08/26/97 Harrison/Zoning AnalysisMEMO DRADate: August 26, 1997 FT To: Larry Gallagher, PECDD Director From: Diana Harrison, Zoning Administrator RE: Zoning Analysis of Daley Field Proposals Your memo of August 20, 1997, asks me to look at the planning and zoning issues of each of the two proposals for the Daley Field site. In the following paragraphs I have attempted to address each of the proposals and each of the separate uses proposed. I have identified the parking, landscaping and setback issues as best I could with the information provided. Proposal by Icing Management for the Daley Feld Site The proposal by King Management Inc. to develop the Daley Field site consists of nine (9) separate uses. It appears from the site plan, that the intent is to subdivide the property into nine (9) separate parcels of land, and to provide cross easement agreements for access. The B-2, General Business zoning district has a minimum lot area requirement of 7000 square feet, with a 70' minimum lot width requirement. Although the site plan that has been submitted does not show any property dimensions, it appears that all of the parcels would meet these minimum requirements. The B-2 zoning district has setback requirements as follows: Front Yard - 20 ft.; Side Yard - 5 ft.; Rear Yard - 20 ft.; & Side Comer - 15 ft. It is my understanding, that the developer was aware of the required setbacks when preparing the site plan. It is the intent of the B-2, General Business zoning district to provide areas for those retail sales and service./unctions and businesses whose operations are typically characterized by outdoor display, storage and,,or sale of merchandise, by major repair of motor vehicles, and by outdoor commercial amusement and recreational activities. This district would also serve the general needs of the tourist and traveler. The following are the proposed uses on the Daley Field site by King Management, Inc.: A.) Auto Dealership - Automobile sales are a permitted use within the B-2 zoning district. The required parking is one (1) space per 1,500 square feet of gross floor area plus one (1) space per employee on the largest shift. B.) Airport or Automotive Service Business - This is a permitted use in the B-2 zoning district. An automotive "body shop" is not included under this use, and is not permitted in the B-2 zone. This use requires one (1) parking space per 400 square feet of gross floor area plus one (1) space per employee on the largest work shift. C.) Hangars and/or Office/ Retail Space - Hangars are not a permitted use in the B-2 zone. The developer would have to apply for a "text amendment" to the zoning ordinance to make "hangars" a permitted use in the B-2 zoning district. A text amendment would require a hearing in front of the Planning Board and an ultimate decision by the Kalispell City Council. Although the FAA is not generally supportive of "through the fence operations", it would ultimately be the decision of the Airport Authority whether or not to allow access to the runway from the Daley Field site. If a decision was made by the Airport Authority to allow this, the FAA would most likely place some strict controls on the access. The FAA would encourage the Airport Authority to have a written agreement with the owners of the hangars, that they pay their share of operation and maintenance costs for airport facilities. It has been the intent of the City and the Airport Advisory Committee to fence the entire perimeter of the airport. Office space and retail space have different parking requirements, and it is based on the type of use and the size of the building. Parking requirements would have to be determined once there is a firm proposal from the applicant. D.) Convenience Store/Gas Station/Casino - A convenience store is a permitted use in the B-2 zone, as long as it is under 3,000 square feet. The gas station would be considered an accessory use to the convenience store. Parking requirements for a convenience store are one (1) space per 100 square feet of gross floor area. A casino is a conditionally permitted use in the B-2 zone. Generally an establishment is not considered a casino when the premise contains no live card games, has less than six (6) gambling machines, and the gambling devices are clearly incidental to the primary use of the establishment. E.) Quick L,ube - This is a penmitted use in the B-2 zone. Required parking is three (3) spaces per service bay. F.) Restaurant / Pizza Parlor / Diner - The site plan shows these as three (3) separate uses on three (3) separate parcels. Each of these is a permitted use in the B-2 zone. If the restaurants are less than 4,000 square feet in floor area, they require one (1) space per 100 square feet of gross floor area. G.) Hotel - This is a permitted use in the B-2 zone. Hotel parking requirements are one (1) parking space per sleeping room plus one (1) per each two (2) employees. It is my understanding that the developer plans on submitting a new site plan that will show the proposed parking layout and the size of the proposed structures. This site plan should also incorporate the proposed landscaping of the parking areas. The zoning ordinance requires that a minimum of five percent (S%) of the total parking area shall be landscaped. The current site plan does not show any landscaping of the parking areas, but does show a 20' green strip along the Highway 93 boundary, which is especially encouraged along the roadway. One other item that needs to be addressed, is the height of the proposed buildings. With the Kalispell City Airport being located adjacent to this property, there are height restrictions in place so that the buildings do not encroach into the transitional zone of the airport. From the rear property line (West property line) there is a 7:1 height transition zone. This means that for every 7' the building is away from the property line, it can go up F in height. The Kalispell Public Works Department will survey this property and determine elevations, so that we can determine the maximum elevation for a structure. At this time, it is difficult to determine whether this project meets all of the requirements of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance. I am hopeful, that the revised site plan will be drawn to scale and provide new and additional information so that it can be determined what the parking, landscaping, and building height requirements will be for this project. Proposal by Rosauers Supermarkets, Inc. for the Daley Field Site The proposal by Rosauers Supermarkets, Inc. to develop the Daley Field site is to construct a new 50,000 square foot supermarket to take the place of their existing Kalispell facility. According to their proposal, they will only purchase a portion of the site, leaving two (2) parcels available for future sale. Although they do not show cross easements on the site plan, they have agreed in their proposal to provide easement agreements to buyers of the remaining two parcels. The parcel they would like to purchase greatly exceeds the lot size requirements of the B-2, General Business zoning district. According to the site plan that was submitted by Rosauers, they are located 20' back from the rear (West) property line, which is the required zoning setback. Although the site plan does not indicate the height of the building, they were aware of the restrictions that the airport transitional zone placed on the building. The 7:1 transition zone begins at the rear (West) property line, and it has been determined that a 20' building could be built at that setback line. If the elevation is higher at that point than it is at the runway centerline, they may possibly have to do some excavating so that they do not exceed the height limitations. Once the Kalispell Public Works Department determines the elevations for the property, we can determine the maximum building elevation at the 20' setback line. The intent of the B-2, General Business zoning district is to provide areas for those retail sales and service functions and businesses whose operations are typically characterized by outdoor display, storage and/or sale of merchandise, by major repair of motor vehicles, and by outdoor commercial amusement and recreational activities. This district would also serve the general needs of the tourist and traveler. The following is the proposed use on the Daley Field site by Rosaucrs Supermarkets, Inc.: A.) Supermarket - This is a pennitted use in the B-2 zoning district. The required parking is one (1) space per 200 square feet of gross floor area The site plan that was submitted by Rosauers shows that there will be 265 parking stalls. The zoning ordinance requires a minimum of 250 parking spaces, so they are exceeding that minimum requirement by 15 spaces. Although the percentage of landscaping is not calculated on the site plan, it appears that they meet and/or exceed the 5% landscaping requirement of the zoning ordinance. It appears from the site plan that has been submitted by Rosauers, that the project meets most, if not all of the zoning ordinance requirements. I would ask that Rosaurs submit elevation drawings of the building, so that I can determine whether it meets the airport transitional zone requirements. I would also ask that they calculate the percentage of landscaping of their entire parking area. (Kalispell Parks Dept. & Public Works Comments to be Incorporated)