09/27/95 Advisory Board MinutesMinutes from September 27, 1995 Meeting
The meeting began at 4:00 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker, Kathy
Kuhlin, Gib Bissell, Walt Nolte, Keith Robinson, Jim Lynch, and Tom
Reynolds (to be appointed on October 2). Also present were airport
tenants Mike Strand from Strand Aviation; Veronica Hewson from
Diamond Air (formerly Stockhill); and Al Jennings from the Montana
Pilot's Association and the Cessna 170 Group.
Mike Strand gave his views as to airport improvements. His first
priority would be for a longer runway for safety reasons to allow
for a higher approach angle and for take -offs. He has spoken with
some of the property owners in that area and many are interested in
trading property for property. His second priority would be
security for the planes. Thirdly, a better area to taxi and park
(there are presently too many soft spots, holes, etc.). Lastly,
better lighting. He also added that decent tie downs and more
hangar space is needed. Presently, he charges $2.50 per night for
a tie down fee. A suggested fee for the future of $5-$6 per night
for tie downs if the parking is improved was considered reasonable.
Gib Bissell noted that it would be best not to charge the pilots
too many fees, as it does not produce that much income and he feels
that more income can be produced by leasing property.
Tom Reynolds questioned the City's insurance coverage on the
airport, and Mike Baker thought it was three million complete and
three million for each accident, but said he would check the
Mike Strand suggested the Highway 93 property be leased to
restaurants, hotels, etc., and establish the FBO's on Airport Road.
Jim Lynch suggested instead of complete fencing all around the
airport that signage could be used along with an ordinance to
protect the airport.
It was suggested that Larry Gallagher attend our next meeting to
inform the board as to the financial picture of the airport,
funding options,property values, and State Lands property. Also,
the status of the land on 18th Street (Timmreck). The concept to
create a tax increment district for the airport was discussed in
brief, again referring to Larry for accurate information.
Airport Advisory Board Meeting
September 27, 1995
Page 2
It was also suggested we have local businesses put in fencing for
their piece of property and have access to the airport or else pay
an access fee.
Mike Baker suggested that he and Kathy prepare a new improvemenl
list, and then have it sent out to all board members to investigat(
and assign priorities. Gib and Jim will assess the airport runwal
asphalt longevity and report back. We need to obtain a list of th�
property owners affected by the runway extension.
The question of a helipad was raised and discussed. The genera.'
consensus was that the need for a helipad was small and the airporl
could get by with just having an area for helicopters to land on ,
Al Jennings says he is part of the Adopt -An-Airport program, anc
said they would like to clean up the airport in the spring. TherE
is no objection from any board members, and Mike Baker suggestE
they concentrate on the windsock area. He also advised Al that thE
City has money in its budget to provide paint, new tie down ropes,
etc. for this type of •
Al Jennings suggested raising money for advertising for the airport
in airport magazines. Gib Bissell mentioned that he had advertised
in these magazines for his motel, and most of the response
preferred an airport that had better security available.
Al Jennings informed the board that the Cessna 170 Group would like
to give the airport $1,500 for improvements. Gib Bissell noted
that he spoke with City Manager Bruce Williams about this, and he
informed Gib that if the city received the money, it would need tc
go into the City budget.- Gib suggested that the Montana Pilot's
Association remain in control of the funds and approach KGEZ
themselves as to whether they might be receptive to strobing thei
radio towers if these funds were offered to assist with the costs.
It was noted that Frank Thomas wants to sell his helicopter hanga
lease. I
The next airport meeting is Wednesday, October 11, 1995 at 4:00
p.m. in the conference room at City Hall. Walt Nolte noted that he
will not be in town for the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Kathy Kuhlin
Recording Secretary