12/02/96 Airport Minutes (Special Mtg)NHRTA��� Minutes from December 2, 1996 Special Meeting The meeting began at 1:30 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker, Clarence Krepps, Larry Gallagher, (staff); Councilman Cliff Collins, Councilman Norb Donahue, Mayor Doug Rauthe; Gib Bissell, Jim Lynch, Tom Reynolds, Art Thompson (board); Lowell Johnson (FAA, Seattle), Dave Gabbert (FAA, Helena), and Mike Ferguson (State Aeronautics). Also present were Doc Dahlquist from Concept 360 (leasing from Bill Heuson), Bill Heuson from Diamond Air, and Winston Major from Aero- Craftsman, Inc. 1:30-2:30' p.,m. Mike Ferguson left early for another meeting. Gib, Jim, Art, Mike, Councilman Collins, Dave Gabbert and Lowell Johnson ,41rove around the airport. Property use and boundaries were tiscussed. 2:30-4:30 p.m. The group met with Mr. Gabbert and Mr. Johnson and discussed Authority versus Commission, and the following FAA concerns: • Community Support - non aviation portion of entire community. Governmental analysis - growth of airport. Sponsorship - who; land ownership; maintenance and operational capability. "Landlocked" airport. • Financial Capability - taxing authority; revenue generation potential. Off Airport Land Use Controls - positive and aggressive; partnership between authority and city/county? On Airport Private Access - subordinate to airport; safety; revenue positive. Radio Towers/Approach Protection - how to resolve. City money and acquire land. • Long Term Viability Of Airport Airport Improvement Program memorandum. 5.7 M for Montana, non-commercial airports. Uniform Act (Larry). Special Airport Advisory Board Meeting December 2, 1996 Page Two Mr. Gabbert stated the FAA would fund airport improvements if the City would make a reasonable effort to fund the tower situation and land acquisition. The City requested the FAA prepare a Memorandum of Understanding in this regard. Both Mr. Gabbert and Mr. Johnson agreed to list our airport in NPIAS. Gib has requested that all board members compile a list of items you feel are important for the City to commit to before tht. Authority transition, i.e. plowing and mowing; $8,000 for a part- time airport manager; etc. He would also like everyone to consider how to structure an Authority, i.e. an independent, Glacier Park International Airport, or an Authority/Commission. Please bring your list and ideas with you to our next regular meeting scheduled for Wednesday, December 11, 1996 at 4:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. Kathy Kuhlin Recording Secretary per Gib Bissell, Chairman