10/02/96 Smith/Certificates of Surveysurveying 1131 South Main — P.O. Box 7323 — Kalispell, MT 59904-0323 == consulting October 2, 1996 Diana Roche City of Kalispell Building Department P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 (406) 257-4323 Enclosed are three copies of the recently filed Certificate of Survey (Number 12729) which re- aligns the ballpark parcels to correspond to City Airport runway set -backs. Also enclosed is an invoice for services rendered. If you have questions or require additional copies, please give me a call at your convenience. Thank You, S. R. Smith encl. —Retracements Parcel Divisions Topographic Site Surveys Subdivisions Construction Staking surveying 1131 South Main — P.O. Box 7323 — Kalispell, MT 59904-0323 consulting BILL TO: Diana Roche City of Kalispell Building Department P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 .liR- L (406) 257-4323 DATE INVOICE # 10/2/96 1305 DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT Kalispell Ballpark Survey --Change lot boundaries for runway set -back Two person field crew, 4.5 hrs @ $75/hour Computations, Computer Drafting, Plotting 10 copies of Certificate of Survey (20 sheets) @ $1/sheet 337.50 280.00 20.00 TOTAL $637.50 —Retrocements Parcel Divisions Topographic Site Surveys Subdivisions Construction Staking CER TI FI CA TE OF SURVEY NW114 & NW114 SW114 Section 20, T28N R21 W, P.M.,M. IYI FLATHEAD COUNTY, ON T/ dI NA Ndd record distonce 979.73' NW Sec Car to highway cenlM! e pmr MOT R-o/-{My ptanf Sec 17 ' 10. F5-0;)1B4 Se" 18 .� 49.45' S8952'30 i— 834.60' -------------- ® uu mw arw--t..-r N8952'JO'W 40240 Sec 19 ______$: Sec 20 a� 1 IV I. GRAPHIC SCALE :u o xoo Q. feet) / t in- x00 ft. ju Cent4N•e / - 24f RIOQLA12E u m 1269'A415gT• e nrv1Y Ysy78J 1 \\� ; 'C Z® Found con Nnfting mVm caner as oled 0 Found 5/6' dian. rebor, no cap, -Mess noted ® Found 5/8' diom. ated pin ® F nd 1 1/2' dian. d-minum cap, na ro ® Found / ca c—ar per CS 5041 A Found 2 1/2' X 30" aluminum man -meet par CS 5041 ❑ Found 4 i4' concreto highway monument 0 Found 5/8' d7an. labor with 1 1/4' diem. }e8aw plastic cop monied, 'SM1TN 4740S' Per CS 12140 d 12279 O Set 5/e' than. labor with 11/4' thayetow n. Plastic cap mmked, SM/7N 4740S' Basis at Baaing: Solon ob.— ian aor seo.ca a7v iaoo• 1f f7taek /, �1 I A�"- /[at 1-A r lA a C k nA a1k9 a 5'i61596� � � Ud �, me6 a:hle N�s Parcel 1 Bk 507 '� 23.231 Acres 51.81' 0 POT or N895928 E pareds 1 278.7J' 1 A I g �.�1 �ry tW a4 n Apv br O ai � 11 hh �1IA 11 5895928W 277.82 (—all.1. :. l� ' 3 Parcel 2 goo ?a � a, Q a " 29.701 Acres tS y � S89 4'41'W 277.44' a (Se➢51IT 1M6S' - aer GS Salr7 Sec 19 ISec 20 uM-.«r-s ax 1 °mnou r.rs q Owner: City of Kalispell Purpose: Boundary Line Adlirstment Date: November 14, 1995 2632.16' ---- 1174.72' \ 1 \ 4 Sec 17 North If— of the AW1/4 Seclien 20 Sec 20 o 9• N£ Corner NE1/4 NW114 I z Section 20 � I � I I b I n,o' I ,,I bar aI co Bk 872 fb I'� 9 Wb3 4\ A oak 807 PogoI 717 - Ib im h � �-✓ra -w a v A - 42'41'07' R - MaOO' L - 22150' A - 20179'46' R - 600.00' m L - 211. N' 79 10,55, R B 75.00' S78� 5{ \ i NW 1/16 comer ?\ suwa 20 I Wa I jg h / Awcds J 4 Parcel 4 \ I �1 s 17.028 Acres p Parcel .833 Acre m W "+ 0 A 39.7A' 'ij 5655' ,{. 8• 461,ft� / ��p6b/ t5tcac� .� S£ Comer / g) 52- A- 4956'I7' i t5 q® R . 75.00' S3J'JJ'JB'L' 29.97' �� y Section 20 \�� SEI/4 NWi/4 L - 65J7' SJ259'52'E 105.JJ' / /V., / mca. 645.66' — 67277' ---�"� c.iser; Parch 2 Per core, of Sunay 12279 n 26J6.86' --�'�� N'1 Sheet I of 2, CER77FICATE OF SURVEY NO CER TI FI CA TE OF SURVEY NW114 & NW114 SW1/4, Section 20, T28N R21 W, P.Me,M. FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA That portion of the Northwest 114 of the Northwest 114 of Section 20, Townshp 28 North, Rage 21 West, P.M,kI, f7alheod Ccounty, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing of the southeast comer of the Northwest 114 of the Northwest I14 of said Sec(!