07/10/96 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD Minutes from July 10, 1996 Meeting The meeting began at 4:00 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker, Al Thelen, and Kathy Kuhlin (staff), Gib Bissell, Walt Nolte, Tom Reynolds, and Keith Robinson. Dennis Carver from Carver Engineering and Bill Heuson from Diamond Air were also present. The State Aeronautics Board has received a copy of the Airport Layout Plan from Peccia, and they will walk over to the F.A.A. office and share it with Dave Gabbert. Gib will arrange to have Phil Porrini from Peccia at the next Council Work Session, which is tentatively scheduled for July 29. Kathy will call Gib with the exact date of that meeting. He suggested the prospective tenants attend the next work session. Gib conveyed that the majority of the City Council had contacted him to relay their support of the Airport Advisory Board and clarify their position. He felt the Council Members who requested the ten year budget were concerned that down the road the board would come to the Council to ask for more money. They want to be sure the runway, lighting, and fencing costs are covered. Discussion was held as to the direction of the 20 year budget plan. Al said if the progression is delayed, we may not have someone to purchase the land to implement the master plan. Timing is critical. Al suggested we respond to the request for the 20 year budget plan as soon as possible. Walt and Gib will meet on Thursday to complete the requested budget plan. Al suggested the budget be ready for the next work session. Let him know if the City Staff can be of assistance. Al mentioned that Gib should summarize the budget for the Council, address the capital improvements, and then have Peccia discuss the Layout Plan. Afterward, come back in two weeks with a written plan for Council to approve. Kathy will contact Jim Lynch to learn if he is still interested in serving on the Airport Advisory Board or would rather resign. Dennis Carver, an interested "regular" at our meetings, will submit a letter to Mayor Rauthe requesting appointment to the board if an opening occurs. The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, August 14, 1996 at 4:00 p.m. Kathy Kuhlin Recording Secretary