01/07/97 Gabbert/FAA SupportC7
U. S. Department
of Transportation
January 7, 1997
The Honorable Douglas D. Rauthe
Mayor, City of Kalispell
P. O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903-1997
Dear Mayor Rauthe:
2725 Skyway Drive, Suite 2
Helena, MT 59601
This letter is to state our thoughts regarding FAA support of airport development at the
Kalispell City Airport as discussed with you and members of the local aviation
community during the December2, 1996 meeting in Kalispell. At that meeting we
handed out a list containing items of concern for us and a copy of that list is attached for
We also continue to have concerns about the location of this airport in relation to the
community and the potential for noise and land use problems. Nevertheless, use
indicated we would consider providing our financial support for on airport dev6op-nent
items (runway, taxiway and apron pavements, lighting, marking, .fencing and visual
approach aids) if the airport sponsor was able to purchase necessary land and come to
reasonable resolution on the radio towers issue. We discussed what was a "reasonable"
resolution and conclude that ideally both towers should be removed, but as a minimum
the tower located closest to the extended runway centerline would require removal (or
lowering) and we would need to conduct an airspace review on any proposal to leave the
remaining tower in place. The results of this airspace review could impact the degree of
our support.
We also commented that it would prudent to wait to acquire any land until it is known
what will be involved with the tower(s) and will the cost of the resolution be such that it
would impact our involvement. We anticipate that most if not all of the land costs and
the tower(s) issue will be primarily be funded with the funds derived from the sale of
other city owned land and without our participation.
The items of concern for us as shown on the attached list will also need to be resolved to
our satisfaction prior to airport development funding support. We indicated at the
meeting the issue of sponsorship needs to be resolved early on in the process so we know
who will be the sponsor and that the sponsor can be dealing with the various issues. We
understand that this was to be resolved by the end of this month. What is the current
status of this item?
As many questions and issues still remain regarding the airport and resolution of these
issues will be needed before we commit funding for development we believe an airport
master plan should be conducted by an experienced aviation consultant. This master plan
would serve as the document that would pull together all existing information and
specifically answer various questions including the items shown on the attached list. This
airport master plan would among other things complete the Airport Layout Plan and the
airport property map, address the community support issue, detail the financial aspects,
more accurately reflect costs and future aircraft use and potential growth of the airport,
accomplish the required environmental analysis and provide guidance and direction on
the land acquisition, land uses, and on airport private access issues. This master plan
would be 90% funded by our program and 10% funded with local funds. We would
expect it to cost in the $75,000 range depending on the scope of work. We could issue a
grant this spring or early summer depending on sponsor accomplishing consultant
selection and processing the paperwork.
We recognize there has been considerable work already done and this master plan would
take some time to complete (maybe up to a year) but many question are still unanswered
and this would be an excellent mechanism to efficiently accomplish that in one document
by one entity. With the airport master planning process there would be no commitment
by either the sponsor or us to fund the airport development through our program.
We have received a call from an individual stating opposition to the airport because other
non -airport uses for the land are better suited for the community, that only a few will
benefit from the airport, that another airport exists that can serve the community and that
others are also opposed to the airport. We have heard from others that while not opposed
to the airport there may better use for this land than an airport and that Glacier Park
International Airport can adequately serve the aviation needs the area. These types of
comments relate to the community support area and will need to be addressed with the
master plan being ideal for that.
Land acquisition for standards airport development utilizing our funds will need to be
acquired using Uniform Act procedures. Additionally, environmental processing will
need to be accomplished for the land acquisition. The airport master plan is the best
method to accomplish the planning for how things should be pursued and to perform the
environmental processing. This document would outline the various issues involved with
the land acquisition such as how to orderly accomplish the process as many parcels would
be involved, timing of acquisition of the various parcels, more accurate costs, and other
details on how to accomplish the complex land acquisition tasks.
During the meeting reference was made to documents prepared by the city regarding the
airport and surrounding area. We have a January 23, 1996 copy of the document "The
`Kalispell City' Airport/Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan Analysis". In that
document reference is made to the "Kalispell City Airport Neighborhood Plan (the
"PLAN")" which was adopted by the Kalispell City Council 9/19/94. We do not have a
copy of the PLAN and presume the January 23, 1996 date for the redevelopment plan is
current. Would you please send a copy of the PLAN and a more current version of the
redevelopment plan if one exists.
Please advise us on your progress to date on sponsorship, what you plan to do regarding
the various issues you face and if you are interested in an airport master planning project.
Without the master planning effort we don't know how all of the issues will be resolved
as you will need assistance and our resources are such that we will be only able to
provide basic reviews with very minimal detailed assistance.
David P. Gabbe
Gilbert Bissell