- 20, thence along the south line of said oliquoI part North 8946'16' West 14J.44 1-1 10 the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel being described,, thence continuing along the south line of said aliquot part North 89'46'16" West 1122.02 feet 1.the easterly right-of-way line of Monteno Highway N'o. 404, (hence along said easterly right-of-way line North 0010100West IJ1715 feet to the hall cry line of said Section 20; thence along said northerly line of said section, South 89'52'30" East 834.60 feet to the southwesterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 93; thence al-g said southwesterly right -al -way line, South JJV4'19" East 59.75 fact to the northerly line of Lot 7 of the Resubdhisi- of Lot I Black I, Airport Addition, the plat of which is on or record with the Flathead County Glen, and Retarder; thence along the northerly line of said Lot 1, North 8952'30" Wes( 402.40 feet to the northwest comer of sold Lot 1; (hence along (he westerly and southwesterly lines of Lot 1 and Lot 1A of said Resubdlvision of Lot I, Block 1, Airport Addition, South OOVJ'39' West 120IJ feet and South JJV739' EosI 510.44 feet to the most southerly comer of said Lot LA; thence along he southeasterly line of said Lot IA, North 564446' East 251.22 fee( to the most westerly comer of Lot 2, Block 1, Airport Addition to Kalispell, the plat of which is on cord with the Flathead County Clerk end Recorder, thence olong the southwesterly line of sold Lot 2, South 3247*09" East 149.98 feet to the northwesterly line of that pared described in Book J72 Page 172, records of Flathead County, thence along sold northwesterly line of said pe,cet, South 5659'46" Nest 150.25 / t to the most north-ly toner of that parcel described in Book 507 Page 116, records of Flathead County, thence along the northwesterly line of said parcel, South 56'42'49" Nest 2J9.67 feel 1. the most westerly comer of said parcel; thence along the southwesterly line of said parcel, Safh J374 It' East 559.84 feet to the most southerly tom- of said parcel, thence olong the southeasterly line of sold parcel, North 5648*58` Cost 60.85 feet; thence South 3259'10" East 102.95 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 22.2JI Acres of land, all as shown an Certificate of Survey No. which is h-ewlth incorporated in and made a port of this legal description. Subject to o public roadway, known as l8th Street, being 50 feet in width, and lying south of and al-g the most n-fhany line of the above descrbed Parcel 1. P.�dThat portion of the Southeast 114 of the Northwest 114 of Sect!- 20, r.-. /p 28 North, Rage 21 West, P.M.,M., Flathead County, Montana, mare particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northwest comer of the Southeast 114 of the Northwest 114 of said Section 20; thence along the westonly line of said aliquot port South OOVI'58' West 220.22 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel being described; thence South J259Y0" East 114LOO feet to the northwesterly line of that percal described as Tract 11 in Document No. 9202116120, records of Flathead County, thence al-9 said northwesterly lime of said Tract It. South 5655*16 Wesf 59.78 feet to the cost westerly comer of said Tract X' thence along the southwesterly line of said Tract !l, South J33J'J8" East 29.91 feet to the most westerly comer of that cancel described as Tract I in document No. 9202116120, records of Flathead County, thence along the southwesterly line of said Tract 