Runway Separation TableAC 150/5300-13 CHG 1 6/5/91 14 Table 2-1. Runway separation standards for aircraft approach categories A & B AIRPLANE DESIGN GROUP ITEM DIM I I II III IV Nonprec.ision Instrument and Visual Runway Centerline to: Parallel Runway H - Refer to paragraphs 207 and 208 - Centerline Holdline 3/ 125 ft 200 ft 200 ft 200 ft 250 ft 38 m 60 m 60 m 60 m 75 m Taxiway/Taxilane D 150 ft 225 ft 240 ft 300 ft 400 ft Centerline 3/ 45 m 67.5 m 72 m 90 m 120 m Aircraft Parking G 125 ft 200 ft 250 ft 400 ft 500 ft Area 27.5 m 60 m 75 m 120 m 150 m Helicopter Touchdown - Refer to Advisory Circular 150/5390-2 - Pad Precision Instrument Runway Centerline to:. Parallel Runway H - Refer to paragraphs 207 and 208 - Centerline Holdline 3/ 175 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft 250 ft 53 m 75 m 75 m 75 m 75 m Taxiway/Taxilane D 200 ft 250 ft 300 ft 350 ft 400 ft Centerline 3/ 60 m 75 m 90 m 105 m 120 m Aircraft Parking G 400 ft 400 ft 400 ft 400 ft 500 ft Area 120 m 120 m 120 m 120 m 150 m Helicopter Touchdown - Refer to Advisory Circular 150/5390-2 - Pad 1/ Letters correspond to the dimensions on figure 2-1. These dimensional standards pertain to facilities for only small airplanes. 3/ The separation distance satisfies the requirement that no part of an aircraft (tail tip, wing tip) at a holding location or on a taxiway centerline is within the runway safety area or penetrates the obstacle free zone (OFZ). Accordingly, at higher elevations, an increase to these separation distances may be needed to achieve this result. Chap 2 AC 150/5300-13 CHG 1 Table 3-1. Nonprecision instrument and visual 6/5/91 design standards for aircraft approach categories A & B ITEM DIM Runway Length A Runway Width B 60 ft 18 m Runway Shoulder Width 10 ft 3 m Runway Blast Pad Width 80 ft 24 m Runway Blast Pad 60 ft Length 18 m Runway Safety Area C 120.-fjz� Width 36 m Runway Safety Area P L240_ft� Length Beyond RW End 3/ 72 m Obstacle Free Zone Width and Length Runway Object Free Area Q �{ a Width AIRPLANE DESIGN GROUP I I II I III I IV Refer to paragraph 301 60 ft 75 ft 100 ft 150 ft 18 m 23 m 30 m 45 m 10 ft 10 ft 20 ft 25 ft 3 m 3 m 6 m 7.5 m 80 ft 95 ft 140 ft 200 ft 24 m 29 m 42 m 60 m 100 ft 150 ft NO ft 200 ft 30 m 45 m 60 m 60 m 120 ft 150 ft 300 ft 500 ft 36 m 45 m 90 m 150 m 240 ft 300 ft 600 ft 1,000 ft 72 m 90 m 180 m 300 m Refer to paragraph 306 250 ft 400 ft 500 ft 800 ft 800 ft 75 m 120 m 150 m 240 m 240 m Runway Object Free Area R 300 ft 500 ft 600 ft 1,000 ft 1,000 ft Length Beyond RW End 3/ 90 m 150 m 180 m 300 m 300 m Letters correspond to the dimensions on figures 2-1 and 2-2. 2/ These dimensional standards pertain to facilities for ly small airpplanes z,wo thS 3/ The runway safety area and runway object free area leng a each runway end when stopway is not provided. When stopway is provided, these lengths begin at the stopway end. 26 Chap 3 AC -150/5300-13 CHG 1 6/5/91 'fable 2-5. Runway protection zone (RPZ) dimensions Facilities Runway End Dimensions For Approach End Expected Inner Outer Approach Opposite Length Width -Width RPZ To Serve End End L W1 W2 feet feet feet acres (meters) (meters) (meters) V V 1,000 250 450 8.035 (300) (75) (135) NP 1,000 500 650 13.200 Only (300) (150) (195) NP 3/4 1,000 1,000 1,050 23.542 Small P (300) (300) (315) Airplanes NP V 1,000 500 800 14.922 NP (300) (150) (240) NP 3/4 1,000 1,000 1,200 25.252 P (300) (300) (360) V V 1,000 500 700 13.770 NP (300) (150) (210) NP 3/4 1,000 1,000 1,100 24.105 Large P (300) (300) (330) Airplanes NP V 1,700 500 1,010 29.465 NP (510) (150) (303) NP 3/4 1,700 1,000 1,425 47.320 P (510) (300) (427.5) Large NP 3/4 V 1,700 1,000 1,510 48.978 NP (510) (300) (453) or NP 3/4 P Only P V 2,500 1,000 1,750 78.914 Small NP (750) (300) (525) NP 3/4 Airplanes P V = Visual approach NP = Nonprecision instrument approach with visibility minimums more than 3/4-statute mile NP >/4 = Nonprecision instrument approach with visibility minimums as low as 3/4-statute mile P = Precision instrument approach 20 Chap 2 AC 15015300-13 CHG 1 Table 2-4. Approach surface dimensions Facilities Runway End. Approach Surface Dimensions Expected Inner Outer Approach Opposite Length Width Width "Slope" To Serve End End feet feet feet run/rise (meters) (meters) (meters) V V 5,000 250 1,250 20:1 (1 500) (75) (375) NP 5,000 500 1,250 20:1 Only (1 500) (150) (375) NP 3/4 5,000 1,000 1,250 20:1 Small P (1 500) (300) (375) Airplanes NP V 5,000 �500 2,000 20:1 NP (1 500) (150) (600) NP 3/4 5,000 1,000 2,000 20:1 P (1 500) (300) (600) V V 5,000 500 1,500 20:1 NP (1 500) (150) (450) NP 3/4 5,000 1,000 1,500 20:1 Large P (1 500) (300) (450) V 10,000 500 3,500 34:1 Airplanes NP NP (3 000) (150) (1 050) NP 3/4 10,000 1,000 3,500 34:1 P (3 000) (300) (1 050) Large NP 3/4 V 10,000 1,000 4,000 34:1 NP (3 000) (300) (1 200) or NP 3/4 P Only P V 10,000 1,000 4,000 50:1 Small NP (3 000) (300) (1 200) NP 3/4 PLUS Airplanes P 40,000 4,000 16,000 40:1 (12 000) (1 200) (4 800) ` Visual approach NP - Nonprec s on nstrument 3/4-statute mile NP 3/4 a Nonprecision instrument 3/4-statute mile approach with visibility minimums more than approach with visibility minimums as low as P - Precision instrument approach Chap 2 19 6/5/91 AC 150/5300-13 CHG 1 P7, C) z Ck- In tn LL. UJ d1% R U.1 z Art 54 0: Cy oL w o- cc I W w bi Z < I dtt N UJ -i K: Ui Cc WJ 0: —J U) 211 en — CO Uj Cc U.1 LL. —j C3 03 • d.0 mi dgt Z 4K% LLJ 0 C3 dC( (—I Ui z cc dCt Uj LL) m > LAj CD z w 0 U. C3 • • z U) UJ (j LLJ in 0i <- • z in w I-- zUj W UJ Z C3 U) Cn (L Cc z 6i 0 LLJ >4 H I-- 4 E, 0 1 � 0" z • It Figure 2-1. Typical airport layout Chap 2 17