08/11/98 Harrison/Interim Zoning OrdinanceAugust 11, 1998
Mr. Glen Neier
Acting City Manager
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59901
RE: City Airport Zoning
Dear Glen:
The Airport Advisory Board met on July 29, 1998 and voted to request approval to enact an
interim zoning ordinance to limit the height of objects around the Kalispell City Airport.
Over the past several months, there has been a few inquiries from property owners about height
restrictions for new construction near the airport. Although we have not yet had a problem, there
is the potential if we do not have something in place to limit the height of buildings.
Enclosed is a copy of a draft zoning ordinance to limit the height of objects around Kalispell City
Airport. This ordinance is used by many municipal airports throughout Montana. The Airport
Advisory Board has reviewed this ordinance and would like to proceed with enacting the
ordinance on an interim basis until Morrison-Maierle has completed the airport study. Once the
study is completed, the ordinance can be reviewed and revised if needed.
It is the hopes of the Advisory Board to get this on the Council agenda as soon as possible.
Please review the enclosed draft ordinance and let me know if this is something that we can
proceed with.
Diana Harrison
Zoning Administrator
Post Office Box 1997 • Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997
Telephone (406) 758-7700 - FAX (406) 758-7758