01/24/96 Airport MinutesThe meeting began at 4:05 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker and Kathy
Kuhlin (staff); Gib Bissell, Tom Reynolds, Keith Robinson, Art
Thompson, Jim Lynch, and Reed Lamb. Also present were Bill Hewson
from Diamond Air; Dave Hoerner of Eagle Aviation; Jerry Burden from
the Civil Air Patrol; Bob Bensen from Babe Ruth; Roy Beckman and
Virginia Sloan representing baseball interests; and Hazel Spencer
from Max Baucus' office.
Mike Baker distributed information regarding the Helena Regional
Airport Authority Commission's seminar in Helena. Chairman Gib
Bissell summarized the need for 160 acres for the baseball and
soccer fields and have the airport board along with the baseball
and soccer people to support both projects. There are 54 fields
planned for the 160 acres, but only 22 fields will be built
initially. The sale of Haven Field must happen first. The
question was raised as to whether there are grants available for
baseball. F.A.A. had said no money if airports are within 15
minutes radius of each other. Glacier International Airport
doesn't want the private traffic from our airport. The presenta-
tion to the council regarding the airport/baseball proposal is
scheduled for the February 12 work session, which should give some
direction for the airport. The site plan was distributed. It was
suggested that Gib call Mike Ferguson to see if the grant
application deadline could be extended until after February 20, and
also send a letter of our intentions before that date.
Roy Beckman talked about the athletic fields plan and about their
presentation to the council for the 12th.
Art Thompson discussed the idea of the Glacier International
Airport Manager also being the manager of our city airport.
The board requested that each council member be given a copy of the
proposed Airport Site Plan.
Bill Solum, the attorney who has dealt with the F.A.A., can be
reached at 357-2217 (work); 357-3382 (home); or 844-3879 in
Lakeside. Hazel suggested we contact Glacier International Airport
and Holman Aviation to have them put in writing as to their support
or opposition to our airport. If there is opposition, we need to
work it out and get their support before going to the F.A.A. for
funding, thereby showing a more united front.
Airport Advisory Board Meeting
January 24, 1996
Page 2
Art mentioned that one of the council members would appreciate more
information regarding user fees for city and county airports,
including possible money contributed by county for baseball fields.
It was also noted that the college and the Flathead High School are
interested in the fields for their use.
Hazel suggested that we talk with Kim Potter regarding using the
airport as an alternative during natural disasters and get a letter
of support. Also get one from the Forest Service. Call Max Baucus
if nothing is moving. He has a grant person on board who could
The meeting was adjourned at 5.45 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, February 7, 1996 at
4:00 p.m.
Kathy Kuhlin
Recording Secretary