 1 agenda. Al suggested meeting with Glen to
discuss the residency issue regarding the Airport Authority. A
meeting has been set for Thursday, June 27, at 2:00 p.m. to meet
with Glen.
The Peccia plans were reviewed. The board shall pursue a B-2
classification for the airport, as B-2 airports can obtain funding.
The members are asked to submit letters of interest in serving on
the Authority Board to Mayor Rauthe as soon as possible.
Kathy Kuhlin
Recording Secretary