07/18/97 Fuller/Meeting with FAA TeamE,r,,e=tive Staff, fit, NIN-4 1601 Lind. verzue, SW Anton, VA 98055 Diane Fuller (425) 227-2809 FAX (425) 227-1004 (Date: July 18, 1997 To: Clarence IKrepps, Kalispell City Manager (408) 758-7758 ,'roan: Diane Fuller, Executive Staff Specialist Federal Aviation Administration c: repps: Dur�ng the week of September 15 - 19, 1997, the FAA Northwest Mountain Regional Executive Manager and his team will be visiting various airports in Montana. The purpose of the vi�sit is to spend a couple hours with the airport manager and other interested individuals to foster open communication, ensure mutual understanding of FAA/customer needs, identify v►r'ays to work together more effectively, ensure the customer is up to date on existing/scheduled projects and procedures, and discuss service delivery and relationships. The meeting will not be formally structured; the team is flexible to addressing the needs of the individual airport' The team consists of Tom Busker, Regional Executive Manager; Nancy Trudell, Helena t light Standards District Office Manager; Chuck Davis, Air Traffic Requirements Branch Manager, and Rick Wurscher, Airway Facilities Customer Service Interface out of Billings. We hope to mee with you and other appropriate individuals on p a.m., and request your assistance in providing a space (or suggestion for a space) for the team to meet with you ;and other individuals of your choice. To help us prepare for the meeting, we request the following information from you: 1) suggested agenda items/issues 2) information regarding the airport — a listing of cargo carriers, major tenants, and military users, as applicable. During the week, the team will be flying, via private aircraft, to the various airports as well as conducting evenlhg listening sessions in Billings, Bozeman and Kalispell (Thursday, September 18). Once you have had a chance to read this, I will contact you to answer any questions and provide further information. We appreciate your assistance in adding to the success of our efforts to foster improved relationships with our Montana customers. I look forward to speaking with you in the noar future. Number of �Pag= 4W cmer sheet, t ' d SOO l LZZ 90Z Sa I VA-41 and VVJ WO JA HV t S ° 0 l