11/08/95 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell Minutes from November 8, 1995 Meeting The meeting began at 4:00 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker and Kathy Kuhlin (staff), Gib Bissell, Reed Lamb, Jim Lynch, Walt Nolte, Tom Reynolds, Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson. Also present were airport tenants Mike Strand from Strand Aviation; Bill and Veronica Hewson from Diamond Air (formerly Stockhill); Jerry Burden from the Civil Air Patrol; and Wenzel Major from Aero-Craftsman, Inc. Gib questioned when the City's document will go in front of Council. Mike (Baker) clarified November 13 as the date it will be presented to the Council (now scheduled for December Work Session) . Mike requested a copy of the report be provided to all board members. Gib asked if all airport planning was contingent upon the relocation of the ballfields. Mike talked about the sports complex and other ballfields that are unusable that could be used if ballfields are not relocated. The status of the State Lands property was discussed. The board questioned whether they should go ahead and send the Council information as to what the board has accomplished so far. Gib stated that Bruce Williams said the board could go ahead with gathering the necessary information as to how to obtain F.A.A. funding. Gib said K.G.E.Z. Radio related the cost for lighting the towers would be $20,000, and seemed disinterested. The City has low cost funding available for the airport to borrow, too. The State of - Montana Aeronautics Board Grant was discussed. Gib suggested lighting be requested. January 30, 1996 is the submission date. In kind services were discussed. Next Wednesday, Mike Ferguson from the Montana Aeronautics Board in Helena will be at a special Airport Board meeting on Wednesday, November 15, 1995 at 4:00 p.m. The board will ask him if this grant is a one time shot. T.A.P. did a study that used a grant back in 1973 or so but the City didn't act on it. Tom distributed his notes, a copy of which shall be provided to Bruce. Regarding #5 of the priority list, it was suggested that "caution" signs be used noting the radio towers instead of strobes. #10 and #11 could be combined. Whomever we have do the signs needs 0 Airport Advisory Board Meeting November 8, 1995 Page 2 to be aware of the many FAA regulations regarding signs. Baker will do a letter of inquiry to the County Commissioners requesting surplus airport equipment. The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m. Kathy Kuhlin Recording Secretary F