04/21/97 Ferguson/Grant AwardISt1v I 14:34 C111 OF KIALISVELL-DUC-1'1'
APR 2 3
Montana mpartmeat Aeronair!CS DiVi.q1m) Phon& (406) 444-2506
of Ttangportation 2630 Airport Road FAX (1106) 444-2bi 9
P0 14o)? 51 /8
Plolonn, MF!iWir.)4-ri 78
April 21, 1997
Mr. Clarence Krepps, City Manager
city of Kalispell
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903
File; Kalispell - 98G
Dear Mr. Krepps:
Marc Rnoieot, Governor
The Montana Aeronautics Board has considered your -request for
financial assistance aV its April 18, 1997 meeting in Helena, We
are pleased to inform you t h a. t. the Aeronautics Board has
tentatively approved an Aeronautics Division grant of $5 000.Q_Q.
These funds are disbursed from our Ai27port Development FinanQial
Assistance Program.
This tentative approval is subject to the following contingencies.
1) Grant and/or loan amount. is maximum authorized subject to the
Aeronautico Board policy of;
For a Federal Aid project, the maximum grant will be 509, of
sponsor share of project costs, For loans, up to 100k of
Sponsor share- of project costs ar d combination of Aeronautics
loan and grant 'Lip to set limits not to exceed Sponsor share
project costs.
2) Yeaeral approval of project scope and grant award by February
28, 1998. If no Federal grant is awarded by February 28,
1998, then Sponsor must resubmit Airport Aid request for
reprioritization for next fiscal years funding.
For continued processing of your approved gxaz-il, cirnaunt, enclosed is
a copy of your Airport Aid Application, Certificate of Sponsors
Attorney and Dooumentat-ion Checklist, The Certificate of Sponsors
Attorney requires original signature.
Grant di.-,buzsemento will be made according to tb,c procedures
outlined above and when the following listed documentation is
submitted by you to our office not later than February 28, 1998.
Please submit all required documents as one package. A
documentation checklist i:� enclosed for your convenience. Please
return this cbecklist wiLh your package,
An J-qWd VVJ?0)tUflhV FnipluVw
P"t-V Fax Note 7671
Data 415,3 "
To Deb 6 I'E
PhOns #
Fax #
'�SLNY tsy: 4-23-87 ; 14:35 ; CITY OF KALISPELL-)DOC-IT ;# 2/ 8
Mr. Clarence Kropps, city Manager
Page 2
April 17, 1997
1. Signed Certificate of Sponsors Attorney
.2. Federal Grant Agreement
Montana Aeronautics thanks you for your continued support and
interest in airport safety at -id development ae demonstrated by your
financial commitment to this project- if you have any questions
regarding these instructions, please call..
Michael D. Ferguson, Adminis-
Montana Aeronautics Division
Redge R. Meierhenry, Chief
Airport/Airways Bureau
cc". Helena ADo
SENT BY: 4-23-97 ; 14:35 CITY OF KALISPELL-DO'-IT ;# 3/ 8
.acting as Attorney for
(hereiri referred to as the "Sponsor")
do hereby certify:
That I have examined the foregoing Airport Aid Application
and the proceedil7igs taken by said Sponsor relating thereto, and
find that the Acceptance thereof by said Sponsor has been duly
authorized and that the execution thereof is in all respect8 due
and prover and in accordance with the laws of the state of
Montana and further that, in my opinion, said Airport Aid
Application constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the
sponsor in accordance with the term thereof.
Dated at this
day of
MINI 1311 4-ZO-W ; 14; 0,'3 ; U I I T Ur KAL I 5M I --)UUU- t r ; � 4/ 8
Please submit checklist and following documentation as one
package when requesting disbursement of Aeronautics Board
approved funds.
Signed loan resolution
Signed Certificate of Sponsors Attorney
Federal Grant Agreement
For Non -Federal project, Notice -to -Proceed.
