Exhibit 3/Zone Change App( *V:1 A
City of Kalispell
A The proposed changes directly promote the Master Plan, as they are
being used as tools of implementing the goals and objectives of the
Kalispell City Airport Neighborhood Plan, which is an Amendment to
the • •
a This objective will be met by permitting appropriate land uses in
appropriate • • • • to r • the ultimate public
ownership, of the property in the "Runway Protection • r r
result in reduced / , w •iate vicinity. By zoning the
property adjacent• Highway 93 to a commercialdesignation,
will utilize an existing major arterial and its associated system of
collectors. The land uses permitted in the proposed are generally
• generators of high• but • #' need access to major
arterials. The proposal offers such land uses easy access to the Airport
and Highway 93. None of the proposed changes should result in
increased congestion in the streets. Safe access is assured through City
site review and the hMOT approach -permit process.
C The restrictive nature of the P-1 district, in terms of permitted lan
• the FAA restrictionsapplicable to the RPZ, enhance the safe
E. The • • B-2 zone districts all containdevelopment st. •. f
which ensure adequate l• • air - setbacks, height• 1
coverage maximums, etc. Furthermore, land uses and building heights
are guided • FAA
Standards vicinityof the airport.
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F'. Residential uses are not permitted in the proposed • so from a
ft population" perspective, overcrowding will not occur. Occupancy and
use • •• and • structures are regulated by • the
Kalispell • Ordinance and the Uniform • Code to avoid
unsafe conditions.
H. The proposed •_ will result in enhanced •• safety; city
utilities are readily available on the developable parcels; schools will not
be impacted, as residential uses are not permitted; and the proposed P-
I district will make available the opportunity to pursue parks and/or
other public facilities.
I. The City has made a commitment, by adopting the Neighborhood Plan,
to see that the existing airport and surrounding neighborhood be
preserved and enhanced. The • character • the highway
frontage will be consistent with existing development in the area, as
will the industrial district planned West of the runway and North of the
Sewage Treatment Plant.
J. The conclusion of the adopted neighborhood plan was that the subject
•• were indeed suitable • the proposed • and the
K. The City Airport and the associated buildings and improvements
• significant investment. The zone changes will assist in
preserving that investment.
L With the safety • the •• and -• vicinity a major •i
of this request, orderly growth and appropriate land uses are not only
encouraged, but required.