Initial Development CostsINITIAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT EXISTING LOCATION Unit Extension FAA 3 Local AIRSIDE COSTS (RUNWAY, TAXIWAY, APRON) Quantity Unit Price Price Share Share Land Acquisition Miscellaneous Fees (Engineering, 1.00 LS 50,000.00 1 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 Admin, Appraisals, Negotiations, Legal) 55.00 ACRE 12,000.00 2 660,000.00 0.00 660,000.00 Fee Simple Earthwork, Drainage, and Pavement Section Runway (75' x 3,600') 30,000.00 SY 15.00 5 450,000.00 405,000.00 45,000.00 Parallel Taxiway (60' x 3,600') 24,000.00 SY 15.00 5 360,000.00 324,000.00 36,000.00 Connecting Taxiway 3 x (60' x 172.5') 3,450.00 SY 14.00 5 48,300.00 43,470.00 4,830.00 Apron 27,403.00 SY 14.00 5 383,642.00 345,277.80 38,364.20 Electrical and Lighting Medium Intensity Runway Lighting 7,400.00 LF 20.00 5 148,000.00 133,200.00 14,800.00 Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) 1.00 EACH 10,000.00 5 10,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 Beacon, Windcone, Segmented Circle 1.00 EACH 2O,000.00 5 20,000.00 18,000.00 2,000.00 Lighted Hold Sings 2.00 EACH 3,000.00 4 6,000.00 5400.00 600.00 Apron Lights 3.00 EACH 4,500.00 5 13,500.00 12:150.00 1,350.00 OBSTRUCTION REMOVAL KGEZ Tower Reconfiguration 1.00 LS 400,000.00 2 400,000.00 0.00 400,000.00 Red Eagle Aviation Hangar and FBO 1.00 LS 250,000.00 2 250,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 Fence Removal (East Side) 650.00 LF 3.00 1,950.00 0.00 1,950.00 NOWAIRSIDE COSTS Tee Hangar Development (2,000 SF Units) 13.00 EACH 44,000.00 4 572,000.00 0.00 572,000.00 Pilots Lounge (20' x 20') 1.00 LS 50,000.00 4 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 Perimeter Fence 17,000.00 LF 12.00 5 204,000.00 183,600.00 20,400.00 Utilities (Electrical, Sewer, Water, Phone) 1.00 LS 12,500.00 12,500.00 11 250.00 1,250.00 TOTAL 1 Based on recent experience, assumes willing seller. 2 Best guess. 3 Assumes 90% FAA participation for eligible tems. 4 Estimates based on 1997 RS Means Building Construction Cost Data. 5 Based on recent experience. 3,639,892.00 1,490,347.80 2,149,544.20 INITIAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT GENERIC LOCATION Unit Extension FAA 3 Local AIRSIDE COSTS (RUNWAY, TAXIWAY, APRON Quantity Unit Price Price Share Share Land Acquisition Miscellaneous Fees (Engineering, 1.00 LS 50,000.00 1 50,000.00 45,000.00 5,000.00 Admin, Appraisals, Negotiations, Legal) 150.00 ACRE 4,500.00 2 675,000.00 607,500.00 67,500.00 Fee Simple Earthwork, Drainage, and Pavement Section Runway (75' x 3,600') 30,000.00 SY 15.00 5 450,000.00 405,000.00 45,000.00 Parallel Taxiway (60' x 3,600') 24,000.00 SY 15.00 5 360,000.00 324,000.00 36,000.00 Connecting Taxiway 3 x (60' x 172.5') 3,450.00 SY 14.00 5 48,300.00 43,470.00 4,830.00 Apron 27,403.00 SY 14.00 5 383,642.00 345,277.80 38,364.20 Electrical and Lighting Medium Intensity Runway Lighting 7,400.00 LF 20.00 5 148,000.00 133,200.00 14,800.00 Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) 1.00 EACH 10,000.00 5 10,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 Beacon, Windcone, Segmented Circle 1.00 EACH 2O,000.00 5 20,000.00 18,000.00 2,000.00 Lighted Hold Sings 3.00 EACH 3,000.00 5 9,000.00 8,100.00 900.00 Apron Lights 3.00 EACH 4,500.00 5 13,500.00 12,150.00 1,350.00 NOWAIRSIDE COSTS Tee Hangar Development (2,000 SF Units) 25.00 UNIT 44,000.00 4 1,100,000.00 0.00 1,100,000.00 Pilots Lounge (20' x 20') 1.00 EACH 50,000.00 4 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 Perimeter Fence 17,000.00 LF 12.00 5 204,000.00 183,600.00 20,400.00 Utilities (Electrical, Sewer, Water, Phone) 1.00 LS 25,000.00 5 25,000.00 22,500.00 2,500.00 FBO Relocation 4.00 EACH 250,000.00 2 1,000,000.00 0.00 1,000,000.00 TOTAL 1 Based on recent experience, assumes willing seller. 2 Best guess. 3 Assumes 90% FAA participation for eligible tems. 4 Estimates based on 1997 RS Means Building Construction Cost Data, 5 Based on recent experience. 4,546,442.00 2,156,797.80 2,389,644.20