Signed Certificate of Sponsors Attorney
Federal Grant Agreement (if applicable)
For Non -Federal project, Xatice-to"_Prcceed
SENT BY: 4-23-97 14:35 CITY OF KALISPELL--)DOC-IT 5/ 8
P. o. Box 5 178
The Cii-V of KaTirmell hereir%af ter called the. "Sponsor", hereby makes application
to the _Arane Aeronauticsvigion for a;
airport devetopment lmy S amount rcqmtted for calendar year
airport davetopment sr $::t9:Z.QJ= amount requested for- calender year
_____pret imi nary engineering grant (Pr;(', in the amo=t of S1,000.00)
The purpose of these state furids are for aiding in financing a project, hereinafter called the "Project'!, for
the.purpose of improvement of the lKalispeli- -city . _ airport, hereirtafter called The "Airport",
located at F1,Atbgad CoU -Ci i-.v of Kal i spoll. in the State of Montana. It is proposed that the
project witt connence on. or about July 1. 19D and wilt consist of the following described
1.Exact tegal name of AppLicant Address County State
City of,Kalil pell, PQ BOX 1997, Flathead County, Montana 59903
2-Nam of Applicants authorized representative title address phone
Clarence Kre2E!s , City Manager, - City of Kalispell 406) 7,58-7701
3.Name of Applicants contact person address phone
4.Name of App
iticant Engineer address 5TATO If6ence # phone
John Wilson. - City cLf JSa I i spg-11 ( 406 1 7-SR-770 1-
5.Appticants Federal. Tax ID NUTber
The sponsor shalt obtain an engineer's cost estimate and mnarize the data Lmtow. If the project is tam
rotated, include an Exhibit PA" with the specific land areas highlighted.
The sponsor shall attach the Federal Grant Application (if appkicabla).
Describe your project below and the work to be 9CCOMptished-
I mWWmft__
A W 1�
SENT BY: 4-23-97 ; 14:36 ; CITY OF KALISPEIT.-,DOC-IT ;# 6/ 8
I tens
Supervision Costs
construction ProjeGt
Improvement COSTS
Total Estimated
!;LM=ry of Estimated Costs of the Project
Estimated Federal Estimated Sponsor
share of Cost share of Cost
. Amount Amount
Estimated state
share of Spo6sors
IOQ C)t) 4)
10 pom
Total At( Estimated
Project Costs A
Osr'aU airport revenue sources; $ 9,079
1-airport fund account balance ...............
2,amount from fund allocated for pribitat ..... 39,.0DD
3,annuaL revenue sources
city .................................... u.,aap (,tax- incr-eMW&_,.*1997.-98)
county ............................... -0-
airport fees ................. ......... 10-4000._(Gst. 1997.)
other (zity-cpunry, private, etc) ....... 100,000 (pro2erty sale sending)
4.afrport milt levy in place (yes/no) ........ No
5.arawat *mount airport miLL Levy generates... None
6.tist any financial encumbrances limiting Sponsor participation in
The Sponsor hereby represents and certifies as f9ttows:
SENT BY: 4-23-97 ; 14:36 ; CITY OF KALISPELL-DOC-IT ;# 7/ 8
The Sponsor has the legal power and authority to: (1) do att things necessary in order to undertake and
carry out the Project in conformity with State and Federal Laws " Regulations,, Q) to accept,
receive, and disburse grants or tons of funds from the Aeronautics Division in aid of the Project, on
the terms and conditions stated herein and (3) carry out all of the provisions of Part five and Part
six of this Airport Aid Application.
The project has Lien azed by all agencies whose tprovel, is required, namely:
Al 0J; ( U2-1�6a,% 10aJi
The Sponsor is not in default on any obligation to the State of Montana, or any agency of the state of
Montana, relative to The development, operation, or maintenance of any airport, except as stated
There are no facts or circumstances (including the existence of effective or proposed leases, Use,
agreements, or other legal instrum*nts) affecting use of the Airpoft, or the existence of pending
litigation or other Legal proceedings which- (a) are known or by due diligence might be known; (b) in
reasonable probability might make it impossible for the Sponsor to carry out the Provisions of Part
five and Part six of the Airport Aid Application, either, by Limiting its Legal or financial* ability or
otherwise; and (c) have not been brought to the attention of the authorized representatives of the
Montana Aeronautics Oivition,
The Sponsor hereby covenants and agrees with the state of Montana and the Aeronautics as follows.
