11/15/95 Airport MinutesMinutes from November 15, 1995 Meeting The meeting began at 4:10 p.m. Present were: Larry Gallagher, Brian Wood, and Kathy Kuhlin (staff); Gib Bissell, Reed Lamb, Jim Lynch, Tom Reynolds, Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson. Mike Baker and Walt Nolte were unable to attend. Also present was Mike Ferguson from the Montana Aeronautics Board (M.A.B.) in Helena. Our airport needs to be a part of the National Plan for Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). This is determined in part by the distance between airports (20 to 1 zone) and the number of based operators. Mike Ferguson feels there is a possibility of our airport becoming part of NPIAS and suggests we visit with Lowell Johnson with the F.A.A. in Seattle. His office covers the Northwest Mountain Region. They could fund 90% of the money from the general aviation fund. We need to obtain documents from Helena supporting the M.A.B.'s recommendation that our airport be in NPIAS. There is money available in an airport loan trust and an airport grant trust. The interest percentage is 1/2 of the prime rate adjusted annually in January. Airlines get a $.02 per gallon rebate. Regarding grants, the Aeronautics Board is the final approving board for loans and grants. Applications are to be filled out by the middle of December of each year for grants. The middle of April is when the grants are approved. Some items to apply for might be a new lighting system, visual approach slope indicator (VASI), runway extension, fencing, or buying land. No money will be issued until something is in progress. There is no minimum or maximum grant amount. Mike thinks municipalities can get a $150,000 loan debt without going to the general public for approval, but we would need to check with our city attorney on this. The application goes to Helena before Seattle. Last year was the first year grants were actually given out. Often the grant amount given is only half of what the community asks for. Some communities will ask for loans along with their grants. Loans are for ten (10) years. When our board becomes an authority board, we may be able to preempt Initiative 1-105 for a 3% loan amount. (Check with city attorney.) Airport Authorities can add a two mill Permissive Levy in Kalispell without authority from citizens. If our county does less than the 2 mills already, we could obtain funds from the difference by adding extra the extra mill to complete the two mills. Airport Advisory Board Meeting November 8, 1995 Page 2 Monty said (per Art) at Rotary that the county hopes to lower their mills in this regard over the next few years. Loans can be issued any time, if loan money is available, at quarterly loan meetings. The FAA would not move the radio towers. or strobe them. Extending the runway to 4,700 feet will make a topographic change where it will come to the edge of a bluff, per Brian. Mike said it won't be a problem. Mike will check with his office with Reggie Myerhenry about it. Mike is given a copy of our Master Plan. Technical assistants at Mike's office are available to help with design, and could come for a site meeting at our airport. Reggie could come and advise. Don't sell any land - only lease it. Could lease for 40 years Mike thinks. Contact Senator Baucus or Senator Burns if no success with F.A.A. Jay Billmayer is still working on his project for the board. Larry asks for any revenue ideas to be given to him as soon as possible. State - $.05 per square foot per year for paved land. Better to charge FBO's for ramp fee rather than tiedown fees. City should do asphalt and snow removal. The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m. Kathy Kuhlin Recording Secretary OA