1928 Aviation Field Purchaset
less and well kept streets, it Is sadly lacking in a well kept city park
and recreational grounds for the children. Several years ago, quite a
sum of money was expended In beautifying Woodiand Park and then
further maintenance ceased. This was it mistake. Had a small amount
of work been done annually, at small cost, the park could have been
kept very pretty and the original Investment would not have di -en
wasted. In the winter time it Is Used as a skating park and is very
popular, both with the old and young, especially the latter. This fall a
new warming house war; built, costing $400.00. It is 12x24 feet in size,
with compartments for hoys and girls and is well lighted and heated.
The electric lighting for the park is donated through the courtesy of
the Mountain States Power Company of this city. At the park a coast
ing slide was constructed along the side hill and is very much enjoyed
by the children. On the west side of the park, the small underbrush
was cut out and burned and a few (lead threes cut down and worked
up Into stove, wood for the warming house. There have been an unusual
number of days for skating so far this winter. The pond is kept free
of snow, frequently Hooded and well policed.
What is known as the Bull Park, or Block 23. which lays on the
west side of Third Avenue Post North, adjoining the railroad right-of-
way and a part of the Walter R. Griffin estate,-,bas been donated to
the city for recreational purposes and will be known as Griffin Park.
Until a better location can be continued as
a ball park.
With the- city in a healthy growing condition, more attention hould
be palO-Iathe future development of our parks. A reasonable annual
exiwaditure would not be felt and much good would result.
-X Aviation Meld
For an aviation field, the city.hits purcha%ed 135'acres of level ground
at a -cost of $8,9 10.81. Thisland_laye south of the city and between the
Diagonal and Patrick Creek roads, and is well adapted for a landing
field. With the tremendous growth of commercial aviation, the welfare
of the city demands an aviation field and it should be put in condition
or use a -soon aspossible.Strcet -ree—t�."tht. the
city I
t for the � li " I surface which will
be given when the warm weather returns In the late spring of 1929.
Eighth nod Ninth Streets, between First Avenue Fast and First Avenue
West, as well as the driveways through the Court Hooke Park, were
Improved by the county. In that portion of Alain Street from Sixth to
Eighth Streets. a If -foot center grass plot was constructed and double
ornamental light posts placed three to the block. and from Fourth to
Sixth Streets, single ornamental lights were placed, three to the block
on each side of the street. The county also installed 16 ornamental
lights about the court house drives and on Fighth and Ninth Streets.
From.,,Fourth to Eighth Streets, 37 copper water services were in-
stalled. All lots arquirod by tile Alain Street Development Association
were sold to defray their pro rota share of the cost of the improvement.
the privately ownf,41 property along the improvement paying its share.
In the renter of Main Street, between Fifth and Sixth Streets, the
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