I.The Sponsor has mat all of the requirements imposed by the Federal Aviation Administration to obtain
an Airport improvement Program, and will continue timely and adaqunte compliance as required by the
express terms of ALL pertinent documents.
2,Any and hLL funds receivod by the Sponsor from the Mont" Aeronautics Division wilt be used as funds
for the project outlined. in this application for aid as listed in PART TWO and approved by the Montana
Aeronautics Board.
3,T0 promote "fa airport operations by clearing and protecting the approaches to the airport by
removing, lowering, retncr=ting marking and/or Lighting existing airport hazards and to prevent to the
extent possible, establishment or creation of future airport hazards. lo correct at request of either
FAA or Aeronautics Division Personnel, deficient airport maintenance and operational practices
contributing to unsafe or deteriorating airport conditions as identified during regular airport
4.Tooperate the Airport for the use and benefit of the public and To keep the Airport open to a[L
-types, kinds am Ctasscr of aeronautical use without oiscriminalion between such types, kinds and
classes; provided that the Sponsor shall establish fair, aqua( and nondiscriminatory conditions to be
met by all users of the Airport as may be necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the
If the Project or any portion -thereof Is approved by the Montana Aeronautics Division and an offer of state
assistance for such approved Project is accepted by the sponsor, it is understood and agreed that all airport
improvements inducted in such Project will be accompLish&d in accordance with the requirements of the plans
and specifications for such development, as approved by the Federal Aviation Administration and the Grant
Agreement with respect to the. Project and/or for other airport -improvement work listed in Part Two and approved
by the Montana Aeronautics Board.
The Sponsor promises to repay the Montana Aeronautics DiviSlOn aft monies Loaned to the Sponsor, together with
interest, in such payment amounts and in accordance with the schedule of repayments as set forth In The
kESOLU7109 and REPAYMENT SCHEDULE, copies of which viLt be attached hereto upon Loan acceptance by the Sponsor,
and by this reference imorporated herein an though fully set forth at this point.
4-23-97 ; 14:37 ; CITY OF KALISPEli.-DOC-IT
;# 8/ 8
The Montana Aeronautics Division, its agents or employees, the Legislative Auditor and the Legislative Fiscal
Analyst shalt have the right to audit the books of account and records retating to this Project, at atL
reasorvalota times during the term of the loan, and for three years thereafter.
The term consultant, as used herein, includes ptanners and/or engineers. Airport planning, cle5lqn, project
estimates and/or construction inspection is the direct responsibility of the Sponsor and may be acco*Lished
by the Spcnsorls staff or by a qualified t-onsuttart.
The SMsor as an independent entity and not as an agent 'of Montana Department of Transportation, Aeronautics
Divisforl may obtain the services required in order to fulfill the work outlined by Part Two of the application.
AU contracts awarded to atcomptish the Project described in this apptication shalt state,-'
I)The name of the consultant authorized to act on behalf of the Sponsor.
2)The responsibility of the consultant to authorize changes on the project affecting the contract
The SPMS or shad summit a Letter to Montana Aeronautics Division specifying that the project has been conpleted
to their satisfaction and that the consultant and the contractor have completed their contractual
The Sponsor shalt comply with all Federal, state and Local taws, rules, regulations, and ordinances which are
appiicabte to the performance hereunder.
Any Litigation between the SponsoF-and.14ontana Department of Transportation, Aeronautics Division over the terms
and conditions of this Agreerrient, venue -shalt be in the First Judicial District in and for the County of Lewis
and Clark, Montana, and the agreement shalt be interpreted according to the taws of Montana,
The! Sponsor shalt indemnify and hold harmless Vontana Department of Transportation, Aeronautics Division, any
of their departments, agencies, officers and empt6yees from any and all Liabitity, toss or damage as a resijtr
of claims, demands, or costs or judgraents of any character arising out of the performance or non-performance
of the sponsor or its independent contractors in carrying out any provisions of the Agreement. In the event
of any action, this indmification shalt include, but not be IiOiled to, court costs, expenses of litigation
and reasonebte attorney's fees.