04/10/95 Airport Minutes7*91xrJr-TAffT..V9VT*TW_
The meeting began at 4:00 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker and Kathy
Kuhlin (staff), Gib Bissell, Reed Lamb, Walt Nolte, Tom Reynolds,
and Keith Robinson. Also present were Bill Hewson from Diamond
Air, Winston Major from Aero-Craftsman, Inc., and Dave Sturgis
(with Bill Hewson). Dave is considering putting a machine shop at
the airport. Al Thelen, Interim City Manager, was present later in
the meeting.
Mike informed the board that he is working on the budget for the
airport. He asked that members of the board be present at the
Planning Board meeting scheduled for May 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Council Chambers. Larry Gallagher (from our Planning office) and
Narda Wilson (from the Flathead Regional Development Office
(F.R.D.O.]) will also be present on behalf of the airport. Gib
mentioned that the Montana Pilot's Association (M.P.A.) and the
Civil Air Patrol (C.A.P.) are interested in doing mowing, painting,
etc. to help out at the airport.
The board needs to focus on the airport manager job description and
also on a proposed business plan. The plan could identify rates,
locations, standards, and specifications for hangars, and also the
length for leases. The question if F.A.A. has standards for
hangars was raised and discussed.. Reed suggested that plowing in
the winter is a necessity to the hangar users. Walt suggested the
board meet on a Saturday to review all the business plans that are
obtained from other airports to create our own. Walt will call
Dillon; Tom will call Stevensville; Gib will call Glasgow; Reed
will get the by-laws and the business plan for Glacier
International Airport. Other airports that were mentioned for
obtaining their business plan were: Eureka, Ennis, and Laurel.
Gib said the Airport Layout Plan could be back to us in 4-6 weeks,
but he was unsure as to when Peccia would begin their study. He
has requested the State regulations be sent to him also. Winston
Major said he is interested in building a hangar as soon as
possible. He also asked if there would be less lease costs if a
business has to bring the property up to standards to build on it.
Winston suggested the city establish a drainage plan for the
airport. The Authority could possibly begin leasing the property
for hangar construction sometime in July.
AprilAirport Advisory Board Meeting
0 1996
General discussion is held regarding the surrounding property.
Reed was asked about the hangars at Glacier International Airport.
He said that Holman owns the hangars and the County owns the land.
The small T hangars lease for $175/month and the larger T hangars
lease for $200/month, with a one month rebate if the lease is for
one year, paid in advance. Tom stated that he sees the Airport
Authority as a developer. Establishment of the Authority will be
after the June 17 hearing, and the airport manager would be hired
by the Authority Board, per Al.
The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, May 8, 1996 at 4:00
Recording Secretary