Implementation of the Neighborhood PlanThe following is a summary of the goals, strategies and recommendations of the 1993 Kalispell City Airport Neighborhood Plan, the costs associated with implementation of the plan, and a recommended prioritization schedule for the capital improvements called for in the plan. The primary goal of the plan is to attain an airport which meets the `B 1 " design standards of the Federal Aviation Administration. At the present time the airport has so many deficiencies that it does not meet a= FAA airport design standard. The plan spells out eleven "Target Standards (pp 16-19)" which, if met, will begin to bring the airport up to FAA `B 1" design standards. The Goals and Strategies of the plan (pp. 24-29), if implemented, will not only enhance the design of the airport, but will result in a safer and more efficient facility, and will enhance private investment and development in the area. . r _r.: , t i MINIMIZE HAZARDS -TO DEVELOP THE AIRPORT IN ACCORDANCE TO AN AIRPORT LAYOUT PLAN -TO INCREASE DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES ON NEARBY PROPERTIES PROMOTE COMPATIBLED USES INAROUND THE AIRPORT ESTABLISH DING MECHANISMS FOR AIRPORT , -TO ESTABLISH A PRIORITY O' PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Strategies: -Extend runway to the south to obtain length of 4,700 feet, maintaining a 60' width. -Extend single taxiway to parallel extended runway. -Increase taxiway width to a minimum of 24 feet. 7 _- -Increase load bearing capacity of runway. Cost: $820,000.00 -land acquisition, excavation and pavement Strategy: -Remove objects within Runway Protection Zone and purchase property within RPZ. Cost: $180,000.00 - Acquire Timmreck and Beaver properties $ 15,000.00 - Remove objects within RPZ Strategy: -Strobe the KGEZ radio towers. Cost: $2,500.00 Strategies: -Install PAPI navigation system. -Install new runway and taxiway lighting system. -Install perimeter fence. Cost: $271,200.00 The plan designates both short- (1 to 5 years) and long-term (5 to 15 years) priorities for capital improvements at the airport. Short-term priorities of the plan (and the associated costs) are as follows: -Attempt to purchase or gain the closure of the private road located within the threshold surface of Runway 31. $75,000.00 to purchase. -Fence the perimeter of the designated boundaries of the airport. $136,200.00 -Purchase or trade for land to permit the extension of runway 31 by a minimum of 700 x 320 feet. $560,000.00 to purchase. -Install a PAPI navigational system on Runway 13. $15,000.00 -Install strobe lights on the FM towers south of the city. $2,500.00 -Improve the wiring system of the runway lights. It has been estimated that replacement of the lighting system would cost $120,000.00; there has been no estimate done for just improving the existing wiring. Long-term priorities and their costs: -Pave apron areas in area of FBOs for base and itinerant planes. Cost is unknown and dependent upon ultimate airport design and need. Asphalt paving currently costs in the neighborhood of $1.50Jsquare foot. -Resurface the runway to comply with the load bearing requirements for planes weighing up to 12,500 pounds. $55,000.00 -Relocate or widen taxiways as necessary to comply with the runway to taxiway separation distances. Cost to widen taxiway to 24': $13,000.00 -Extend the runway 700+ feet to the southeast. Cost to extend runway to overall length of 4700' as called for in the plan and remove all objects in protection zone: $287,000.00 -Replace the runway lighting system. [Included in short-term priorities ($120,000.00)] -Extend a single parallel taxiway along the entire length of the extended runway. $25,000.00 The plan also discusses the application of zoning regulations, in the form of an "airport overlay zone," as a means of promoting compatible land uses in and around the airport. The plan recommends that this overlay be applied to "private properties situated adjacent to or within the designated boundaries of the Kalispell airport and to those properties influenced by the proposed transitional or threshold surfaces or by the Runway Protection Zone." According to 67-6-201 M.C.A., "(W)here an airport is owned or controlled by a political subdivision and any airport hazard area appertaining to such airport is located ouitside the territorial limits of said political subdivision, within or without the state, the political subdivision owning or controlling the airport and the political subdivision within which the airport hazard area is located may, by ordinance or resolution duly adopted, create a joint airport zoning board, which board shall have the same power to adopt, administer, and enforce airport zoning regulations applicable to the airport hazard area in question..... in the political subdivision within which such area is located. Each such joint board shall have as members two representatives appointed by each political subdivision participating in its creation and in addition a chairman elected by a majority of the members so appointed." The statute further states that "(I)f in the judgement of the political subdivision ownimng or controlling an airport, the political subdivision within which is located an airport hazard area appertaining to that airport has failed to adopt or enforce reasonably adequate airport zoning regulations for such area .... and if that political subdivision has refused to join in creating a joint airport zoning board as authorized.... , the political subdivision owning or controlling the airport may itself adopt, administer and enforce airport zoning regulations for the airport hazard area in question." and Soccer Compfe�111- IMP ar k Total Cost UNBabe ONE m Ruth Fields NO I General Sitework & Seeding $13,068.00 NO Irrigation $4,573.801 WFencing M.Bleache - rs NEWITITO mil Backstops ost for 2 Fields Little League Fields A Sitework & Seeding 0 Irrigation MME-m MOO mm AE Backstops Cost for 8 Fields $22,487.32 Softball Fields A General Sitework-& Seeding Irrigation Backstops Cost for 6 Fields m FF. "I. 'Soccer Fields MEMO :General Sitework & Seeding $16,200.00:i Irrigation m-ITInt m#e $3,750.001 ME MIME= Pair Goals & Nets ,Cost for 6 Fields Parking Areas ME ,lCost Parking Space Paved for 350 spaces f-.f i I i I ol Item/Area WO T MM, 11, VIM �*MIARAI $50,600.00 $50,000.00 $100,000.00 Cost for 22 Fields Parking and Misc. Sitework MUtilities �!GmM and Restrooms Total Complex FTMM- M�00 M .. . . .... $150,000.00j, Iiy The above estimates are not site specific to any particular property. Cost estimates were based on sample bid documentation for similar projects. Compiled in part by professional landscape architect Sitescape, Inc. Assumption: State lands would be available February 1996. Lease agreement signed. Design of property April and May 1996. Construction to being June 1996. Dispersion and development of Airport property can occur August 1996. Assumption: Annual lease payment would be accounted for through recreational participation fees. Participant breakdown: 1,200 Soccer 720 Baseball 500 Softball Total: 2,420 Leagues have historically experience 10% growth which indicates the following: 1994 2,420 1995 2,662 1996 2,928 1997 3,220* (3,370) *A consolidation of Evergreen Leagues would add an additional 150 F,oiarticipants to Little League, or 3,370 by 1997. 48,000 Fall Soccer 15,000 Spring Soccer 10,000 Adult Soccer 68,000 Baseball 32,000 Softball 173,000 Participant Recreational Hours 50,000 Non -structured use