08/09/95 Airport Minutes• • ^
Minutes from August 9, 1995 Meeting
Introductions were held. The meeting time of the second Wednesday
of each month at 4 p.m. was agreed to by members present.
Lynch questions how
meeting ^, coincides with the City
The possibilities of relocation for the sports fields was
discussed. The board decided they will meet . again on Tuesday,
August 22 at the back of the Aero Inn by the A -frame to tour the
airport ^ Baker reviewed
Jim Lynch moved -to nominate Gib Bissell as Chairman. The motion
was seconded by Art Thompson, and passed unanimously.
Airport Advisory Board Meeting
The board requested a copy of the staff report for council
regarding • • •: the athletic complex.
Discussion was held regarding a prepared agenda for each
Art Thompson was interested in information regarding the annexation
of property south of the airport. He also expressed discontent
with the plan to makethe ,.
ast area of the airport an FBO (Fixed
Base operator) • •manyoftheother board members agreed.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
Kathy Kuhlin