Warranty DeedBOOK 501 r,737
This U012CrURi, Ifada this _ __.._....._. day of it
the part jL— of the first
park and......5iI.TX_.O.F....�CAL.I.SP$LL.....Mf]N.LA.�.
of ..................... ____ _v. „._..____— . _ w _ the part.JL_ of the second pars.
Wrf7NSSEM That the said part...y..., of the first Dark for and In oondderatteA of the sum of TEN DOLLARS
.......... 4nd„_0.01er ,va}1le consideration�fyQ-00--
to .._it........._. in hand paid by the said pasta[._. of the eecood park the reeelpl of which IN hereby eeluwwledpd.
do .es.._........_ hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said part...)C.. of the Ncatd part, and to irs_ )WW�c
and assigns forever, all th at........... certain lot,....., piece......, or pssoat_.,, of land situate. lying and being in the __...._..
...._......... _...... ..••._........................... County of Flathead and Ststu of Moatans, and particularly dweribed as follows. to -wit:
A trag__9,f
of the Nort
, T. 28 N., R._21 W., M.P.M.,
Nor thg_U.):
of a County Road, a distance of 441.8 feet to a
30 f stertr vtxndary' iTa'- vf`sa d'-i
- at--ye,
the center
et"t- e£
89' 58'
West, -,-a netance of 280 feet; thence South 2 minutes West, a distance of ZU5 teet;
thence•-North-89'�-SBa hest,_a dtstance-ot- B-feet; ~thesrce-S s--iicat*, a
distanee.."f..145. fee.t.;....thence_-qS th...84°_58'_Ea$t, .a_ril At -Ana Of 4ao feet to -the
Westerly boundary line of said County road; thence North 2 minutes East, and along
the Tf tsf &Ted CauTfCy ItaKd—ir dtata cw"of'-350•'feet;-•mor�e- or
less,__to_.tht;...xzxe..RQint...., b.eg:inning_.,sad.. nntA1njnt�.B�RYQxi�:.[e]Sc ��15.$grg�� more
or less. (See Deed Exhibit in Book 496, Page 121)
TOGETHER with all and singular the berelnbefore described premises Agetlm with aU tenements, bereditamenta, and
appurtenances, thereto belonging or In anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remsWer ad remainders,
rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, Interest; right of dower and right of homestead,
possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said part.)[.._.....__ of the 11LR$T PART, 4
In or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the sppurtenances, thereto bNongbig, TO BAYS AND
To HOLD, all and singular the above men i escriWd premises, topkher with appurhoascea unto the geld
SU&ajegb#8� Banc` essors
of the second part and to ........� C. .......7dggjMand assigns. forever. And the said pert..)C of the first put and .._.i:ts._
do...... hereby covenant that ...they.... will forever Warrant and Defaml .... ............ _..A1.1__._._., right. title and Interest
In and to the said premises and the quiet and peacesble possession thereof, unto the said part_y_. of the second pact .ixs
sucQ0.11A. 7$Xxiiizand assigns, against the acts and deeds of the said party..... of the first part and all and every puma or
persons, whomsoever, lawfully elrimlng or to claim tl:a same.
.......... _............... .................... — ..........
_.................. _ ...... _...... _................ _............................... tau ad it o ba
IN WITNM WIiF3t M, the said part.)f....., of the PAS'
xMWOMANWOMMU1110(i iilclriAand its co1�"
affixed, b its proper officers, thero�lnt dui nutharised t
QWad and DeUvered In the presence of ^ _......^........r „. gi
ATTEST....... .xL ....✓t ... ................. ASS..„.
\ Secretary
County of Flathead
On tars day of ..... ............ ......"............ ..... ,,,..- IS............. before tee, the utdersisned. a liataF