Recap of Conference CallRecap of Conference Call Regarding Daley Field Property (12/23/97) The following persons took part in the conference call regarding the Daley Field property adjacent to the Kalispell City Airport: Clarence Krepps, City Manager; Larry Gallagher, PECDD Director; Glen Neier, City Attorney; Diana Harrison, Zoning Administrator; Tim Orthmeyer, Morrison- Maierle Engineers; R Gary Gates, FAA (Helena Office). The initial call was to Tim Orthmeyer of Morrison-Maierle Engineers to clarify some questions that we had regarding the airport transition zone. * Tim informed us that he had spoken with Gary Gates of the FAA in Helena, and that he thought it best that we include Mr. Gates in the conference call. * The question was asked of both Mr. Orthmeyer and Mr. Gates what the implications would be if a building were to penetrate the 7:1 transition zone for the airport, and if their were penetrations, would it be a reason for the FAA not to provide funding for this airport. Their reply to this question was that it would not be a reason for the FAA not to fund this airport. They explained to us that the most important item was to keep the 250' Object Free Area free from obstructions, and that the City was showing good faith in maintaining this Object Free Area. * We explained to them that the City has been attempting to maintain the 250' Object Free Area for a B-II, Visual Airport. One way of doing this was to reduce the size of the Daley Field property to accommodate the 250' OFA. We also explained to them our intent of putting in place a Airport Influence Zone to help us in regulating what is built in and around the Kalispell City Airport. Mr. Gates and Mr. Orthmeyer both acknowledged that our lack of having this Airport Influence Zone in place now does not give us a legal standing to prevent encroachments into the airport zones. * Based on our conference call, it was determined that if the City were to allow Rosaurs to build their new building 270' from the runway centerline, they would most definitely be located out of the Object Free Area, and that if the building were to be built not any higher than 25' in elevation , measured from the runway centerline, that it would not be a cause or reason for the FAA to deny funding to the Kalispell City Airport for a B-II, Visual Airport.