1, South J259'52" East 29.95 feet to the most westonly comer of that parcel described in Document No. 8502216220. records of Flathead County, thence along the southwesterly line of said parcel, South J259'52" East 75.J8 feet to the s-M line of the Southeast 114 of the Northwest 114 of sold Section 20; than al said oufh line of said aliquot par(, North 89'40'03 West 645.66 feet to the southwest comer of said aliquot part; thence along the west line of said aliquot part, North OOV158' East 1099.2J feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 8.8JJ Acres of land, all as shown on Certificate of Survey No. , which is herewith included and made o part of this legal description. TOCEIHER VMIH easement, a road-y and utility being JO feet in width, and lying northwesterly of and along the southeasterly boundary line of the following described Parcel 4 of Certificate of Survey No.__. That portion of the Southwest 114 of the Northwest 114 and the Northwest 114 of the Southwest 114 of Section 20, Twnshlp 28 North, Rage 21 West, Principal Meridian, Flofhead County, Mafaa, more particularly described as fatlows; COMMENCING al the northeast comer a/ the Southwest 114 of the Northwest 114 of Sect/- 20, Township 28 North, Range 21 Wesf, thence along the north line of .aid Wlquof part, North 89'46'I6" Nest 14344 feet to the POINT Or BEGINNING of the pared being described; thence continuing along the north line of said aliquot part, North 89-46.16' West 1122.02 feet to the east n! l-of-woy line o1 Montana Highway No. 404, a deeded state highway described in Book 564, Page 218-225, records of Flathead Counfy, Montana; thence along said east right- of-way line of said highway, South 0001'Do- East 2J5. 06 feet to the northwest comer of that parcel described in Book 466 Page 807, records of Flathead County, Mafaa; thence W-g the north and cast lines a/ said parcel, North 895928' East 178.1J feel and South 0017J21' Nest 25D00 feet to the northeast comer of that parcel described in Book J9I Page 47, records of Flathead County, Manton.; thence along the - 1 and south lines of said parcel, Sao th OOVJ21' West 299.78 feet end South B95441' Wesf 27744 feet to the bove-soid east right-of-woy line of Mont -a Highway No. 404. a deeded stole highway, (hence along said east right-of-way line a1 said M-(ono Highway No. 404, South OOVi'00' East 65.84 feet end South 14 of 8' East 7.44 / f; thence South 88V441' East 17BJ feet to the beginning of a 100.00 fact radius cure- fo the right, thence along said c✓raw fhr-gh a -teal angle oI 24'47'08" an arc length oI 4316 leaf; thence South 6J77'33' East 28766 feet fa the beginning of a J00.00 foot radius curve fa the right; !hence along said ere through a nfrol angle o/ 41'4l'07' -arc length o/ 21J.50 feet, fhenca Soufh 203626' Eosl 112.15 feet to the beginning of a 75.00 fool radius carve to the left; thence along said curve fhro pqh o central -9le of 787055' an arc length of 102.J4 feet; thence North 8112 J9" East JJ387 feet to the beginning of a 600.00 radius curvy to the right thence al-g sold curve through a ten teal ogle of 20V9'46' on -c length of 211.14 feat thence Soufh 78:i7 JS" East 60.78 fee( to the beginning of a 75.00 foot radius cure to the right, thence along said curve through a central eagle of 4956'17' on rc length of 65.37 feet, thence South 284178` fast 62.55 feet to the east line of the Northwest 114 of the Southwest 114 of said Section 20; thence along sad east line of said aliquot part, North OOVO'17' East 41.76 feet to the outheast con r of the Southwest 114 a1 the Northwest 114 of sold Section 20, that- along the east line of said aliquot part, North 00-01.58' East 1099.2J feet, thence North 3259'i0' West 26J22 feet to the Point of Beginning, c-laming 29,701 acres of land. