10/07/96 Dyer/Side Street Traffic CountsA October 7, 1996 Sam Naseem, PE Montana Department of Transportation PO Box 201001 2701 Prospect Ave Helena MT 59620 ATTN: Fred Bente RE: Ashley Creek/Kalispell - PLH-F 3(27)103F Control #1012 Request for Side Street Traffic Counts Dear Fred: 95-136 corres\oct-96\f red 10.07 We are at the point in the design of the subject project where it is necessary to look closer at potential geometric and signalization warrants for the design of side streets entering US 93. Accordingly, we are specifically requesting information for the following streets: Location Remarks 1Oth Street 11th Street Already signalized 12th Street 13th Street/Airport Road Southbound traffic on 1st Avenue East may be rerouted to US 93 via 13th Street in the proposed design 1st Avenue East See note for 13th Street/Airport Road 18th Street Signalized 3rd Avenue East City plans entrance to major new commercial development area across from 3rd Avenue East Kelly Road City plans annexation and major new subdivision development in east Kelly Road area Twin Acres Drive Cemetery Drive/Lower Valley Drive Also include Willow Creek Drive Snowline Road A COMPANY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 15 MADISON AVENUE WEST YELLOWSTONE, MONTANA 59758 / (406) 646-9340 REXBURG / B O/ S E / E V A N S T O N / WEST YELL O W S T O N E / SALT LAKE CITY / W E N A T C H E E Sam Naseem, PE ATTN: Fred Bente October 7, 1996 Page 2 Anticipated construction date is 1998; therefore traffic projections should extend to 2018. By copy of this letter we are also requesting the Kalispell Public Works Department to provide whatever traffic information they may have at these locations. The requested information is necessary to complete the scope of work report and put the finishing touches on the preliminary design that is nearing completion. If you have questions or need more information regarding this matter, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We appreciate your timely efforts to provide this information and keep the project development process moving forward smoothly. Sincerely, FORSGREN ASSOCIATES, INC. 4/)e44e-- Winston R. Dyer, PE Project Manager WRD/ch cc: MDT Planning and Statistics MDT Missoula District City of Kalispell - Public Works