04/22/93 Ferguson/Skyway Preliminary PlatNV., ,Df uC.0 °+/L/ III Montana Department . _ .Aeronautics Division Phone (406) 444-2506 of Transportation 2630 Airport Road FAX (406) 444.2519 PO Box 5178 , He;ena, mr 59604-5178 April 22, 1993:_' Ms. Sharon Stratton Flathead County Commissioner Chairperson Flathead County Courthouse Kalispell, MT 59901 !-Dear Chairperson. Stratton: Marc i?acicot. Governor APR 2 7 1993 Montana Aeronautics has, over the years, been concerned and involved in the vitality of the Kalispell City Airport. Most recently, .our help has aided in the successful conclusion of the Kalispell City Neighborhood Plan. This plan was initiated by the Flathead Regional Development Office and concluded by Dave Greer. Our office has become aware that Skyway Preliminary Plat has been submitted for commissioner consideration and approval. We believe that the proposed subdivision can be a good nearby neighbar.to the airport with proper controls. However, our concern and consequent objection is that the proposal includes a paved approach to Highway 93 using land on the south end identified in the Airport Neighborhood Plan as necessary for airport development. It is in the best interest of Flathead County and the City of Kalispell to have a safe and viable airport which is presently a significant factor to the social and economic health of.the region. To allow the Skyway Proposal access to Highway 93 across property now identified for airport use would effectively torpedo and sink plans for City Airport to survive the present crises and block its potential for economic self-sufficiency. We request that the County Commissioners do not approve the Plat as requested without the proper conditions or consider tabling the request until a financial plan is completed by Mr. Larry Gallagher. Good judgement can easily prevail in this matter by considering subdivision access alternatives which are in concert with the land use requirements of the Kalispell City Airport. /1' Sincerely, Michael D. Ferguson, Admi: Redge R. Meierhenry Aviation Support Officer cc: Mike Strand Larry Gallagher An Equal Opportunity Employat