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER KITH a Prlvofe Road and Utility Easement, being 30 feel in width, the cent -line of which is the southonly boundary of the obove described Parcel 2. All - shown on the attached Carfir-to of Svrvay which !s herewith incorporated in old made o part of this legal descri➢lion. feared 4 That portion of the Northwest 114 of Section 20, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M., Flathead County, Mataa, mare particularly described as follows, Commencing at the northwest comer of the Southeost 114 of the Northwest 114 of said Section 20, th-ce a/-g the easton/y line of said aliquot part South 00V7'58" West 220.22 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the p-cet being tles-bed; thence South 3259'10' East 1141.00 feet to the northwesterly line of that ponce/ described as Tract ll in Document Na. 9202116120, records of Flathead County, thence along said northwesterly line of said tract 11,, North 5655'16" East 481.14 feet to the southwesterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 9J' thence along said southwesterly right-of-woy line, North 33V4'19" West 1568.07 feet to the southeasterly line of that parcel described in Book 372 Page 171, cords of Flathead County. thence along said soufheasterly line of said parcel, South 5,52'57" West J00.01 feet to the northeasterly fine of that parcel described in Book 107. Page 176, records of Flathead Count thence along said northeasterly line of said parcel. South 337545 East 60.J7 feet to the southeasterly line of said parcel; thence along said southeaster/y line of said parcel, S-M 56'48'58" West 179.08 feet; thence Soufh 3259'10' East J66.1; /eel to the Point of Beginning, confolning 17028 Acres of land, all as shown xI Certificate of Survey No. which is herewith incorporated and mode a port of this legal description. Reserving Therefrom a non-exclusive roadway and utility eosemenf, being JO feet in width, lying northwesterly of and along the most southeasterly line of the above described Parcel 4. Reserving therefrom a non-exclusive roadway end utility easement, being JO feet in width, lying southeasterly of and along the most northwesterly line of the above described Parcel 4. Owner; City of Kalispell Purpose: Boundary Line Adjustment Date: November 14, 1995 2IWe certify that the purpose of This survey is to relocate common boundaries between adjoining properties, and that n additional parcels obeing cr eated, reated; therefore, this survey rise) emit from renew as o subdivision pursuant to Section 76-3-207 1 (o, M.C.A. Parcels 1 & 2 are larger than 20 acres in sae and ore therefore exempt ham Health Department re Parcels J & 4 are located totally within the Kalispell City -County Master Plan area, and are therefore exempt from renew pursuant to Section 16.16.603.. Dated ,1996 Owner STATE OF MONTANA SS COUNTY OF FLATHEAD On this— tloy of , 1996, before me, the undersigned, Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared the oboveslgned known to me to be the persons whose non subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknow/aged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public far the State of Montana Residing of _ My commission expires CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR S. R. SMITH MONTANA REGISTRATION NO. 474OS APPROVED: ,1996 EXAMINING LAND SURVEYOR REG. NO, STATE OF MONTANA ) SS. COUNTY OF FLATHEAD ) FILED ON THE __._ DAY OF .1996 A.O. AT_ O'CLOCK _M. BY COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER DEPUTY INSTRUMENT REC. NO. Sheet 2 of 2, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO.