02/27/96 Airport MinutesI
Minutes from February 27, 1996 Meetin
The meeting began at 4:10 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker, Larry
Gallagher and Kathy Kuhlin (staff); Gib Bissell, Walt Nolte, Jim
Lynch, Tom Reynolds, Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson.
Gib and Art will both be attending the airport board
members /commissioners seminar this Friday, March 1, and will be
meeting with the F.A.A. at the Colonial Inn in Helena at 8:00 a.m.
to discuss our airport. Mike and Larry will also be attending on
behalf of the city. Walt and Tom will also consider attending.
Larry mentioned that many other airports are federally funded that
are closer than 15 minutes from each other. Gib said if the F.A.A.
gives their approval, an airport study will need to be done by an
airport study group recommended by the F.A.A. The cost of this
study is around $60,000, with 90% paid by the F.A.A., and perhaps
the State paying the other 10%. Discussion is held regarding the
support of our council.
The board discusses attending the council meeting on Monday night
to inform the council of the F.A.A. meeting results, and to ask the
council for their support of the airport/athletic complex plan.
Time lines are running out and we need a decision. What can we do
to help you (the council)? Gib suggested we talk with the school
district regarding their use of the athletic complex. The Pilot's
Association will be asked to attend the council meeting. Art
mentioned his talk about the airport with Norb Donahue.
Larry said he has reviewed the board's revenue enhancement
recommendations, and asked if Holman Aviation is charging $250 for
hangar rental at Glacier International Airport, why are we.
recommending $100 at our city airport? Why should we subsidize
pilots in Kalispell? The idea of "piece meal" enhancement won't
work. We need to keep interested buyers interested by moving
forward. Also, there is no tax increment available from the
existing tax district.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, March 13, 1996 at 4:00
Kathy Kuhlin
Recording Secretary